As-salaamu Alaikum Wa'rahmatullahi Wa'barakatuh
The Best Days Of The Year Are Fast Approaching Us!
Praise be to Allaah.
In what follows, we will highlight some of the Sunnah regarding these days, hoping by this to provide an incentive to make the best out of them and gain Allaah’s reward, in shaa’ Allaah.
The First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah
"The best days in the world are the Ten days." [Ibn Hibbaan, al-Bazzaar, authenticated in Saheeh Jaami` us-Sagheer #1133]
"There are no days during which good deeds are more beloved by Allaah than these (ten) days." [al-Bukhaaree, at-Tirmidhee and others] The Prophet, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, was then asked: "Not even Jihaad in Allaah’s way?" He replied: "Not even Jihaad in Allaah’s way; except for a person who went out (for Jihaad) with his self and wealth and came back with none (i.e. lost all for Allaah)." [at-Tirmidhee, authenticated in al-Albaanee’s Irwaa’ ul-Ghaleel, #953]
All good deeds can be done during these days and the early generations of Muslims used to exert themselves excessively in worshipping Allaah. In particular, fasting and dhikr (mentioning and remembering Allaah) are to be done in plenty on these days.
Ibn `Abbaas commented on the verse <<…and to mention Allaah’s name on Known days>> [22:28] by saying: <…these known days are the ten days .>
One of the wives of the Prophet, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, said: "Allaah’s Messenger used to fast the (first) nine days of Dhul Hijjah, the day of `Ashooraa’, and three days of each month." [Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood #2129]
Fasting on all these days, however, is not waajib (compulsory).
The Day of `Arafah - The Best Day of the Whole Year
The day of `Arafah is the day when the pilgrims stand in worship on the Mountain of `Arafah.
"Fasting the day of `Arafah expiates the sins of two years: a past one and a coming one. And fasting the day of `Aashooraa’ expiates the sins of the past year."
"There is no day on which Allaah `azza wa jall frees people from the Fire as He does no the day of `Arafah. He comes close (to those standing on `Arafah) and then revels before His angels, saying: "What are these people seeking?"
Eid Ul Adhaa
The tenth of Dhul-Hijjah is Eid Ul Adhaa (also known as the day of an-Nahr (slaughtering)). It marks the conclusion of the major rites of Hajj, and commemorates Allaah’s bounty on His Messenger Ibraaheem, when He gave him a ram to sacrifice as ransom for his son Ismaa`eel, `alayhimassalaam.
"The day of al-Fitr , the day of an-Nahr, and the days of Tashreeq are Eid days for us Muslims. They are days of eating and drinking." [Ahmad, an-Nasaa’ee, Saheeh ul-Jaami` #8192]
The Three Days Following Eid Ul Adhaa
On these days, the pilgrims complete their rites, Muslims continue with their Eid celebrations, and are prohibited to fast. "The days of tashreeq are days of eating, drinking and mentioning Allaah."
The Sacrifice
Allaah `azza wa jall mentioned the sacrifice together with the first and foremost worship in Islaam: prayer. This is a clear indication of its great importance. Thus He ordered His Messenger, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, to slaughter sacrifices by saying: <<"…Pray unto your Lord and slaughter …">> [109:2]
The general concensus of the Muslim scholars is that the sacrifice is an important sunnah, and a worship called for in the Law of Allaah. However, they differ as to whether it is nafl (voluntary) or waajib (mandatory) for those who can afford it. Some scholars have explained the different ahaadeeth on the subject by stating that the sacrifice is obligatory on those who can afford it and not obligatory on those who cannot.
Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, said: "He who has the capacity, and does not sacrifice, may not approach our musallaa (place of prayer - on the Eid)." [Ibn Maajah, Ahmad and others, authenticated by Al-Albaanee in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, #2533]
Regarding this hadeeth, Imaam ash-Shaukaanee said: "Prohibiting the one who could afford to sacrifice, but did not do so, from approaching the musallaa indicates that he must have left off a waajib, as it becomes useless to offer the salaah without this waajib ." [Nayl ul-Awtaar]
Avoid Cutting Hair or Nails
The one who plans to sacrifice (normally, the head of household) is prohibited to cut his hair or nails from the first Dhul Hijjah until he offers the sacrifice. "For the one who has a slaughtering to perform (on Eid then, once the hilaal (crescent) of Dhul Hijjah is observed, let him not cut any of his hair or nails until he sacrifices." And in another narration: "Once the ten days start, for those of you who havethe intention to sacrifice, let them not cut any of their hair or nails (until they sacrifice)." This prohibition is the opinion of the majority of the scholars of the early generations of Muslims.
Allaahu A`lam
Our last call is all praise is to Allaah and may His salaah and salaam be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family.
Based on "Al-A`yaad fil Islaam" [by Muhammad. al-Jibaly]
NB. Insha Allah the 1st of Dhul Hijjah this year will be around the 7th November 2010 (depending on the sighting of the moon). So let's get preparing for these great days that are fast approaching. May Allah accept from us.
The 10 Days of Dhul-Hijjah
The 10 Days of Dhul-Hijjah
The Virtues of the first 10 days of Dhull Hijjah
The Virtues of Dhul Hijjah
Five special deeds for Thul Hijjah
Five special deeds
Dhul Hijjah and Christmas - Masood Chowdhury
Dhul Hijjah and Christmas
The 10 Days Of Dhul-Hijjah - Sh. Sajid Ahmed Umar
The 10 Days Of Dhul-Hijjah
The 10 Days Of Dhul-Hijjah with Sheikh Sajid Ahmed Umar
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Sunday, October 31, 2010
26 October 2010
Was Paul the Octopus killed by a secret service squid in the pay of the CIA? No.
RomartusAdded by Romartus
OBERHAUSEN, Germany -- Paul the Psychic Octopus has been found dead in his aquarium in suspicious circumstances.
The famous cephalopod, whose amazing predictions of the winner of the World Cup made him an international star, was discovered upside-down and with his tentacles in the air. His keepers said Paul had been very happy, eating mussels and writing out a report for the US Federal Reserve. The next day, he was as dead as a plate of paella. At the time of the World Cup, Paul was receiving daily death threats from outraged fans of various countries in the World Cup who he had predicted against. Argentinians said they would fry Paul in a plate of calamari, whilst the English fans warned they would cover him in tomato sauce and serve the octopus with baked beans on toast. However, once he retired from sports prognostication, Paul went into journalism. Now, the German police have been brought in to investigate his death.
It's a sad loss to the world, said a spokesperson. Last night Paul was happily working on an article for Wikileaks and today we find him dead, floating on the top of his tank with his arms hanging limply in the water. It was a sad sight and now we are checking a list of all the visitors Paul has received over the last few weeks.
Julian Assange from the Wikileaks website says Paul's death was no accident, nor the result of old age. He says the Paul had been working deep undercover (under a rock in the bottom of the aquarium, to be exact) and had been about to release the names of all the octopi killed in Iraq and Afghanistan in secret operations by the CIA, using bottle-nosed dolphins and other known predators of cephalopods.
Paul was about to break open oysters of information the authorities don't want you to see -- or eat, said Assange. He has been silenced, as I will be one day. If you mourn for Paul, you are crying for me too.
Already the aquarium has received flowers and messages from around the world. US President Barack Obama said he will send Vice President Joseph Biden if the German government of Chancellor Angela Merkel decide on a State Funeral and slap-up banquet in memory of Paul the Octopus. Other possible attendees for the funeral are Prince Charles on behalf of the United Kingdom, Gerard Depardieu for France, President Silvio Berlusconi for Italy, Deputy Head Panda Renminbi Yuan-Yuan of China and The Little Mermaid on behalf of Denmark. Others expected to tuck their respects will be Jamie Oliver, Nigella Lawson, Gordon Ramsay, Monsieur Cordon Bleu from Glee and Ronald McDonald for the rest of the world.
In a separate development, a new website will be set up by those who believe Paul was murdered in connection with the assassination of President John.F.Kennedy in 1963 and the attack on the Twin Towers. These are already been known as "tankers," a term derived from Paul's last resting place. They have already observed that Paul's death has been reported twice, but with differing accounts about where his body was found.
[edit] Sources
* Staff "Paul the Octopus dies". ESPN, October 26, 2010
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Was Paul the Octopus killed by a secret service squid in the pay of the CIA? No.
RomartusAdded by Romartus
OBERHAUSEN, Germany -- Paul the Psychic Octopus has been found dead in his aquarium in suspicious circumstances.
The famous cephalopod, whose amazing predictions of the winner of the World Cup made him an international star, was discovered upside-down and with his tentacles in the air. His keepers said Paul had been very happy, eating mussels and writing out a report for the US Federal Reserve. The next day, he was as dead as a plate of paella. At the time of the World Cup, Paul was receiving daily death threats from outraged fans of various countries in the World Cup who he had predicted against. Argentinians said they would fry Paul in a plate of calamari, whilst the English fans warned they would cover him in tomato sauce and serve the octopus with baked beans on toast. However, once he retired from sports prognostication, Paul went into journalism. Now, the German police have been brought in to investigate his death.
It's a sad loss to the world, said a spokesperson. Last night Paul was happily working on an article for Wikileaks and today we find him dead, floating on the top of his tank with his arms hanging limply in the water. It was a sad sight and now we are checking a list of all the visitors Paul has received over the last few weeks.
Julian Assange from the Wikileaks website says Paul's death was no accident, nor the result of old age. He says the Paul had been working deep undercover (under a rock in the bottom of the aquarium, to be exact) and had been about to release the names of all the octopi killed in Iraq and Afghanistan in secret operations by the CIA, using bottle-nosed dolphins and other known predators of cephalopods.
Paul was about to break open oysters of information the authorities don't want you to see -- or eat, said Assange. He has been silenced, as I will be one day. If you mourn for Paul, you are crying for me too.
Already the aquarium has received flowers and messages from around the world. US President Barack Obama said he will send Vice President Joseph Biden if the German government of Chancellor Angela Merkel decide on a State Funeral and slap-up banquet in memory of Paul the Octopus. Other possible attendees for the funeral are Prince Charles on behalf of the United Kingdom, Gerard Depardieu for France, President Silvio Berlusconi for Italy, Deputy Head Panda Renminbi Yuan-Yuan of China and The Little Mermaid on behalf of Denmark. Others expected to tuck their respects will be Jamie Oliver, Nigella Lawson, Gordon Ramsay, Monsieur Cordon Bleu from Glee and Ronald McDonald for the rest of the world.
In a separate development, a new website will be set up by those who believe Paul was murdered in connection with the assassination of President John.F.Kennedy in 1963 and the attack on the Twin Towers. These are already been known as "tankers," a term derived from Paul's last resting place. They have already observed that Paul's death has been reported twice, but with differing accounts about where his body was found.
[edit] Sources
* Staff "Paul the Octopus dies". ESPN, October 26, 2010
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Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Aral, the dying sea
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Map showing position of the Aral Sea
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Book: The Devil and the Disappearing Sea
Once the world's fourth largest lake, the mighty Aral Sea is now in it's death throes. Starved of it's lifeblood of the waters of the Syr Darya and the Amu Darya rivers, the sea has been shrinking for the last 40 years.
From the 1930s, the former Soviet Union started building large scale diversion canals to irrigate vast cotton fields in a grand plan to make cotton a great export earner. This was achieved, and even today Uzbekistan is still a large exporter of cotton. But the cost in ecological and human terms have been astronomical.
By 1960, 25 to 50 cubic kilometres of river water was being diverted annually for irrigation, and naturally enough, the shoreline began to recede. The mean sea level dropped 20cm (8") per year for 10 years, then the drop rate accelerated to 60cm/year in the 70s, then to almost a metre per year in the 80s.
By 1990, as a result of the continuing water diversion and evaporation, the shrinking Aral divided in two and it's salinity increased from 10 grams per litre to 45. In some parts of the south Aral, salinity tops out at 98 g/litre (2001). Average seawater salinity is 33 g/litre. The once thriving fishing industry has been destroyed along with the fish and most of the flora and fauna. Salt pans and contaminated runoff lakes have appeared, and winters have become harsher and longer, summers hotter and shorter.
