Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ta hell with war - lets educate babies and have less of them. Then lets colonize Mars, Moon, Titan, Europa. Teraform Venus by shading the sun with orbiting umbrellas. Stop with ignorance we are are all one!!!!For what we waste a year on the Military, we could have colonized Mars.

How do we defend ourselves against al quaida, by bombing innocent people, and creating more hatred of US????????? That creates more terrorists.Why does Israel think we have to nuke Iran. We give Israel 6 Billion Dollars and Egypt 4 Billion Dollars not to fight each other. We sell Israel miltary equipment( Cluster bombs, Jet Fighters,Spare parts) then instead of getting our money, we forgive their debt. We have to be the big bad USA for Israel. Our country is hated enough and I would get the hell out of the Middle East and start taking care of our own country. I hope for peace, but let the Middle East settle their disputes amoung themselves.US is broke.
Israel ,it's your turnNetanyahoo great king and savior of the world come bow down and kiss my @#$%.
Your a jackass for reading this.

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