Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"China invited U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates inside its nuclear warfare headquarters on Wednesday, giving him a rare glimpse into control of weapons that could one day be launched at the United States."

Article opens up with "weapons that could one day be launched at the US".
Don't let this war-rhetoric propaganda brain wash all you fools.

The Chinese have been the most advanced throughout most of the human race.
We have just been taught eurocentricism our whole lives.
Do any of you realize China already owns us?
We owe trillions of dollars.
We're just hoping for a war so we can murder the lenders ASAP.
The usual strategy of Americans starting from its birth.

I'm not proud to be a citizen of today's America.

If you thumbs me down on this because you think I am not patriotic, you are an ignorant, arrogant fool.
If you are smart enough to see some truth to this, thank you for your awareness.

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