Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Obama was played(thats why foreign policy experience is necessary). What will happen now is that France got us into Libya, they will conveniently find a way to leave with the US holding the bag and the bill. Therefore the US will be blamed for anything that happens in Libya and they walk away free and clear to sign oil contracts with Libya. And even worse will be the liberals in France crying saying the US is babykillers and is only there for oil, all the while they started it and tricked Obama into it. They will reap the benefits and leave us with the bill.Russia's real boss Putin, has already said to, now finally China has also just stepped up to warn France and the UK to halt their air strikes and stand down and soon the first French and or UK jets will get taken out and it will explicitly teach the Euro-trash to stick their quintessentially big noses into a civil war for future $-oil-$ to their respective countries! 'Instant Karma' is gonna git your scum Euro asses, and more importantly how many "EXTRA" civilians will die due to the Euro-Trash's involvement into a 'totally internal civil war'! Paybacks will be a MF'er! and hopefully Russia and China will hand out that payback!! Obama or Bush: Not a dimes worth of difference! Back to back morons! When will this country get a real President, it's been 10 1/2 years now? Will there never be another Regan or JFK? I'd even settle for another Bill Clinton right about now....well on 2nd thought not Bill Clinton or any Clinton...

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