Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Traders need to be executed, 10 a week, until someone gets the message. You can't get rich speculating on the backs of the working class. Oil prices need to be the prices without interference from traders who's only goal is to drive the price higher.Drill at home or we REVOLT....Quit messing with americans lives and money, I promise those continuing this greed , it will be the death of your business in the United States.The most deciding factor in all of the major wars since World War 2 was and is the control of oil, ours and theirs. Except, of course, for the actual use of a nuclear bomb or two.

Our military, as well as other major countries militaries, must make world dominance of the oil and nuclear industries their main objective or they are not doing their job. They can do this by recruiting allies and/or by the use of aggression against the others.

World Governments are under the thumb of the various Military Industrial Complexes protection rackets. Not just for the armies and weapon production or the multitudes of jobs related to it, but because oil is the number one resource that powers their nation.

The only way to stop the current Oil Wars and Get Some Control Over Our Economy is to wean ourselves from oil and end 3 wars.
NOW is a good time to start.

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