Friday, January 14, 2011

George W Bush loved to borrow from China so he could pay for tax cuts for the rich. When push comes to shove and it comes down to sending interest checks to China or Social security checks to grandma the Chinese will realize they made a big mistake in being George W's enabler.Michael the government needed to spend money by the trainload to keep the economy from going over the cliff after Republican deregulation led to a huge Wall Street meltdown. You're supposed to not borrow til Uncle Sam's credit card is maxed out so you can borrow in emergencies. Why did we add all that debt under Reagan and his Number One Fan george W Bush.Sounds more like Guido, Toni, and Sal are putting the squeeze on the neighborhood. Oh we are so sorry there are no trucks to deliver your order this week. Good luck and call us if we can do anything for you. Disgusting zionist international banksters.This ABUSE is yet another example why the UN should NOT be hosted in the USA. Americans are simply incapable of comprehending what the concept of international collaboration and diplomacy means.All Americans understand is MONEY, VIOLENCE and PERVERSION.It may be an unintended consequence of BHO's financial "reforms." For all who say those reforms were needed because of lax regulation during the recent Bush Administration, I suggest you go back to the affirmative action in lending policies administrations of the first Bush and his successor, Slick W, for the root of the SUBPRIME mortgage crisis which started this whole banking sector implosion.

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