Attempts in 1992 and 1997 to build the 14 km long Karateren-Kokaral dyke between the north and the south Aral (the south being abandoned, the north reflooded) was successful for 9 and 12 months until they were both breached by the weight of the water, and the fact that only enough money was available to build an inherently weak sand structure. This same plan, using concrete, has been revived in 2003 by the Kazakh government.
Vozrozdeniya Island -growing larger since 1960, joined the mainland in 2001, and added another cruel ingredient to the Aral disaster. Vozrozdeniya was a Soviet Army research and biological weapons facility until 1992, dealing reportedly in anthrax and other nasties that now have the potential to migrate. Ironically, Vozrozdeniya is Russian for 'rebirth' or 'renaissance'.
The area is now constantly subject to toxic duststorms and desertification, the people of the area have 9 times the world average rate for throat cancer (2004), and infant/maternity mortality is the highest in all of the former Soviet Union's republics. Respiratory complications, tuberculosis and eye diseases are also rising alarmingly.
Map of Aral sea showing shoreline from 1960 to 2004
In a deperate attempt to keep their vessels in the shrinking Aral, channels were dredged to the open sea. it was a futile exercise, as the sea receded faster than the channels could be built. The fishing industry was effectively gone by 1982, and the canning plant processing frozen fish brought in from other areas to keep fishermen employed, folded in 1991.
Of the region's 73 species of birds, 70 of mammals and 24 of fish, most have either perished or moved on.
Pic showing fishing vessels stranded by the receeding Aral Sea
Vast cotton feilds, irrigated by the Kara Kum canal and others, boosted Soviet cotton production by an impressive 70% between 1960 and 1980, then alarming degradation to the Aral basin was noticed, although not officially acknowledged by the central government.
All the canals were built on the cheap, most were never lined, consequently between 35 to 70% of the water is lost to evaporation and seepage -even today (2004), only 12% of Uzbekistan's canal length is waterproof.
Runoff from the irrigated land have formed artificial lakes contaminated with pesticides, fertilisers and heavy metals, some so large thay have been named. These lakes -and the salt pans are steadily growing.
The future looks bleak for the south Aral, but dependant on the desire of the nations bordering the Aral -and how much cash is available, the north Aral may have a chance. Preserving or restoring the Aral depends on limiting water use, a volitile issue in a region of ethnic tensions.
Only a huge injection of money (estimate at 2004, $300 billion) and cooperation between the former five Soviet states can save the Aral, but convincing the five to work together will not be easy, as all have competing economic interests.
The Uzbekistan dictatorship is intolerant of dissent, and may crack down on any groups trying to force change, or the Karakalpaks, an ethnically distinct people of the southern end of the lake who are disproportionatly effected by the Aral disaster, may take matters into their own hands.
Map of the Aral basin showing water usage
Printer version - NASA satelite images - North Aral -maybe a chance (2006)
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Map showing position of the Aral Sea
Shop Unimaps
Book: The Devil and the Disappearing Sea
Once the world's fourth largest lake, the mighty Aral Sea is now in it's death throes. Starved of it's lifeblood of the waters of the Syr Darya and the Amu Darya rivers, the sea has been shrinking for the last 40 years.
From the 1930s, the former Soviet Union started building large scale diversion canals to irrigate vast cotton fields in a grand plan to make cotton a great export earner. This was achieved, and even today Uzbekistan is still a large exporter of cotton. But the cost in ecological and human terms have been astronomical.
By 1960, 25 to 50 cubic kilometres of river water was being diverted annually for irrigation, and naturally enough, the shoreline began to recede. The mean sea level dropped 20cm (8") per year for 10 years, then the drop rate accelerated to 60cm/year in the 70s, then to almost a metre per year in the 80s.
By 1990, as a result of the continuing water diversion and evaporation, the shrinking Aral divided in two and it's salinity increased from 10 grams per litre to 45. In some parts of the south Aral, salinity tops out at 98 g/litre (2001). Average seawater salinity is 33 g/litre. The once thriving fishing industry has been destroyed along with the fish and most of the flora and fauna. Salt pans and contaminated runoff lakes have appeared, and winters have become harsher and longer, summers hotter and shorter.
Attempts in 1992 and 1997 to build the 14 km long Karateren-Kokaral dyke between the north and the south Aral (the south being abandoned, the north reflooded) was successful for 9 and 12 months until they were both breached by the weight of the water, and the fact that only enough money was available to build an inherently weak sand structure. This same plan, using concrete, has been revived in 2003 by the Kazakh government.
Vozrozdeniya Island -growing larger since 1960, joined the mainland in 2001, and added another cruel ingredient to the Aral disaster. Vozrozdeniya was a Soviet Army research and biological weapons facility until 1992, dealing reportedly in anthrax and other nasties that now have the potential to migrate. Ironically, Vozrozdeniya is Russian for 'rebirth' or 'renaissance'.
The area is now constantly subject to toxic duststorms and desertification, the people of the area have 9 times the world average rate for throat cancer (2004), and infant/maternity mortality is the highest in all of the former Soviet Union's republics. Respiratory complications, tuberculosis and eye diseases are also rising alarmingly.
Map of Aral sea showing shoreline from 1960 to 2004
In a deperate attempt to keep their vessels in the shrinking Aral, channels were dredged to the open sea. it was a futile exercise, as the sea receded faster than the channels could be built. The fishing industry was effectively gone by 1982, and the canning plant processing frozen fish brought in from other areas to keep fishermen employed, folded in 1991.
Of the region's 73 species of birds, 70 of mammals and 24 of fish, most have either perished or moved on.
Pic showing fishing vessels stranded by the receeding Aral Sea
Vast cotton feilds, irrigated by the Kara Kum canal and others, boosted Soviet cotton production by an impressive 70% between 1960 and 1980, then alarming degradation to the Aral basin was noticed, although not officially acknowledged by the central government.
All the canals were built on the cheap, most were never lined, consequently between 35 to 70% of the water is lost to evaporation and seepage -even today (2004), only 12% of Uzbekistan's canal length is waterproof.
Runoff from the irrigated land have formed artificial lakes contaminated with pesticides, fertilisers and heavy metals, some so large thay have been named. These lakes -and the salt pans are steadily growing.
The future looks bleak for the south Aral, but dependant on the desire of the nations bordering the Aral -and how much cash is available, the north Aral may have a chance. Preserving or restoring the Aral depends on limiting water use, a volitile issue in a region of ethnic tensions.
Only a huge injection of money (estimate at 2004, $300 billion) and cooperation between the former five Soviet states can save the Aral, but convincing the five to work together will not be easy, as all have competing economic interests.
The Uzbekistan dictatorship is intolerant of dissent, and may crack down on any groups trying to force change, or the Karakalpaks, an ethnically distinct people of the southern end of the lake who are disproportionatly effected by the Aral disaster, may take matters into their own hands.
Map of the Aral basin showing water usage
Printer version - NASA satelite images - North Aral -maybe a chance (2006)
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Copyright© 2009 - Sydney NSW 2043, Aus
Repel Evil With Superior Good
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Allah T'ala says in the Holy Quran:
وَلَا تَسْتَوِي الْحَسَنَةُ وَلَا السَّيِّئَةُ ادْفَعْ بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ فَإِذَا الَّذِي بَيْنَكَ وَبَيْنَهُ عَدَاوَةٌ كَأَنَّهُ وَلِيٌّ حَمِيمٌ
(41:34) (O Prophet), good and evil are not equal. Repel (evil) with that which is good, and you will see that he, between whom and you there was enmity, shall become as if he were a bosom friend (of yours).
To understand the full significance of these words, one should keep in view the conditions in which the Holy Prophet and, through him, his followers were given this instruction. The conditions were that the invitation to the Truth was being resisted and opposed with extreme stubbornness and severe antagonism, in which all bounds of morality, humanity and decency were being transgressed. Every sort of lie was being uttered against the Holy Prophet and his Companions; every kind of evil device was being employed to defame him and to create suspicions against him in the minds of the people; every kind of accusation was being levelled against him and a host of the propagandists were busy creating doubts against him in the hearts; in short, he and his Companions were being persecuted in every possible way because of which a substantial number of the Muslims had been compelled to emigrate from the country. Then the program that had been prepared to stop him from preaching was that a handful of mischievous people was set behind him, who would raise such a hue and cry that no one could hear anything as soon as he opened his mouth to preach his message. In such discouraging conditions when apparently every way of extending invitation to Islam seemed blocked, the Holy Prophet was taught this recipe for breaking the opposition.
First, it was said that goodness and evil are not equal, as if to say: "Although apparently your opponents might have raised a dreadful storm of mischief and evil, as against which goodness might seem absolutely helpless and powerless, yet evil in itself has a weakness which ultimately causes its own destruction. For as long as man is man, his nature cannot help hating evil. Not only the companions of evil, even its own upholders know in their hearts that they are liars and wicked and are being stubborn for selfish motives. Not to speak of creating dignity and honor for them in the hearts of others, it lowers them in their own esteem, and causes their morale to be weakened and destroyed in the event of every conflict. As against this evil, the good which appears to be utterly helpless and powerless, goes on operating and working and it becomes dominant in the long run. For, in the first place, the good has a power of its own which wins the hearts and no man however perverted and corrupted, can help esteeming it in his own heart. Then, when the good and evil are engaged in a face to face conflict and their nature and merits become apparent and known, after a long drawn out struggle, not many people would be left, who would not start hating the evil and admiring the good.
Second, it was said that evil should be resisted not by the mere good but by a superior good, as if to say: "If a person treats you unjustly and you forgive him, it is the mere good. The superior good is that you treat the one who ill-treats you with kindness and love." The result would be that "your worst enemy would become your closest friend," for that is human nature itself. If you remain quiet in response to an abuse, it will be mere goodness but it will not silence the abuser. But if you express good wishes for him in response to his abuses, even the most shameless opponent will feel ashamed, and then would hardly ever be able to employ invectives against you. If a person doesn't miss any opportunity to harm you, and you go on tolerating his excesses, it may well make him even bolder in his mischiefs. But if on an occasion he gets into trouble and you come to his rescue, he will fall down at your feet, for no mischief can hold out against goodness.
However, it would be wrong to take this general principle in the meaning that every enemy will necessarily become a close friend when you have treated him with the superior good. There are such wicked people also in the world, whose inimical nature will never change for the better no matter how tolerantly you may overlook their excesses and how benevolently you may react and respond to every evil committed by them.
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User Rating: / 73
Allah T'ala says in the Holy Quran:
وَلَا تَسْتَوِي الْحَسَنَةُ وَلَا السَّيِّئَةُ ادْفَعْ بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ فَإِذَا الَّذِي بَيْنَكَ وَبَيْنَهُ عَدَاوَةٌ كَأَنَّهُ وَلِيٌّ حَمِيمٌ
(41:34) (O Prophet), good and evil are not equal. Repel (evil) with that which is good, and you will see that he, between whom and you there was enmity, shall become as if he were a bosom friend (of yours).
To understand the full significance of these words, one should keep in view the conditions in which the Holy Prophet and, through him, his followers were given this instruction. The conditions were that the invitation to the Truth was being resisted and opposed with extreme stubbornness and severe antagonism, in which all bounds of morality, humanity and decency were being transgressed. Every sort of lie was being uttered against the Holy Prophet and his Companions; every kind of evil device was being employed to defame him and to create suspicions against him in the minds of the people; every kind of accusation was being levelled against him and a host of the propagandists were busy creating doubts against him in the hearts; in short, he and his Companions were being persecuted in every possible way because of which a substantial number of the Muslims had been compelled to emigrate from the country. Then the program that had been prepared to stop him from preaching was that a handful of mischievous people was set behind him, who would raise such a hue and cry that no one could hear anything as soon as he opened his mouth to preach his message. In such discouraging conditions when apparently every way of extending invitation to Islam seemed blocked, the Holy Prophet was taught this recipe for breaking the opposition.
