Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Please, there is no stealing of technology. The founder of JPL is a Chinese and 50 years on, that is the fruits of his dedication to his motherland. He can be considered as the father of US rocketry. Google it, "founders of JPL"

The US treated this Chinese American so bad that he has to go back to China. The air-headed CIA or FBI agents framed that he is a spy and search his office and found a log table and thought that was some kind of "moose" code. LOL please read my next comment for the FACTSAfter the Soviet Union collapsed, we took up too much responsibility for the whole world. We involve three major wars since, the Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan wars, two of them are still on, that is real hurt us. We may learn it from the hard way and should pass the responsibility to somebody else. We were just overestimating our power.we chinese own you, we have superior people, more money, agriculture, resources, allies( they like us better haha, like brazil, russia, cuba etc) more intelligent students, less expensive teachers, food, water, rent, better apartments, cities with gardens( like water gardens filled with lilies, roses, trees lining the roads) and less greedy people( well our workers are honest, diligent, and efficient in comparison to you also) we know who is better we know who is going to become even more powerful and who is going to rule the universe, and you know too, thats uus, the world is waiting, through your unprovoked wars, you've pissed everyone off everyone, every state which is our ally will help us and we collectively are bigger, richer and have more resources(as in all chinese allies) so who is going to kow tow to who, lets save time and skip the war, Obama, see you at the forbidden city, get castrated and kow tow 9 times to hujintao and by the way pay off your flucking debt we want payment 3 trillion up front now!!!

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