Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Netanyahu wants to fight Iran to the last dead AmericanThey got most of there weapons technology from us due to lax security in the US.They stole designs for W-88 nuclear warheads from Las Alamosis. They have copies of the electronics packages from the aegis system used by the US navy. They stole designs of the stealth fighter two years ago & it was downplayed by Obama administration. Ten years ago the technology to fix there ICBMs was acquired from US contractors.They have purchased aircraft carriers from Russia to copy. They are acquiring cruise missle technology. This is a very dangerous situtation. But our goverment is too busy with partisan politics to take notice. This is really scary.I agree! There selling out the plans. There giving them the secretes. Bill Gates is probably helping with new spy wear to decode every cable from embassies to airstations. They probably have already infiltrated most bases in the US. They probably know more about the stratigic US Command center then there letting. They have Chinese working in every Major Govt Dept. They probably have knowledge about you.

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