First, it was said that goodness and evil are not equal, as if to say: "Although apparently your opponents might have raised a dreadful storm of mischief and evil, as against which goodness might seem absolutely helpless and powerless, yet evil in itself has a weakness which ultimately causes its own destruction. For as long as man is man, his nature cannot help hating evil. Not only the companions of evil, even its own upholders know in their hearts that they are liars and wicked and are being stubborn for selfish motives. Not to speak of creating dignity and honor for them in the hearts of others, it lowers them in their own esteem, and causes their morale to be weakened and destroyed in the event of every conflict. As against this evil, the good which appears to be utterly helpless and powerless, goes on operating and working and it becomes dominant in the long run. For, in the first place, the good has a power of its own which wins the hearts and no man however perverted and corrupted, can help esteeming it in his own heart. Then, when the good and evil are engaged in a face to face conflict and their nature and merits become apparent and known, after a long drawn out struggle, not many people would be left, who would not start hating the evil and admiring the good.
Second, it was said that evil should be resisted not by the mere good but by a superior good, as if to say: "If a person treats you unjustly and you forgive him, it is the mere good. The superior good is that you treat the one who ill-treats you with kindness and love." The result would be that "your worst enemy would become your closest friend," for that is human nature itself. If you remain quiet in response to an abuse, it will be mere goodness but it will not silence the abuser. But if you express good wishes for him in response to his abuses, even the most shameless opponent will feel ashamed, and then would hardly ever be able to employ invectives against you. If a person doesn't miss any opportunity to harm you, and you go on tolerating his excesses, it may well make him even bolder in his mischiefs. But if on an occasion he gets into trouble and you come to his rescue, he will fall down at your feet, for no mischief can hold out against goodness.
However, it would be wrong to take this general principle in the meaning that every enemy will necessarily become a close friend when you have treated him with the superior good. There are such wicked people also in the world, whose inimical nature will never change for the better no matter how tolerantly you may overlook their excesses and how benevolently you may react and respond to every evil committed by them.
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia.
Kamasutra of Thigh Land
The famous tri-color flag Thailand Coat of Arm. Modeled after Thai's house...or an ass
(Flag) (Coat of Arms)
Motto: "Made In Thailand"
Anthem: "Dub Warrior - ATB Club Remix"
Capital Bang Cock
Largest city Pattaya
Official languages Pidgin English ( no last consonants) Cussing, Screaming, Yelling, Terrible Karaoke, Lao, Thai (unintelligble),
Government Constitutional Dictatorship brought to you in part by the Monarchy
The King in the Yellow Not to Be Named One
Official cuisine A disgusting middle ground between Indian and Chinese. Watch out for peanutbutter tagliatelli.
National Hero(es) Tony Jaa ,Kim Possible, Sagat, Charles Manson
of Independence None! Independence from whom? We were never colonized!
Currency Your money and credit cards, as well as Fake t-shirts and Pirated DVDs
Religion Worshipping the Almighty Baht, Greed, Deception, Theft, andScientology
Major exports 3% Giant factory warehouses to Japan and Korea, 97% Prostitutes
Major imports Sex Tourists, Jailed Australians
“I love Bangcock!”
~ Foreign Gays on Thailand
“I've had enough of these mothafuckin' THAIs on this mothafuckin' LAND!”
~ Samuel L. Jackson on Thailand
Thailand is a country in central Africa. Everyone in Thailand wears a thai, both men and women, as casual clothing is one of the country's most favourite sports. They also eat Thai most of the time.
Thailand, often called "Tieland" or "Thighland" was founded by Sgt Peppers and Yul Brynner in the 1960s. It was originally called Siam by Yul Brynner, who renamed himself King Llama (also known as Llama the Great). It was renamed later due to the ties being sold, the Mauy Thai Thighs, and the massive hail storms. The main reason for founding Thailand was to find a suitable place for troops in a Hot War like Vietnam. As air-conditioners were too heavy to carry, they were placed in circle called Nana-plaza near Bangkok.
* 1 Outline
* 2 The coup
* 3 Climate, Weather, and Wildlife of Thailand
* 4 The King in Yellow
* 5 Economy
o 5.1 Telemarketing Hub
* 6 Rape is legal
* 7 Fun Facts about Thailand
[edit] Outline
Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. This city has the longest name in the world, which is usually shortened as "Bangkok", Thai people normally called "Krungthep Mahanakorn" shorten and narmally say "Krung Thep" (full name: กรุงเทพมหานคร อมรรัตนโกสินทร์ มหินทรายุธยามหาดิลก ภพนพรัตน์ ราชธานีบุรีรมย์ อุดมราชนิเวศน์ มหาสถาน อมรพิมาน อวตารสถิต สักกะทัตติยะ วิษณุกรรมประสิทธิ์. In English: Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit). Thailand is also known as the "Land of Smiles" largely due to how fit the women are.
Thai people celebrate New Years on April 15th, it used to be April 1st but was moved to avoid confusion with April Fool's day. They call the event Songkran and use it as an excuse to squirt and throw water on everyone and throw white talcum powder in people's faces.
The Thai military fights wars using Elephants and Martial Artists known as Muay Thai warriors. The Elephant is used as a tank, and the Muay Thai Warriors are used to protect the elephant from being hurt by the enemy. Muay Thai is a kickboxing style of martial arts with a knee kick that is as deadly as being hit by a car.
Thailand's government is known for their cunningness. It pioneered the sneaky bomb which was demonstrated to the world in 2004 when in a mass military exercise, millions of what appeared to be folded paper cranes made of paper, were dropped in mass onto the helpless people (and revolting citizens) of Southern Thailand. The paper paper cranes were publicized heavily as a peace-offering. Thus far, the birds have caused only avian flu.
In 2005, Thailand was the first country to be liberated under the Butterfly Ban due to the Thais possession of numerous butterflies whose effect could have been disastrous on the free world.
The Ex-Prime Minster Thaksin Shinawatra had 237 affairs with interns, breaking the previous world record held by Bill Clinton. Unfortunately Shinawatra is considered a laughing stock as he only embezzled 100 trillion Thai Baht, about $10 billion in US Dollars. A shameful record considering that of his predecessors.
[edit] The coup
On Friday 13th October 2006 and a half, Thaksin Shinawatra flew to Laos to join and corrupt money from the annual Hmong people conference. While Thaksin was at the conference, Not to be Named One realized that Thaksin had eaten his leftover Tom Yum Kung, as well as stolen over 100 billion baht (25 USD) and decided to stage a coup. Initially, nobody wanted to join but after he threatened to detonate a bomb destroying every single picture of him in Thailand, he had the support of the Cult of the Yellow. Not to be Named One commanded his cultists to attack the opposers. The opposers quickly bowed down. However, no blood was shed, hence the name "Bloodless coup".
Following the coup, Thaksin fled to the UK, taking the money with him. Instantly, the green glow in every Thai politician's eyes vanished. Something was wrong. Every politician had lost the desire to lead. Without leaders, the country quickly plunged into chaos, causing a recession, making farang leave, and destroying the prostitution industry.
A year later, Thaksin had snuck back into Thailand, and the glow returned. The Ministry of Defense knew that Thaksin was back, this time with an army. The Ministry launched a secret military operation to destroy the secret source of his power: the 100 billion baht. They commissioned two undocumented hilltribe people to bring the money to all the farang to pay for prostitutes. When the hilltribe people came back, they harvested their organs. The money was soon spent, and the economy also got a boost. Thaksin's power was gone, but his army still lurks in the mountains of the North, waiting...
[edit] Climate, Weather, and Wildlife of Thailand
As the name might suggest, Thailand is a cold, desolate place, and the weather always consists of Hail and something else. The "something else" can be rain, snow, sleet, or cats and dogs. After many years of using the full title, "The Hail and Land", the country's name was abbreviated to the current form.
[edit] The King in Yellow
The King in Yellow, never mistaken him with anyone else!
Ace AttackerAdded by Ace Attacker
“Bow to the Lord, our ruler and father! Kiss the ground that has been honored by his presence!”
~ Thai people on Not to be Named One
For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about Thailand.
This shadowy figure is TRUE leader of this cursed land. The King in Yellow (also known as Not to Be Named One, hence you won't see his name anywhere in this article). The present of this entity prevent worship of his arch-enemy, Cthulhu, in Thailand. He's served by group of cultists, identify by their yellow costume or headband, who blindly follow his guidance. The said headband usually has words Koo Chate (alien language mean (I am) lower than maggot) written on it (few Thai who oppose this heartless being often mock this headband as Koo Chate Ma - A dog that lower than maggot). Aside from these cultists, he also has hoard of mindless zombie worshipers, often dress in same manner as cultist. As noted by some Whales, these creature may not really mindless, just too dumb to realize that the cultist talking about different king than their (what did you expect from brain-rotten undead?). The King in Yellow prefer to pull string behind the scene of politic, but will has his cult riot when the governor oppose him. However, he doesn't truly care about these insignificant worshipers and will abandon them after successfully spread chaos and Yellow fever in this cursed land. The cultists spread their gospel by ASS channel television program. As name suggest, the channel use symbol of Goa Tse as its logo.
By the way, The King in Yellow never smile and seem to despise this fact. The cultists going far enough to ban foreign book that point out this fact, just to remind you they're dicks.
[edit] Economy
Western Men falling out of favor in Thailand. This incident became famous as the Defenestration of Bangkok.
JoeblowsAdded by Joeblows
99% of Thailand's Economy originates from selling fake doctorates, fake t-shirts and dvd's. You can go to Thailand and buy one for just one American dollar (You can do a lot of things with just one American Dollar at Thailand). The other 10% got loss because Dr.Taksin shinnawatra , as known as Frank the ManCity FC owner, doesn't pay his tax for government. Thailand's economy, however, continues to thrive, fuelled primarily from theft and robbery from each each other. Also, a popular source of government revenue comes from thefts of its citizens.
Thailand has a very unusual tax structure. The Thai government collects taxes similar to many other countries, but they also have a creative method for tax collection. Thailand is one of the only countries in the world were government workers will dress up as muggers and robbers and steal money at gunpoint from their various citizens and visitors. According to the Thai government, it is called 'creative taxation'...with no forms to fill out or send in...just hand the money over and you are all set.
Beware when using credit cards in Thailand. A popular Thai sport is credit card theft. Thais like to compete with each to see who can steal the most credit card numbers and PINs. When ever you see a Thai take your credit card (such as at a department store or restaurant) and take it to the back or register for processing, they run it through a machine that gathers all of the personal information, that way, they can use it again without your knowledge. They have competitions throughout Thailand to see who can steal the most credit card numbers and PINs.
Other things you can buy with a dollar at Thailand:
1. Policewoman
2. Nurse
3. Woman
4. PS3
5. Submarine
6. Black hawk helicopter
7. Lobster dinner
Thailand thrives on tourism and sex change operations, it is estimated that as much as 137% of their GNP is from the sextourist industry. A majority of the tourists who come to Thailand are single old fat men seeking sex- which can be found abundantly in Thailand. Prostitution is not only a major economic phenomena in Thailand, for many of the women, it is a past-time and hobby. However, please do not assume that every attractive Thai woman is a prostitute, as they saying goes - "Just because most raindrops are wet doesn't mean they ALL are."
[edit] Telemarketing Hub
After the 1997 economic crisis of Asia, telemarketing companies offering investments in offshore stocks had mushroomed in the Thai capital. To state upfront, they were neither moral nor legal business operations, albeit held offices in conspicuous high rise office buildings - minus registration with the government's securities agency. If you had the chance to talk with the operators and bosses of these "companies," they were obviously from Australia, New Zealand and England. And they would have been the American Job Outsourcing hub had they been speaking more English than say, for example, the Filipinos.
[edit] Rape is legal
Thai rush hour
CdazAdded by Cdaz
Rape is legal in Thailand, according to Thai soap opera. Whenever rape occur it's because...
* the girl is evil and deserve to get raped as punishment.
* if the girl isn't evil, she's already in love with rapist and it isn't rape at all, actually.
* If the the girl isn't evil and doesn't love the rapist already, she will discover joy of Sex and eventually fall in love with rapist anyway.
* If the girl isn't evil and will never fall in love with rapist, she will give birth to a very graceful child (ussaully a protagonist of the soap opera). This is rare case, actually. Most of good girl will get rescued on time (unless the rapist is a good guy, irony?).
