Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Really? Who was she? A pawn in yet another big business rip-off scheme. Why aren't they going after the fund manager and their stuporvisors or companies? Because the peons take it for the suits, every chance possible, and the Feds are obviously ok with that. It wouldn't surprise me to find out the prosecutors got paid off by the crooked fund managers out of the funds they basically embezzeled and the contact, who was probably doing what she was told and got paid nothing for it becomes the fall guy. It's ok though, nothing to see here, move along. This will be covered up nicely, no laws will be changed, no further regulation enacted and the little guy will continue to take it in the shorts for the crooked empty suits.Hey, it's almost becoming a daily thing that we here about billions being ripped off. Congress won't be put in jail for the way they have taken billions. They make the rules, and have all the money. Oh yeah, they also have jobs, medical, pension, bonuses and live very @#$% well. They don't care about americans suffering. They got it made.Out on bail to finish hiding or destroying all the evidence.
How about they sit in prison... oh wait... we are discussing the rich elite...with big lawyer connections.
Take them all outside the courthouse and hang every one of them.
How many people lost massive investments because of these people....?

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