Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's Ok guys, Nothinyahoo Bibi is just a little angry at Iranians for capturing Mossad spies in Iran and telling the world that israeli spies are in the neighborhood, he'll get over it !? Oh wait - I don't think that's how they are ,
I forgot that these are Warmongers and want more Wars and Destruction no matter the cost of Human lives ! as long as they get their Agendas ! A lot of Shame on them ! But we the people can stop them, Peace yuall.Natanyahoo @#$%. Why don't you find a backbone and fight the Iranians yourself.
You are awful brave with American lives.No Bibi, America already sacrificed enough in Iraq for you. Be real brave and fight your own battles. Stop subverting America through AIPAC!The dog barks.

Or do I hear a whimpering sound.

Sorry,but your master is busy,fending off attacks from more vicious enemies on the other side of the aisle.Israel has a mighty military, go and attack Iran and stop asking us to do your dirty work,or are they only good at killing captive Palestinians held in gaza...

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