Sunday, December 26, 2010

these oil turds are nervous about the trend of everybody going green!!! ha ha ha ha ha the chevy volt and the nissan leaf are hear!!! not to mention the bad @#$% tesla with many other manufactures getting on board, its just a matter of time when we can thumb are noses at them and then sell them fresh water for the same price as their oil!!!OPEC target price was $40 just 6 years ago. No inflation, or supply/demand issues justify the new OPEC price, let alone the current price.

The current price is manipulated by the investment banks hedging oil against the dollar.

Reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act and get the investment banks out of commodity trading, and the price of oil will drop to $40 almost overnight.

Until this happens, there isn't going to be any recovery, either here in the US or worldwide.

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