Whatever, rape isn't crime and it's acceptable (with Child porn become more and more popular, it's very interesting).
Note to tourists: underage Japanese girls are the most favor victim for Thai rapist. Mainly because these girls cry i-tai (イタイ), in lovely tone, which fufil their racism desire.
[edit] Fun Facts about Thailand
* Thailand's Football Association is known as VJ (Do not confused with a Professional golfer)
* The national Pet is "Copycat".
* The national Singer is Tata Young, though considerable group of people prefer Freddie Mercury more.
* The national Food are Tom Yum Goong, Mama, and Stir-fried Cat.
* The national Actress is Chuan Reekpi, her famous quote is "Sorry but no apology".
* The national favorite Music is Indy and favorite song is "The Lads Eat Stir-fried Cat". It is so popular song, and there was a plan for "Cannibal Dude" which is an expansion movie.
* The national favourite jam is "Traffic Jam" (Not quite like Strawberry Jam).
* The national Geographic is similar to the Discovery Channel.
* Famous singer Tay Zonday is actually the Thai.
* As well as Tiger Woods (who politely refused the Thai nationality).
* And Barrack Obama (Indonesia, Thailand or Kenya... Who the hell cares what country if it's not USA!!!).
Countries and territories of Asia
Euroasia Cyprus - Georgia (the country, not the US State) - Japan-France - Mother Russia - Turkey (the country, not the bird) - Lebanon
East Asia People's Republic of China - Hong Kong - Japan - Prosperous True Republic of North Korea - Central Korea - South Korea - Rogue Province of Taiwan, part of the People's Republic of China - Republic of China, Taiwan - Macau
Western Asia Afghanistan - Armenia - Azerbaijan - Bahrain - Iran - Iraq - The Holy Land - Jordan - Kuwait - Oman - Pakistan - Palestinian Territories - Qatar - SaudiArabia - Syria - United Arab Emirates - Wherethefuckistan - Yemen
Central Asia The Glorious Nation Of Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - The Horde - Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Uzbekistan - other -stan
South Asia Bangladesh - Bhutan - Bollywood - Kashmir - Maldives - Nepal - Sri Lanka - True Dalai Lama's Free State of Tibet
Southeast Asia Lah! - Bitch Nation - Vietcong's Hut - Uncultured state - Barbarian Islands - Asian Las Vegas - East Timor - Hmor - Laos - Myanmar - Philippines - Democratic People's Republic of Mindanao - West Timor
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From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia.
Kamasutra of Thigh Land
The famous tri-color flag Thailand Coat of Arm. Modeled after Thai's house...or an ass
(Flag) (Coat of Arms)
Motto: "Made In Thailand"
Anthem: "Dub Warrior - ATB Club Remix"
Capital Bang Cock
Largest city Pattaya
Official languages Pidgin English ( no last consonants) Cussing, Screaming, Yelling, Terrible Karaoke, Lao, Thai (unintelligble),
Government Constitutional Dictatorship brought to you in part by the Monarchy
The King in the Yellow Not to Be Named One
Official cuisine A disgusting middle ground between Indian and Chinese. Watch out for peanutbutter tagliatelli.
National Hero(es) Tony Jaa ,Kim Possible, Sagat, Charles Manson
of Independence None! Independence from whom? We were never colonized!
Currency Your money and credit cards, as well as Fake t-shirts and Pirated DVDs
Religion Worshipping the Almighty Baht, Greed, Deception, Theft, andScientology
Major exports 3% Giant factory warehouses to Japan and Korea, 97% Prostitutes
Major imports Sex Tourists, Jailed Australians
“I love Bangcock!”
~ Foreign Gays on Thailand
“I've had enough of these mothafuckin' THAIs on this mothafuckin' LAND!”
~ Samuel L. Jackson on Thailand
Thailand is a country in central Africa. Everyone in Thailand wears a thai, both men and women, as casual clothing is one of the country's most favourite sports. They also eat Thai most of the time.
Thailand, often called "Tieland" or "Thighland" was founded by Sgt Peppers and Yul Brynner in the 1960s. It was originally called Siam by Yul Brynner, who renamed himself King Llama (also known as Llama the Great). It was renamed later due to the ties being sold, the Mauy Thai Thighs, and the massive hail storms. The main reason for founding Thailand was to find a suitable place for troops in a Hot War like Vietnam. As air-conditioners were too heavy to carry, they were placed in circle called Nana-plaza near Bangkok.
* 1 Outline
* 2 The coup
* 3 Climate, Weather, and Wildlife of Thailand
* 4 The King in Yellow
* 5 Economy
o 5.1 Telemarketing Hub
* 6 Rape is legal
* 7 Fun Facts about Thailand
[edit] Outline
Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. This city has the longest name in the world, which is usually shortened as "Bangkok", Thai people normally called "Krungthep Mahanakorn" shorten and narmally say "Krung Thep" (full name: กรุงเทพมหานคร อมรรัตนโกสินทร์ มหินทรายุธยามหาดิลก ภพนพรัตน์ ราชธานีบุรีรมย์ อุดมราชนิเวศน์ มหาสถาน อมรพิมาน อวตารสถิต สักกะทัตติยะ วิษณุกรรมประสิทธิ์. In English: Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit). Thailand is also known as the "Land of Smiles" largely due to how fit the women are.
Thai people celebrate New Years on April 15th, it used to be April 1st but was moved to avoid confusion with April Fool's day. They call the event Songkran and use it as an excuse to squirt and throw water on everyone and throw white talcum powder in people's faces.
The Thai military fights wars using Elephants and Martial Artists known as Muay Thai warriors. The Elephant is used as a tank, and the Muay Thai Warriors are used to protect the elephant from being hurt by the enemy. Muay Thai is a kickboxing style of martial arts with a knee kick that is as deadly as being hit by a car.
Thailand's government is known for their cunningness. It pioneered the sneaky bomb which was demonstrated to the world in 2004 when in a mass military exercise, millions of what appeared to be folded paper cranes made of paper, were dropped in mass onto the helpless people (and revolting citizens) of Southern Thailand. The paper paper cranes were publicized heavily as a peace-offering. Thus far, the birds have caused only avian flu.
In 2005, Thailand was the first country to be liberated under the Butterfly Ban due to the Thais possession of numerous butterflies whose effect could have been disastrous on the free world.
The Ex-Prime Minster Thaksin Shinawatra had 237 affairs with interns, breaking the previous world record held by Bill Clinton. Unfortunately Shinawatra is considered a laughing stock as he only embezzled 100 trillion Thai Baht, about $10 billion in US Dollars. A shameful record considering that of his predecessors.
[edit] The coup
On Friday 13th October 2006 and a half, Thaksin Shinawatra flew to Laos to join and corrupt money from the annual Hmong people conference. While Thaksin was at the conference, Not to be Named One realized that Thaksin had eaten his leftover Tom Yum Kung, as well as stolen over 100 billion baht (25 USD) and decided to stage a coup. Initially, nobody wanted to join but after he threatened to detonate a bomb destroying every single picture of him in Thailand, he had the support of the Cult of the Yellow. Not to be Named One commanded his cultists to attack the opposers. The opposers quickly bowed down. However, no blood was shed, hence the name "Bloodless coup".
Following the coup, Thaksin fled to the UK, taking the money with him. Instantly, the green glow in every Thai politician's eyes vanished. Something was wrong. Every politician had lost the desire to lead. Without leaders, the country quickly plunged into chaos, causing a recession, making farang leave, and destroying the prostitution industry.
A year later, Thaksin had snuck back into Thailand, and the glow returned. The Ministry of Defense knew that Thaksin was back, this time with an army. The Ministry launched a secret military operation to destroy the secret source of his power: the 100 billion baht. They commissioned two undocumented hilltribe people to bring the money to all the farang to pay for prostitutes. When the hilltribe people came back, they harvested their organs. The money was soon spent, and the economy also got a boost. Thaksin's power was gone, but his army still lurks in the mountains of the North, waiting...
[edit] Climate, Weather, and Wildlife of Thailand
As the name might suggest, Thailand is a cold, desolate place, and the weather always consists of Hail and something else. The "something else" can be rain, snow, sleet, or cats and dogs. After many years of using the full title, "The Hail and Land", the country's name was abbreviated to the current form.
[edit] The King in Yellow
The King in Yellow, never mistaken him with anyone else!
Ace AttackerAdded by Ace Attacker
“Bow to the Lord, our ruler and father! Kiss the ground that has been honored by his presence!”
~ Thai people on Not to be Named One
For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about Thailand.
This shadowy figure is TRUE leader of this cursed land. The King in Yellow (also known as Not to Be Named One, hence you won't see his name anywhere in this article). The present of this entity prevent worship of his arch-enemy, Cthulhu, in Thailand. He's served by group of cultists, identify by their yellow costume or headband, who blindly follow his guidance. The said headband usually has words Koo Chate (alien language mean (I am) lower than maggot) written on it (few Thai who oppose this heartless being often mock this headband as Koo Chate Ma - A dog that lower than maggot). Aside from these cultists, he also has hoard of mindless zombie worshipers, often dress in same manner as cultist. As noted by some Whales, these creature may not really mindless, just too dumb to realize that the cultist talking about different king than their (what did you expect from brain-rotten undead?). The King in Yellow prefer to pull string behind the scene of politic, but will has his cult riot when the governor oppose him. However, he doesn't truly care about these insignificant worshipers and will abandon them after successfully spread chaos and Yellow fever in this cursed land. The cultists spread their gospel by ASS channel television program. As name suggest, the channel use symbol of Goa Tse as its logo.
By the way, The King in Yellow never smile and seem to despise this fact. The cultists going far enough to ban foreign book that point out this fact, just to remind you they're dicks.
[edit] Economy
Western Men falling out of favor in Thailand. This incident became famous as the Defenestration of Bangkok.
JoeblowsAdded by Joeblows
99% of Thailand's Economy originates from selling fake doctorates, fake t-shirts and dvd's. You can go to Thailand and buy one for just one American dollar (You can do a lot of things with just one American Dollar at Thailand). The other 10% got loss because Dr.Taksin shinnawatra , as known as Frank the ManCity FC owner, doesn't pay his tax for government. Thailand's economy, however, continues to thrive, fuelled primarily from theft and robbery from each each other. Also, a popular source of government revenue comes from thefts of its citizens.
Thailand has a very unusual tax structure. The Thai government collects taxes similar to many other countries, but they also have a creative method for tax collection. Thailand is one of the only countries in the world were government workers will dress up as muggers and robbers and steal money at gunpoint from their various citizens and visitors. According to the Thai government, it is called 'creative taxation'...with no forms to fill out or send in...just hand the money over and you are all set.
Beware when using credit cards in Thailand. A popular Thai sport is credit card theft. Thais like to compete with each to see who can steal the most credit card numbers and PINs. When ever you see a Thai take your credit card (such as at a department store or restaurant) and take it to the back or register for processing, they run it through a machine that gathers all of the personal information, that way, they can use it again without your knowledge. They have competitions throughout Thailand to see who can steal the most credit card numbers and PINs.
Other things you can buy with a dollar at Thailand:
1. Policewoman
2. Nurse
3. Woman
4. PS3
5. Submarine
6. Black hawk helicopter
7. Lobster dinner
Thailand thrives on tourism and sex change operations, it is estimated that as much as 137% of their GNP is from the sextourist industry. A majority of the tourists who come to Thailand are single old fat men seeking sex- which can be found abundantly in Thailand. Prostitution is not only a major economic phenomena in Thailand, for many of the women, it is a past-time and hobby. However, please do not assume that every attractive Thai woman is a prostitute, as they saying goes - "Just because most raindrops are wet doesn't mean they ALL are."
[edit] Telemarketing Hub
After the 1997 economic crisis of Asia, telemarketing companies offering investments in offshore stocks had mushroomed in the Thai capital. To state upfront, they were neither moral nor legal business operations, albeit held offices in conspicuous high rise office buildings - minus registration with the government's securities agency. If you had the chance to talk with the operators and bosses of these "companies," they were obviously from Australia, New Zealand and England. And they would have been the American Job Outsourcing hub had they been speaking more English than say, for example, the Filipinos.
