Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We do not need another war. Iran has been passive, our troops have been over their they know they can't win in full combat with us so why should we attack them they wont attack us.. As for Israel it would be close contest of who would win and the know it, its why they keep telling us to hit Iran.It is Israelis' war, let Israelis fight for themselves. Besides Israelis had already broken the rules, Israelis had left the Jewish Reservation that U.S. Congress had helped to set aside for them. When Indians left the reservations, Congress sent cavalries to hunt them down and killed them all. That was how we known of Yosemite.if Israel wanted an air strike they would do it, but they know missiles would come raining down on them. They need to make sure we will go to full blown war with Iran if they started destroying Jewish towns or also known as invade Iran.U.S had helped to build a Jew Reservation in middle east. It is a thankless task and brought nightmares to U.S.
1. Oil embargo from OPEC, oil price was pushed up from under $3.00 a barrel to $12.00 a barrel around 1973. It was pushed up to $150 around 2007
2. Endless terrorists attacks on U.S. citizens
3. The true holocaust, 9/11, when American Icon, twin world towers were burning right in front of all tax payers eyes plus thousands of lives were lost.
4. Billions of tax payers' hard earned dollars were threw in a bottomless pit (middle east conflict, Israel in particular.
5. The strip and pad down search at the airports
Congress is kept ignoring the first amendment of the constitution, " separation of state and the church". If the middle east countries want to kill each other, that is their choices. They have been at each other for hundreds if not thousands of years.
U.S. should not and can not be the crusaders anymore, even though the Jewish lobbying group in U.S. have been paying millions if not hundreds of millions dollars to Congressmen and Senators ever since the creation of the Jewish reservation, Israel.

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