Wednesday, March 23, 2011

for over a thousand years England always used Arab league type Arabs and African union type African to built what England and Europe is today "made from the looted wealth of Africa and Asia" These are the same type of Arabs and Africans who help caught Europeans free Africans and exported them as slaves to America. Millions upon millions died on way and their body thrown at open sea. Who remember those forgotten human beings? How many millions turned slaves, than they separate mother from child and sold them in auction to different bidders. Was that a holocaust?

Now again these despicable Arabs and Africans are gathering in London to decide fate of Libyan wealth in the name of protecting civilians but somehow they did not remember 14,000 Gazan murdered by the American terror outpost call Israel just 2 years ago. Where was U.N. that? Where was France? Where was England?World should boycott Olympic Games in London 2012. Any reason why such manifestation of peace is of any value today? How anyone reasonable would still like to participate?

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