[edit] Rape is legal
Thai rush hour
CdazAdded by Cdaz
Rape is legal in Thailand, according to Thai soap opera. Whenever rape occur it's because...
* the girl is evil and deserve to get raped as punishment.
* if the girl isn't evil, she's already in love with rapist and it isn't rape at all, actually.
* If the the girl isn't evil and doesn't love the rapist already, she will discover joy of Sex and eventually fall in love with rapist anyway.
* If the girl isn't evil and will never fall in love with rapist, she will give birth to a very graceful child (ussaully a protagonist of the soap opera). This is rare case, actually. Most of good girl will get rescued on time (unless the rapist is a good guy, irony?).
Whatever, rape isn't crime and it's acceptable (with Child porn become more and more popular, it's very interesting).
Note to tourists: underage Japanese girls are the most favor victim for Thai rapist. Mainly because these girls cry i-tai (イタイ), in lovely tone, which fufil their racism desire.
[edit] Fun Facts about Thailand
* Thailand's Football Association is known as VJ (Do not confused with a Professional golfer)
* The national Pet is "Copycat".
* The national Singer is Tata Young, though considerable group of people prefer Freddie Mercury more.
* The national Food are Tom Yum Goong, Mama, and Stir-fried Cat.
* The national Actress is Chuan Reekpi, her famous quote is "Sorry but no apology".
* The national favorite Music is Indy and favorite song is "The Lads Eat Stir-fried Cat". It is so popular song, and there was a plan for "Cannibal Dude" which is an expansion movie.
* The national favourite jam is "Traffic Jam" (Not quite like Strawberry Jam).
* The national Geographic is similar to the Discovery Channel.
* Famous singer Tay Zonday is actually the Thai.
* As well as Tiger Woods (who politely refused the Thai nationality).
* And Barrack Obama (Indonesia, Thailand or Kenya... Who the hell cares what country if it's not USA!!!).
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US-trained cartel terrorises Mexico
Founders of the Zetas drug gang learned special forces techniques at Ft. Bragg before waging a campaign of carnage.
Chris Arsenault Last Modified: 20 Oct 2010 20:14 GMT
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Despite the deployment of 50,000 troops, Mexico seems to be losing the 'war on drugs' [AFP]
It was a brutal massacre even by the gruesome standards of Mexico’s drug war: 72 migrant workers gunned down by the "Zetas" - arguably the country's most violent cartel - and left rotting in a pile outside a ranch in Tamaulipas state near the US border in late August.
The Zetas have a fearsome reputation, but the real surprise comes not in their ruthless use of violence, but in the origins of where they learned the tricks of their bloody trade.
Some of the cartel's initial members were elite Mexican troops, trained in the early 1990s by America’s 7th Special Forces Group or "snake eaters" at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, a former US special operations commander has told Al Jazeera.
“They were given map reading courses, communications, standard special forces training, light to heavy weapons, machine guns and automatic weapons,” says Craig Deare, the former special forces commander who is now a professor at the US National Defence University.
"I had some visibility on what was happening, because this [issue] was related to things I was doing in the Pentagon in the 1990s," Deare, who also served as country director in the office of the US Secretary of Defence, says.
"Other cartels have accused the Zetas of not following the 'gentlemen's code' of drug trafficking"
Kristen Bricker, NACLA Research Associate
The Mexican personnel who received US training and later formed the Zetas came from the Airmobile Special Forces Group (GAFE), which is considered an elite division of the Mexican military.
Their US training was designed to prepare them for counter-insurgency and, ironically, counter-narcotics operations, although Deare says they were not taught the most advanced commando techniques available at Ft. Bragg.
Military forces from around the world train at Ft. Bragg, so there is nothing unique about Mexican operatives learning counter-insurgency tactics at the facility. However, critics say the specific skills learned by the Zetas primed them for careers as contract killers and drug dealers.
“The Zetas definitely have the reputation of being the most dangerous, the most vicious, the most renegade of the cartels,” says Kristen Bricker, a Mexico-based research associate with the North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA).
About 29,000 people have died since Felipe Calderon, Mexico’s president, declared war on the drug cartels in 2006.
Extreme violence
The group has mounted the severed heads of its victims on pikes in urban areas, posted torture and execution videos on the internet, forced poor migrants into prostitution and massacred college students during house parties.
"Other cartels have accused them of not following the 'gentlemen's code' of drug trafficking and causing undue violence," Bricker told Al Jazeera.
"At one time, it was considered bad form to kill pregnant women, but not any more." For safety concerns, Bricker didn’t want to say where she lives in Mexico.
Deare estimates "probably more than 500" GAFE personnel received special forces training. He is unsure exactly how long the programme lasted. The Zetas came to the attention of Mexico’s Attorney General’s office in 1999.
After US training, GAFE operatives defected from the Mexican military to become hired guns, providing security to the Gulf cartel, a well established trafficking organisation, according to Laura Carlsen, director of the Americas program of the International Relations Center.
"They split from the Gulf cartel and formed as a cartel in their own right," Carlsen, based in Mexico City, told Al Jazeera.
The Zetas' alleged current leaders, Heriberto Lazcano, known as Z-3 and Miguel Trevino, or Z-40, were first recruited by Osiel Cardenas, the now-jailed leader of the Gulf cartel. The name "Zetas" originates from the radio code "Z" used by top military commanders in Mexico.
But unlike Zorro, the Mexican outlaw hero who also used the "Z" alias, Los Zetas steal from everyone, not just the rich. And they certainly don’t give much back to the poor, except the corpses of their relatives. "They are just known for being a different kind of human being," says Bricker.
Frequent defections
The number of initial defectors from GAFE is thought to be somewhere between 30 and 200, but "the exact number is unclear", says Deare. However, the possibility of defections should not have come as a surprise to US trainers.
The Mexican state "does not pay soldiers enough" Deare says. "I am not saying they [the government] have to pay as much as the cartels, but they [security forces] must be paid decently if they aren’t going to be susceptible to corruption."
The GAFE’s desertion rate of an estimated 25 per cent is high, even by the low standards of Mexico’s security forces. Between 2000 and 2005 more than 1,300 of the elite troops defected, La Journada newspaper reported.
The Zetas decided forming their own cartel was more profitable than working for the military or even other drug gangs [Reuters]
"The US really needs to examine their vetting procedures and manuals to see why so many people who they train do so many terrible things when they go back home," Bricker said.
But just blaming Uncle Sam for the rise of the Zetas and increasing drug violence is too simplistic, says Bricker.
"It wasn't just US training. The GAFE were also trained by the Kaibiles of Guatemala, a notoriously brutal special operations force from that country’s dirty war in the 1980s," said Bricker.
And even without special training for cartels, there is little trust that Mexican security forces can deal with the drug trade.
In May 2006, "La Barbie" a leader of the rival Sinaloa cartel, took out a full page advert in a Mexico City daily newspaper, to allege that Mexican police were protecting the Zetas.
For their part, the Zetas have long complained that the Sinaloa cartel enjoys police protection.
Despite debacles surrounding the Zetas and increasing violence, Deare - who physically resembles the tough but fair minded under-secretary of defence played by Harrison Ford in the fictional drug war thriller Patriot Games - thinks Mexico needs more, not less, US involvement.
America has pledged some $1.3bn to assist Mexico in the drug war through the 2007 Merida initiative, but much of that cash hasn’t been spent because it has been stalled in Congress, Deare says.
Alterior motives
Other analysts are critical of the initiative because it allows the US to "meddle" in Mexico’s affairs and has not garnered the desired results.
"For citizens here, Merida causes two great concerns: it raises questions of national sovereignty and there is a lot of fear that under the cover of the drug war there will be increasing attacks on grassroots movements," says Carlsen.
GAFE, for example, was established in 1994 to fight Zapatista rebels in southern Mexico, La Journada reported.
The Zapatistas, a poorly armed primarily indigenous militia, rose up against the Mexican government on January 1, 1994, the same day the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) came into effect between the US, Canada and Mexico.
The Zapatistas called NAFTA a "death sentence", in part, because the agreement would allow subsidised US crops to enter the Mexican market, pushing small farmers off the land.
After battling the insurgency, GAFE gained additional training and support from the US to fight the drug trade, a business which arguably benefited more than any other from NAFTA. Relaxed borders increased trade flows in many goods, illegal drugs in particular, and rural displacement swelled the ranks of unemployed young men eager to make quick cash by any means necessary.
Valued between $19bn and $40bn dollars on a yearly basis – exact figures aren’t available for obvious reasons- the drug trade has massive power as a corrupting influence.
And despite 50,000 Mexican troops fighting the cartels, despite the mangled bodies and US assurances of support, Bricker speaks for all three analysts from divergent political outlooks when she states: "No one has been able to present any evidence that the Mexican government is winning this war."
And, if winning the war on drugs is the goal, training the most violent cartel probably isn't a great start.
This is the first in a two part series examining the issues behind Mexico's drug violence. Follow Chris Arsenault On Twitter: @AJEchris
Al Jazeera and agencies
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* Kristen Bricker
* Craig Deare
* Laura Carlsen
* Miguel Trevino
* Felipe Calderon
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* Osiel Cardenas
* Heriberto Lazcano
* Mexico
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* United States Army Special Forces
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Featured on Al Jazeera
Media war: WikiLeaks v the Pentagon
Analysing the media coverage of the latest WikiLeaks release reveals some interesting insights.
US-trained cartel terrorises Mexico
Founders of the Zetas drug gang learned special forces techniques at Ft. Bragg before waging a campaign of carnage.
US and Israel: Blinded by the Right
Similarities exist in the political landscapes' of both the US and Israel, which left unaltered, could be of grave harm.
Report slams Pakistan drone strikes
Study shows US drones are not accurate in targeting "terrorists" and more civilians killed than al-Qaeda.
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Media war: WikiLeaks v the Pentagon
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US-trained cartel terrorises Mexico
US and Israel: Blinded by the Right
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US and Israel: Blinded by the Right
US turned blind eye to torture
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Venezuela's multi-polar disorder
WikiLeaks releases secret Iraq file
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Haiti scrambles to contain cholera
Midterms: money changes everything
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Founders of the Zetas drug gang learned special forces techniques at Ft. Bragg before waging a campaign of carnage.
Chris Arsenault Last Modified: 20 Oct 2010 20:14 GMT
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Despite the deployment of 50,000 troops, Mexico seems to be losing the 'war on drugs' [AFP]
It was a brutal massacre even by the gruesome standards of Mexico’s drug war: 72 migrant workers gunned down by the "Zetas" - arguably the country's most violent cartel - and left rotting in a pile outside a ranch in Tamaulipas state near the US border in late August.
The Zetas have a fearsome reputation, but the real surprise comes not in their ruthless use of violence, but in the origins of where they learned the tricks of their bloody trade.
Some of the cartel's initial members were elite Mexican troops, trained in the early 1990s by America’s 7th Special Forces Group or "snake eaters" at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, a former US special operations commander has told Al Jazeera.
“They were given map reading courses, communications, standard special forces training, light to heavy weapons, machine guns and automatic weapons,” says Craig Deare, the former special forces commander who is now a professor at the US National Defence University.
"I had some visibility on what was happening, because this [issue] was related to things I was doing in the Pentagon in the 1990s," Deare, who also served as country director in the office of the US Secretary of Defence, says.
"Other cartels have accused the Zetas of not following the 'gentlemen's code' of drug trafficking"
Kristen Bricker, NACLA Research Associate
The Mexican personnel who received US training and later formed the Zetas came from the Airmobile Special Forces Group (GAFE), which is considered an elite division of the Mexican military.
Their US training was designed to prepare them for counter-insurgency and, ironically, counter-narcotics operations, although Deare says they were not taught the most advanced commando techniques available at Ft. Bragg.
Military forces from around the world train at Ft. Bragg, so there is nothing unique about Mexican operatives learning counter-insurgency tactics at the facility. However, critics say the specific skills learned by the Zetas primed them for careers as contract killers and drug dealers.
