Friday, January 14, 2011

The banks are finally clamping down on the financial obscurities of these assorted fine representatives of certain "sovereign states", obviously wiht the help and blessing of Washington. Clearly, most of these flea infested representatives, or rather complainants, would have an impossible time to explain some obvious irregularities involving large sums of cash and funny looking wire transfers. Hopefully, it will be getting more difficult for these cave dwellers to arrange payments for "services rendered" unnoticed by the rest of the civilized world. One has to only look at the individuals who have a problem with getting proper financial representation and it is clear what is going on. One has to be particularly touched by the comments of Iran's representative, who is so concerned about the UN getting paid membership dues. After all, it is an institution that is so dear to the Iranians.
All in all, great material for SNL.the banks do not want to have to report their transactions at all, so rather than report, they close the reports necessary. i don't know if the government thought they would go to that extreme, but now that they have, lets see if the government backs off. the un is a place where countries can deal with each other without having to cross borders. the u.s. benefits from having the un here. if we didn't, it would not continue to be here.

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