Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gas and oil need to removed from the commodities market where greed is rampant. It can be manipulated by the littlest things.Most of you cats here are crazy. Oil for personal auto transportation is only about 45% of the oil. 10% more covers the trains, planes and semi's. The remaining 45% is used for plastics in your every day life. Look in your room. Computer is plastic made from oil. Lights, desk, carpeting, etc. are all oil based. Hospital gowns, syringes, instrument? OilThe "last" gas shortage we had was under Nixon and that was a manufactured event...We have never had an actual shortage...think...where would they put all the oil they pump every hour of every day..
Bush and Co got away with the fake shortage and now Obmma will too...higher price = more tax collected...another no brainer...Yes, but it costs them money to stop and re-start, they only stop for maintenance or malfunctions...The actual price at the pumps is about $28 per bbl, the rest is speculation by investors..."manipulators"...Gas is taxed by the gallon, not by the price. Therefore: higher price=less consumption=less tax collected. As for your storage problem, oil production can easily be reduced and even stopped if necessary.

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