“The Zetas definitely have the reputation of being the most dangerous, the most vicious, the most renegade of the cartels,” says Kristen Bricker, a Mexico-based research associate with the North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA).
About 29,000 people have died since Felipe Calderon, Mexico’s president, declared war on the drug cartels in 2006.
Extreme violence
The group has mounted the severed heads of its victims on pikes in urban areas, posted torture and execution videos on the internet, forced poor migrants into prostitution and massacred college students during house parties.
"Other cartels have accused them of not following the 'gentlemen's code' of drug trafficking and causing undue violence," Bricker told Al Jazeera.
"At one time, it was considered bad form to kill pregnant women, but not any more." For safety concerns, Bricker didn’t want to say where she lives in Mexico.
Deare estimates "probably more than 500" GAFE personnel received special forces training. He is unsure exactly how long the programme lasted. The Zetas came to the attention of Mexico’s Attorney General’s office in 1999.
After US training, GAFE operatives defected from the Mexican military to become hired guns, providing security to the Gulf cartel, a well established trafficking organisation, according to Laura Carlsen, director of the Americas program of the International Relations Center.
"They split from the Gulf cartel and formed as a cartel in their own right," Carlsen, based in Mexico City, told Al Jazeera.
The Zetas' alleged current leaders, Heriberto Lazcano, known as Z-3 and Miguel Trevino, or Z-40, were first recruited by Osiel Cardenas, the now-jailed leader of the Gulf cartel. The name "Zetas" originates from the radio code "Z" used by top military commanders in Mexico.
But unlike Zorro, the Mexican outlaw hero who also used the "Z" alias, Los Zetas steal from everyone, not just the rich. And they certainly don’t give much back to the poor, except the corpses of their relatives. "They are just known for being a different kind of human being," says Bricker.
Frequent defections
The number of initial defectors from GAFE is thought to be somewhere between 30 and 200, but "the exact number is unclear", says Deare. However, the possibility of defections should not have come as a surprise to US trainers.
The Mexican state "does not pay soldiers enough" Deare says. "I am not saying they [the government] have to pay as much as the cartels, but they [security forces] must be paid decently if they aren’t going to be susceptible to corruption."
The GAFE’s desertion rate of an estimated 25 per cent is high, even by the low standards of Mexico’s security forces. Between 2000 and 2005 more than 1,300 of the elite troops defected, La Journada newspaper reported.
The Zetas decided forming their own cartel was more profitable than working for the military or even other drug gangs [Reuters]
"The US really needs to examine their vetting procedures and manuals to see why so many people who they train do so many terrible things when they go back home," Bricker said.
But just blaming Uncle Sam for the rise of the Zetas and increasing drug violence is too simplistic, says Bricker.
"It wasn't just US training. The GAFE were also trained by the Kaibiles of Guatemala, a notoriously brutal special operations force from that country’s dirty war in the 1980s," said Bricker.
And even without special training for cartels, there is little trust that Mexican security forces can deal with the drug trade.
In May 2006, "La Barbie" a leader of the rival Sinaloa cartel, took out a full page advert in a Mexico City daily newspaper, to allege that Mexican police were protecting the Zetas.
For their part, the Zetas have long complained that the Sinaloa cartel enjoys police protection.
Despite debacles surrounding the Zetas and increasing violence, Deare - who physically resembles the tough but fair minded under-secretary of defence played by Harrison Ford in the fictional drug war thriller Patriot Games - thinks Mexico needs more, not less, US involvement.
America has pledged some $1.3bn to assist Mexico in the drug war through the 2007 Merida initiative, but much of that cash hasn’t been spent because it has been stalled in Congress, Deare says.
Alterior motives
Other analysts are critical of the initiative because it allows the US to "meddle" in Mexico’s affairs and has not garnered the desired results.
"For citizens here, Merida causes two great concerns: it raises questions of national sovereignty and there is a lot of fear that under the cover of the drug war there will be increasing attacks on grassroots movements," says Carlsen.
GAFE, for example, was established in 1994 to fight Zapatista rebels in southern Mexico, La Journada reported.
The Zapatistas, a poorly armed primarily indigenous militia, rose up against the Mexican government on January 1, 1994, the same day the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) came into effect between the US, Canada and Mexico.
The Zapatistas called NAFTA a "death sentence", in part, because the agreement would allow subsidised US crops to enter the Mexican market, pushing small farmers off the land.
After battling the insurgency, GAFE gained additional training and support from the US to fight the drug trade, a business which arguably benefited more than any other from NAFTA. Relaxed borders increased trade flows in many goods, illegal drugs in particular, and rural displacement swelled the ranks of unemployed young men eager to make quick cash by any means necessary.
Valued between $19bn and $40bn dollars on a yearly basis – exact figures aren’t available for obvious reasons- the drug trade has massive power as a corrupting influence.
And despite 50,000 Mexican troops fighting the cartels, despite the mangled bodies and US assurances of support, Bricker speaks for all three analysts from divergent political outlooks when she states: "No one has been able to present any evidence that the Mexican government is winning this war."
And, if winning the war on drugs is the goal, training the most violent cartel probably isn't a great start.
This is the first in a two part series examining the issues behind Mexico's drug violence. Follow Chris Arsenault On Twitter: @AJEchris
Al Jazeera and agencies
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Topics in this article
* Kristen Bricker
* Craig Deare
* Laura Carlsen
* Miguel Trevino
* Felipe Calderon
* Harrison Ford
* Osiel Cardenas
* Heriberto Lazcano
* Mexico
* United States
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* Guatemala
* Bragg
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* United States Army Special Forces
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* US National Defence University
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* International Relations Center
Featured on Al Jazeera
Media war: WikiLeaks v the Pentagon
Analysing the media coverage of the latest WikiLeaks release reveals some interesting insights.
US-trained cartel terrorises Mexico
Founders of the Zetas drug gang learned special forces techniques at Ft. Bragg before waging a campaign of carnage.
US and Israel: Blinded by the Right
Similarities exist in the political landscapes' of both the US and Israel, which left unaltered, could be of grave harm.
Report slams Pakistan drone strikes
Study shows US drones are not accurate in targeting "terrorists" and more civilians killed than al-Qaeda.
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Media war: WikiLeaks v the Pentagon
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US and Israel: Blinded by the Right
Deadly tsunami strikes Indonesia
US and Israel: Blinded by the Right
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Venezuela's multi-polar disorder
WikiLeaks releases secret Iraq file
Mexican student made police chief
Haiti scrambles to contain cholera
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Deadly tsunami strikes Indonesia
Powerful earthquake off western Sumatra triggers tsunami, leaving at least 113 people dead and scores more missing.
Last Modified: 26 Oct 2010 20:50 GMT
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Dozens of people are still missing a day after an earthquake triggered a tsunami that struck western Sumatra [EPA]
Dozens of people have been killed in a tsunami triggered by a powerful earthquake that struck off the western Indonesian island of Sumatra late on Monday.
On Tuesday a health ministry official said that 113 people had died and 500 more were missing.
Agolo Suparto, a spokesman with Indonesia's Disaster Management Agency, said 10 villages were swept away by the tsunami and the number of deaths is likely to rise in the coming days.
The 7.7 magnitude undersea earthquake struck near the Mentawai island chain which lies to the west of Padang on Sumatra.
The quake hit at 9:42 pm (14:42 GMT) at a depth of 20.6km, 280 km south of Padang, the US Geological Survey said.
"A significant tsunami was generated by this earthquake," said the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre.
The first tremor was followed by strong magnitude 6.1 and 6.2 aftershocks several hours later, sending hundreds of residents fleeing to higher ground.
Scores missing
Details of the damage and casualties came in late because it took 12 hours for rescue teams to reach the remote islands.
The tsunami destroyed at least one boat, with another reported missing with 13 people onboard, including a group of Australian tourists.
"We felt a bit of a shake underneath the boat... then within several minutes we heard an almighty roar," said Rick Hallet, an Australian who operates a boat-chartering business in Sumatra.
"I immediately thought of a tsunami and looked out to sea and that's when we saw the wall of white water coming at us."
Mudjiharto, the head of the Indonesian health ministry's crisis centre, said a three-metre-high wave washed away hundreds of houses in two coastal villages in the island chain.
"Eighty per cent of buildings in Muntei village have been damaged by the waves and many people are missing there," said Mudjiharto, who like many Indonesians goes by only one name.
Mudjiharto said medical personnel were on their way to the most devastated areas in helicopters but rescue efforts have been hampered by disruption to communications in the area.
Disease fears
Andrew Judge, chief executive officer of Surfaid International which helps local communities in Sumatra, told Al Jazeera that reports of deaths and damage are escalating.
"The devastation has only been revealed to us this afternoon, so we are moving as quickly as we can.
"There is only one airfield in the Muntei, an old military base, that is used. There is scope to land a helicopter.
"We are working closely with the Indonesian government and our contacts in the surf industry to find out the scope and what needs to be delivered.
"Our worries are not only with the deaths and missing, but also the evacuation site, health and hygiene, and nutrition.
"If people are suffering from malaria or are malnourished particularly the very young or very old, and they are moved away from their homes, we are worried about disease outbreaks and further deaths in the weeks to come."
The Asian tsunami in December 2004 - triggered by a 9.3-magnitude quake off northwest Sumatra - killed at least 168,000 people in Indonesia alone.
Al Jazeera and agencies
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* Mudjiharto
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* Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre
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Featured on Al Jazeera
Media war: WikiLeaks v the Pentagon
Analysing the media coverage of the latest WikiLeaks release reveals some interesting insights.
US-trained cartel terrorises Mexico
Founders of the Zetas drug gang learned special forces techniques at Ft. Bragg before waging a campaign of carnage.
US and Israel: Blinded by the Right
Similarities exist in the political landscapes' of both the US and Israel, which left unaltered, could be of grave harm.
Report slams Pakistan drone strikes
Study shows US drones are not accurate in targeting "terrorists" and more civilians killed than al-Qaeda.
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Powerful earthquake off western Sumatra triggers tsunami, leaving at least 113 people dead and scores more missing.
Last Modified: 26 Oct 2010 20:50 GMT
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Dozens of people are still missing a day after an earthquake triggered a tsunami that struck western Sumatra [EPA]
Dozens of people have been killed in a tsunami triggered by a powerful earthquake that struck off the western Indonesian island of Sumatra late on Monday.
On Tuesday a health ministry official said that 113 people had died and 500 more were missing.
Agolo Suparto, a spokesman with Indonesia's Disaster Management Agency, said 10 villages were swept away by the tsunami and the number of deaths is likely to rise in the coming days.
The 7.7 magnitude undersea earthquake struck near the Mentawai island chain which lies to the west of Padang on Sumatra.
The quake hit at 9:42 pm (14:42 GMT) at a depth of 20.6km, 280 km south of Padang, the US Geological Survey said.
"A significant tsunami was generated by this earthquake," said the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre.
The first tremor was followed by strong magnitude 6.1 and 6.2 aftershocks several hours later, sending hundreds of residents fleeing to higher ground.
Scores missing
Details of the damage and casualties came in late because it took 12 hours for rescue teams to reach the remote islands.
The tsunami destroyed at least one boat, with another reported missing with 13 people onboard, including a group of Australian tourists.
"We felt a bit of a shake underneath the boat... then within several minutes we heard an almighty roar," said Rick Hallet, an Australian who operates a boat-chartering business in Sumatra.
"I immediately thought of a tsunami and looked out to sea and that's when we saw the wall of white water coming at us."
Mudjiharto, the head of the Indonesian health ministry's crisis centre, said a three-metre-high wave washed away hundreds of houses in two coastal villages in the island chain.
"Eighty per cent of buildings in Muntei village have been damaged by the waves and many people are missing there," said Mudjiharto, who like many Indonesians goes by only one name.
Mudjiharto said medical personnel were on their way to the most devastated areas in helicopters but rescue efforts have been hampered by disruption to communications in the area.
Disease fears
Andrew Judge, chief executive officer of Surfaid International which helps local communities in Sumatra, told Al Jazeera that reports of deaths and damage are escalating.
"The devastation has only been revealed to us this afternoon, so we are moving as quickly as we can.
