Wednesday, January 12, 2011

America has forsaken God and now God forsake America, just like Judas and israel forsook God and God forsook them and let Nechabunasser destroyed judas and slaves jews for 70 years. Soon America will be indirectly slave to China, economically America is Chinese slave already.The Chinese version of Nuking America
Call in the debt and insist on cash only for Chinese products.Americans needs to come to their senses and start believeing "The bigger they were, the harder they are falling". They are no more the top dog. China is influential in every way, and by 2020, mark my word, China will be Superpower and the top dog. And US knows this. If US wants to retain its position, it needs to stop bullying other nations and mind it own business. Get the millary out of other nations. Simply said "THEY DID NOT INVITE YOU, THEY DONT NEED YOU, GO HOME AMERICANS, WHO MADE YOU THE POILCEMAN" and focus on improving your relationships with other nations and stop thinking of yourselves as something special. The world would be a better place if this nation was never discovered. Or never existed.China's army is huge, they now have the aircraft carrier killer bomb and the new stealth plane. This is all funded by China's outlet store - Walmart. The USA world leadership in military and economics is a thing of the past. I hope Americans like to play second fiddle...third fiddle ?

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