Wednesday, January 12, 2011

China may surprise you. Do you think any country shows its true military technologies in public. For every new piece they expose they have something more advanced in the shadows. They are more influential then you think, do you know they own most of the large debt in this country. If they called all the loans they have made us at one time they would be able to bankrupt the whole country. Listen up you are living in a world that does not exist anymore so get yourself educated on the countries around you and be surprised at how they have come along since fifty years agolSlimer wrote : India and the US could stand against China. China stands too much to lose in such a fight. They still do not have a single operational aircraft carrier. They do not have planes or pilots yet capable of taking off or landing on an aircraft carrier. The fact that the US is saying openly we are afraid of the carrier killer missile, although it seems we have been aware of it's development for some time, likely means we already have a defense against it and hope China continues wasting money and resources on it.

Great! Keep underestimating your enemies and it will make self-deluded guys like you sleep better at night.

Remember Vietnam? A mighty world power with all the great technological weapons etc could not defeat an impoverished third world country.

Wonder when will be the next lesson on how to be humble and not to underestimate or in this case, overestimate oneself?

Pride always comes before the BIG fall!

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