"There is only one airfield in the Muntei, an old military base, that is used. There is scope to land a helicopter.
"We are working closely with the Indonesian government and our contacts in the surf industry to find out the scope and what needs to be delivered.
"Our worries are not only with the deaths and missing, but also the evacuation site, health and hygiene, and nutrition.
"If people are suffering from malaria or are malnourished particularly the very young or very old, and they are moved away from their homes, we are worried about disease outbreaks and further deaths in the weeks to come."
The Asian tsunami in December 2004 - triggered by a 9.3-magnitude quake off northwest Sumatra - killed at least 168,000 people in Indonesia alone.
Al Jazeera and agencies
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* Mudjiharto
* Agolo Suparto
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* Indonesia's Disaster Management Agency
* Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre
* Environmental Protection Agency
Featured on Al Jazeera
Media war: WikiLeaks v the Pentagon
Analysing the media coverage of the latest WikiLeaks release reveals some interesting insights.
US-trained cartel terrorises Mexico
Founders of the Zetas drug gang learned special forces techniques at Ft. Bragg before waging a campaign of carnage.
US and Israel: Blinded by the Right
Similarities exist in the political landscapes' of both the US and Israel, which left unaltered, could be of grave harm.
Report slams Pakistan drone strikes
Study shows US drones are not accurate in targeting "terrorists" and more civilians killed than al-Qaeda.
Related Items
Tsunami-hit Aceh recovers well
Observers highlight reconstruction of hard-hit Indonesian province as rare success story. ( 17-Aug-2010 )
Strong quake hits eastern Indonesia
Tsunami alert lifted in Indonesia
Asia marks tsunami anniversary
Asia marks tsunami anniversary
The tsunami anniversary
Top News Accordion
Top News
Indonesia volcano Merapi erupts
Cholera death rate slows in Haiti
Deadly tsunami strikes Indonesia
Tariq Aziz sentenced to death
Somalia tops the most corrupt list
Indonesia volcano Merapi erupts
Myanmar struggles in wake of storm
Deadly tsunami strikes Indonesia
Strong yen slows Japan export rise
India and Japan sign trade deals
What's Hot
What's Hot
Somalia tops the most corrupt list
Indonesia volcano Merapi erupts
China's rise worries neighbours
Tariq Aziz sentenced to death
Media war: WikiLeaks v the Pentagon
Working Man's Death
The Secret Iraq Files
US-trained cartel terrorises Mexico
US and Israel: Blinded by the Right
Deadly tsunami strikes Indonesia
US and Israel: Blinded by the Right
US turned blind eye to torture
And the real enemy is ...
Files chart al-Qaeda's rise in Iraq
Venezuela's multi-polar disorder
WikiLeaks releases secret Iraq file
Mexican student made police chief
Haiti scrambles to contain cholera
Midterms: money changes everything
Viva Palestina convoy reaches Gaza
Deadly tsunami strikes Indonesia
Powerful earthquake off western Sumatra triggers tsunami, leaving at least 113 people dead and scores more missing.
Last Modified: 26 Oct 2010 20:50 GMT
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Dozens of people are still missing a day after an earthquake triggered a tsunami that struck western Sumatra [EPA]
Dozens of people have been killed in a tsunami triggered by a powerful earthquake that struck off the western Indonesian island of Sumatra late on Monday.
On Tuesday a health ministry official said that 113 people had died and 500 more were missing.
Agolo Suparto, a spokesman with Indonesia's Disaster Management Agency, said 10 villages were swept away by the tsunami and the number of deaths is likely to rise in the coming days.
The 7.7 magnitude undersea earthquake struck near the Mentawai island chain which lies to the west of Padang on Sumatra.
The quake hit at 9:42 pm (14:42 GMT) at a depth of 20.6km, 280 km south of Padang, the US Geological Survey said.
"A significant tsunami was generated by this earthquake," said the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre.
The first tremor was followed by strong magnitude 6.1 and 6.2 aftershocks several hours later, sending hundreds of residents fleeing to higher ground.
Scores missing
Details of the damage and casualties came in late because it took 12 hours for rescue teams to reach the remote islands.
The tsunami destroyed at least one boat, with another reported missing with 13 people onboard, including a group of Australian tourists.
"We felt a bit of a shake underneath the boat... then within several minutes we heard an almighty roar," said Rick Hallet, an Australian who operates a boat-chartering business in Sumatra.
"I immediately thought of a tsunami and looked out to sea and that's when we saw the wall of white water coming at us."
Mudjiharto, the head of the Indonesian health ministry's crisis centre, said a three-metre-high wave washed away hundreds of houses in two coastal villages in the island chain.
"Eighty per cent of buildings in Muntei village have been damaged by the waves and many people are missing there," said Mudjiharto, who like many Indonesians goes by only one name.
Mudjiharto said medical personnel were on their way to the most devastated areas in helicopters but rescue efforts have been hampered by disruption to communications in the area.
Disease fears
Andrew Judge, chief executive officer of Surfaid International which helps local communities in Sumatra, told Al Jazeera that reports of deaths and damage are escalating.
"The devastation has only been revealed to us this afternoon, so we are moving as quickly as we can.
"There is only one airfield in the Muntei, an old military base, that is used. There is scope to land a helicopter.
"We are working closely with the Indonesian government and our contacts in the surf industry to find out the scope and what needs to be delivered.
"Our worries are not only with the deaths and missing, but also the evacuation site, health and hygiene, and nutrition.
"If people are suffering from malaria or are malnourished particularly the very young or very old, and they are moved away from their homes, we are worried about disease outbreaks and further deaths in the weeks to come."
The Asian tsunami in December 2004 - triggered by a 9.3-magnitude quake off northwest Sumatra - killed at least 168,000 people in Indonesia alone.
Al Jazeera and agencies
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* Mudjiharto
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* Indonesia's Disaster Management Agency
* Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre
* Environmental Protection Agency
Featured on Al Jazeera
Media war: WikiLeaks v the Pentagon
Analysing the media coverage of the latest WikiLeaks release reveals some interesting insights.
US-trained cartel terrorises Mexico
Founders of the Zetas drug gang learned special forces techniques at Ft. Bragg before waging a campaign of carnage.
US and Israel: Blinded by the Right
Similarities exist in the political landscapes' of both the US and Israel, which left unaltered, could be of grave harm.
Report slams Pakistan drone strikes
Study shows US drones are not accurate in targeting "terrorists" and more civilians killed than al-Qaeda.
Related Items
Tsunami-hit Aceh recovers well
Observers highlight reconstruction of hard-hit Indonesian province as rare success story. ( 17-Aug-2010 )
Strong quake hits eastern Indonesia
Tsunami alert lifted in Indonesia
Asia marks tsunami anniversary
Asia marks tsunami anniversary
The tsunami anniversary
Top News Accordion
Top News
Indonesia volcano Merapi erupts
Cholera death rate slows in Haiti
Deadly tsunami strikes Indonesia
Tariq Aziz sentenced to death
Somalia tops the most corrupt list
Indonesia volcano Merapi erupts
Myanmar struggles in wake of storm
Deadly tsunami strikes Indonesia
Strong yen slows Japan export rise
India and Japan sign trade deals
What's Hot
What's Hot
Somalia tops the most corrupt list
Indonesia volcano Merapi erupts
China's rise worries neighbours
Tariq Aziz sentenced to death
Media war: WikiLeaks v the Pentagon
Working Man's Death
The Secret Iraq Files
US-trained cartel terrorises Mexico
US and Israel: Blinded by the Right
Deadly tsunami strikes Indonesia
US and Israel: Blinded by the Right
US turned blind eye to torture
And the real enemy is ...
Files chart al-Qaeda's rise in Iraq
Venezuela's multi-polar disorder
WikiLeaks releases secret Iraq file
Mexican student made police chief
Haiti scrambles to contain cholera
Midterms: money changes everything
Viva Palestina convoy reaches Gaza
Powerful earthquake off western Sumatra triggers tsunami, leaving at least 113 people dead and scores more missing.
Last Modified: 26 Oct 2010 20:50 GMT
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Dozens of people are still missing a day after an earthquake triggered a tsunami that struck western Sumatra [EPA]
Dozens of people have been killed in a tsunami triggered by a powerful earthquake that struck off the western Indonesian island of Sumatra late on Monday.
On Tuesday a health ministry official said that 113 people had died and 500 more were missing.
Agolo Suparto, a spokesman with Indonesia's Disaster Management Agency, said 10 villages were swept away by the tsunami and the number of deaths is likely to rise in the coming days.
The 7.7 magnitude undersea earthquake struck near the Mentawai island chain which lies to the west of Padang on Sumatra.
The quake hit at 9:42 pm (14:42 GMT) at a depth of 20.6km, 280 km south of Padang, the US Geological Survey said.
"A significant tsunami was generated by this earthquake," said the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre.
The first tremor was followed by strong magnitude 6.1 and 6.2 aftershocks several hours later, sending hundreds of residents fleeing to higher ground.
Scores missing
Details of the damage and casualties came in late because it took 12 hours for rescue teams to reach the remote islands.
The tsunami destroyed at least one boat, with another reported missing with 13 people onboard, including a group of Australian tourists.
"We felt a bit of a shake underneath the boat... then within several minutes we heard an almighty roar," said Rick Hallet, an Australian who operates a boat-chartering business in Sumatra.
"I immediately thought of a tsunami and looked out to sea and that's when we saw the wall of white water coming at us."
Mudjiharto, the head of the Indonesian health ministry's crisis centre, said a three-metre-high wave washed away hundreds of houses in two coastal villages in the island chain.
"Eighty per cent of buildings in Muntei village have been damaged by the waves and many people are missing there," said Mudjiharto, who like many Indonesians goes by only one name.
Mudjiharto said medical personnel were on their way to the most devastated areas in helicopters but rescue efforts have been hampered by disruption to communications in the area.
Disease fears
Andrew Judge, chief executive officer of Surfaid International which helps local communities in Sumatra, told Al Jazeera that reports of deaths and damage are escalating.
"The devastation has only been revealed to us this afternoon, so we are moving as quickly as we can.
"There is only one airfield in the Muntei, an old military base, that is used. There is scope to land a helicopter.
"We are working closely with the Indonesian government and our contacts in the surf industry to find out the scope and what needs to be delivered.
"Our worries are not only with the deaths and missing, but also the evacuation site, health and hygiene, and nutrition.
"If people are suffering from malaria or are malnourished particularly the very young or very old, and they are moved away from their homes, we are worried about disease outbreaks and further deaths in the weeks to come."
The Asian tsunami in December 2004 - triggered by a 9.3-magnitude quake off northwest Sumatra - killed at least 168,000 people in Indonesia alone.
Al Jazeera and agencies
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Topics in this article
* Mudjiharto
* Agolo Suparto
* Rick Hallet
* Indonesia
* Asia
* Indonesia's Disaster Management Agency
* Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre
* Environmental Protection Agency
Featured on Al Jazeera
Media war: WikiLeaks v the Pentagon
Analysing the media coverage of the latest WikiLeaks release reveals some interesting insights.
US-trained cartel terrorises Mexico
Founders of the Zetas drug gang learned special forces techniques at Ft. Bragg before waging a campaign of carnage.
US and Israel: Blinded by the Right
Similarities exist in the political landscapes' of both the US and Israel, which left unaltered, could be of grave harm.
Report slams Pakistan drone strikes
Study shows US drones are not accurate in targeting "terrorists" and more civilians killed than al-Qaeda.
Related Items
Tsunami-hit Aceh recovers well
Observers highlight reconstruction of hard-hit Indonesian province as rare success story. ( 17-Aug-2010 )
Strong quake hits eastern Indonesia
Tsunami alert lifted in Indonesia
Asia marks tsunami anniversary
Asia marks tsunami anniversary
The tsunami anniversary
Top News Accordion
Top News
Indonesia volcano Merapi erupts
Cholera death rate slows in Haiti
Deadly tsunami strikes Indonesia
Tariq Aziz sentenced to death
Somalia tops the most corrupt list
Indonesia volcano Merapi erupts
Myanmar struggles in wake of storm
Deadly tsunami strikes Indonesia
Strong yen slows Japan export rise
India and Japan sign trade deals
What's Hot
What's Hot
Somalia tops the most corrupt list
Indonesia volcano Merapi erupts
China's rise worries neighbours
Tariq Aziz sentenced to death
Media war: WikiLeaks v the Pentagon
Working Man's Death
The Secret Iraq Files
US-trained cartel terrorises Mexico
US and Israel: Blinded by the Right
Deadly tsunami strikes Indonesia
US and Israel: Blinded by the Right
US turned blind eye to torture
And the real enemy is ...
Files chart al-Qaeda's rise in Iraq
Venezuela's multi-polar disorder
WikiLeaks releases secret Iraq file
Mexican student made police chief
Haiti scrambles to contain cholera
Midterms: money changes everything
Viva Palestina convoy reaches Gaza
As-salaamu Alaikum Wa'rahmatullahi Wa'barakatuh
The Best Days Of The Year Are Fast Approaching Us!
Praise be to Allaah.
In what follows, we will highlight some of the Sunnah regarding these days, hoping by this to provide an incentive to make the best out of them and gain Allaah’s reward, in shaa’ Allaah.
The First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah
"The best days in the world are the Ten days." [Ibn Hibbaan, al-Bazzaar, authenticated in Saheeh Jaami` us-Sagheer #1133]
"There are no days during which good deeds are more beloved by Allaah than these (ten) days." [al-Bukhaaree, at-Tirmidhee and others] The Prophet, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, was then asked: "Not even Jihaad in Allaah’s way?" He replied: "Not even Jihaad in Allaah’s way; except for a person who went out (for Jihaad) with his self and wealth and came back with none (i.e. lost all for Allaah)." [at-Tirmidhee, authenticated in al-Albaanee’s Irwaa’ ul-Ghaleel, #953]
All good deeds can be done during these days and the early generations of Muslims used to exert themselves excessively in worshipping Allaah. In particular, fasting and dhikr (mentioning and remembering Allaah) are to be done in plenty on these days.
Ibn `Abbaas commented on the verse <<…and to mention Allaah’s name on Known days>> [22:28] by saying: <…these known days are the ten days .>
One of the wives of the Prophet, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, said: "Allaah’s Messenger used to fast the (first) nine days of Dhul Hijjah, the day of `Ashooraa’, and three days of each month." [Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood #2129]
Fasting on all these days, however, is not waajib (compulsory).
The Day of `Arafah - The Best Day of the Whole Year
The day of `Arafah is the day when the pilgrims stand in worship on the Mountain of `Arafah.
"Fasting the day of `Arafah expiates the sins of two years: a past one and a coming one. And fasting the day of `Aashooraa’ expiates the sins of the past year."
"There is no day on which Allaah `azza wa jall frees people from the Fire as He does no the day of `Arafah. He comes close (to those standing on `Arafah) and then revels before His angels, saying: "What are these people seeking?"
Eid Ul Adhaa
The tenth of Dhul-Hijjah is Eid Ul Adhaa (also known as the day of an-Nahr (slaughtering)). It marks the conclusion of the major rites of Hajj, and commemorates Allaah’s bounty on His Messenger Ibraaheem, when He gave him a ram to sacrifice as ransom for his son Ismaa`eel, `alayhimassalaam.
"The day of al-Fitr , the day of an-Nahr, and the days of Tashreeq are Eid days for us Muslims. They are days of eating and drinking." [Ahmad, an-Nasaa’ee, Saheeh ul-Jaami` #8192]
The Three Days Following Eid Ul Adhaa
On these days, the pilgrims complete their rites, Muslims continue with their Eid celebrations, and are prohibited to fast. "The days of tashreeq are days of eating, drinking and mentioning Allaah."
The Sacrifice
Allaah `azza wa jall mentioned the sacrifice together with the first and foremost worship in Islaam: prayer. This is a clear indication of its great importance. Thus He ordered His Messenger, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, to slaughter sacrifices by saying: <<"…Pray unto your Lord and slaughter …">> [109:2]
The general concensus of the Muslim scholars is that the sacrifice is an important sunnah, and a worship called for in the Law of Allaah. However, they differ as to whether it is nafl (voluntary) or waajib (mandatory) for those who can afford it. Some scholars have explained the different ahaadeeth on the subject by stating that the sacrifice is obligatory on those who can afford it and not obligatory on those who cannot.
Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, said: "He who has the capacity, and does not sacrifice, may not approach our musallaa (place of prayer - on the Eid)." [Ibn Maajah, Ahmad and others, authenticated by Al-Albaanee in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, #2533]
Regarding this hadeeth, Imaam ash-Shaukaanee said: "Prohibiting the one who could afford to sacrifice, but did not do so, from approaching the musallaa indicates that he must have left off a waajib, as it becomes useless to offer the salaah without this waajib ." [Nayl ul-Awtaar]
Avoid Cutting Hair or Nails
The one who plans to sacrifice (normally, the head of household) is prohibited to cut his hair or nails from the first Dhul Hijjah until he offers the sacrifice. "For the one who has a slaughtering to perform (on Eid then, once the hilaal (crescent) of Dhul Hijjah is observed, let him not cut any of his hair or nails until he sacrifices." And in another narration: "Once the ten days start, for those of you who havethe intention to sacrifice, let them not cut any of their hair or nails (until they sacrifice)." This prohibition is the opinion of the majority of the scholars of the early generations of Muslims.
Allaahu A`lam
Our last call is all praise is to Allaah and may His salaah and salaam be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family.
Based on "Al-A`yaad fil Islaam" [by Muhammad. al-Jibaly]
NB. Insha Allah the 1st of Dhul Hijjah this year will be around the 7th November 2010 (depending on the sighting of the moon). So let's get preparing for these great days that are fast approaching. May Allah accept from us.
The 10 Days of Dhul-Hijjah
The 10 Days of Dhul-Hijjah
The Virtues of the first 10 days of Dhull Hijjah
The Virtues of Dhul Hijjah
Five special deeds for Thul Hijjah
Five special deeds
Dhul Hijjah and Christmas - Masood Chowdhury
Dhul Hijjah and Christmas
The 10 Days Of Dhul-Hijjah - Sh. Sajid Ahmed Umar
The 10 Days Of Dhul-Hijjah
The 10 Days Of Dhul-Hijjah with Sheikh Sajid Ahmed Umar
The 10 Days Of Dhul-Hijjah is a non-profit Dawah Project aimed to educate and provide an alternative on the Web.
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The Best Days Of The Year Are Fast Approaching Us!
Praise be to Allaah.
In what follows, we will highlight some of the Sunnah regarding these days, hoping by this to provide an incentive to make the best out of them and gain Allaah’s reward, in shaa’ Allaah.
The First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah
"The best days in the world are the Ten days." [Ibn Hibbaan, al-Bazzaar, authenticated in Saheeh Jaami` us-Sagheer #1133]
"There are no days during which good deeds are more beloved by Allaah than these (ten) days." [al-Bukhaaree, at-Tirmidhee and others] The Prophet, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, was then asked: "Not even Jihaad in Allaah’s way?" He replied: "Not even Jihaad in Allaah’s way; except for a person who went out (for Jihaad) with his self and wealth and came back with none (i.e. lost all for Allaah)." [at-Tirmidhee, authenticated in al-Albaanee’s Irwaa’ ul-Ghaleel, #953]
All good deeds can be done during these days and the early generations of Muslims used to exert themselves excessively in worshipping Allaah. In particular, fasting and dhikr (mentioning and remembering Allaah) are to be done in plenty on these days.
Ibn `Abbaas commented on the verse <<…and to mention Allaah’s name on Known days>> [22:28] by saying: <…these known days are the ten days .>
One of the wives of the Prophet, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, said: "Allaah’s Messenger used to fast the (first) nine days of Dhul Hijjah, the day of `Ashooraa’, and three days of each month." [Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood #2129]
Fasting on all these days, however, is not waajib (compulsory).
The Day of `Arafah - The Best Day of the Whole Year
The day of `Arafah is the day when the pilgrims stand in worship on the Mountain of `Arafah.
"Fasting the day of `Arafah expiates the sins of two years: a past one and a coming one. And fasting the day of `Aashooraa’ expiates the sins of the past year."
"There is no day on which Allaah `azza wa jall frees people from the Fire as He does no the day of `Arafah. He comes close (to those standing on `Arafah) and then revels before His angels, saying: "What are these people seeking?"
Eid Ul Adhaa
The tenth of Dhul-Hijjah is Eid Ul Adhaa (also known as the day of an-Nahr (slaughtering)). It marks the conclusion of the major rites of Hajj, and commemorates Allaah’s bounty on His Messenger Ibraaheem, when He gave him a ram to sacrifice as ransom for his son Ismaa`eel, `alayhimassalaam.
"The day of al-Fitr , the day of an-Nahr, and the days of Tashreeq are Eid days for us Muslims. They are days of eating and drinking." [Ahmad, an-Nasaa’ee, Saheeh ul-Jaami` #8192]
The Three Days Following Eid Ul Adhaa
On these days, the pilgrims complete their rites, Muslims continue with their Eid celebrations, and are prohibited to fast. "The days of tashreeq are days of eating, drinking and mentioning Allaah."
The Sacrifice
Allaah `azza wa jall mentioned the sacrifice together with the first and foremost worship in Islaam: prayer. This is a clear indication of its great importance. Thus He ordered His Messenger, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, to slaughter sacrifices by saying: <<"…Pray unto your Lord and slaughter …">> [109:2]
The general concensus of the Muslim scholars is that the sacrifice is an important sunnah, and a worship called for in the Law of Allaah. However, they differ as to whether it is nafl (voluntary) or waajib (mandatory) for those who can afford it. Some scholars have explained the different ahaadeeth on the subject by stating that the sacrifice is obligatory on those who can afford it and not obligatory on those who cannot.
Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, said: "He who has the capacity, and does not sacrifice, may not approach our musallaa (place of prayer - on the Eid)." [Ibn Maajah, Ahmad and others, authenticated by Al-Albaanee in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, #2533]
Regarding this hadeeth, Imaam ash-Shaukaanee said: "Prohibiting the one who could afford to sacrifice, but did not do so, from approaching the musallaa indicates that he must have left off a waajib, as it becomes useless to offer the salaah without this waajib ." [Nayl ul-Awtaar]
Avoid Cutting Hair or Nails
The one who plans to sacrifice (normally, the head of household) is prohibited to cut his hair or nails from the first Dhul Hijjah until he offers the sacrifice. "For the one who has a slaughtering to perform (on Eid then, once the hilaal (crescent) of Dhul Hijjah is observed, let him not cut any of his hair or nails until he sacrifices." And in another narration: "Once the ten days start, for those of you who havethe intention to sacrifice, let them not cut any of their hair or nails (until they sacrifice)." This prohibition is the opinion of the majority of the scholars of the early generations of Muslims.
Allaahu A`lam
Our last call is all praise is to Allaah and may His salaah and salaam be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family.
Based on "Al-A`yaad fil Islaam" [by Muhammad. al-Jibaly]
NB. Insha Allah the 1st of Dhul Hijjah this year will be around the 7th November 2010 (depending on the sighting of the moon). So let's get preparing for these great days that are fast approaching. May Allah accept from us.
The 10 Days of Dhul-Hijjah
The 10 Days of Dhul-Hijjah
The Virtues of the first 10 days of Dhull Hijjah
The Virtues of Dhul Hijjah
Five special deeds for Thul Hijjah
Five special deeds
Dhul Hijjah and Christmas - Masood Chowdhury
Dhul Hijjah and Christmas
The 10 Days Of Dhul-Hijjah - Sh. Sajid Ahmed Umar
The 10 Days Of Dhul-Hijjah
The 10 Days Of Dhul-Hijjah with Sheikh Sajid Ahmed Umar
The 10 Days Of Dhul-Hijjah is a non-profit Dawah Project aimed to educate and provide an alternative on the Web.
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Iraq War[edit this page]
From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia.
Whoops! Maybe you were looking for Vietnam War?
Blame Canada
It seems that everything's gone wrong Since Canada came along.
Iraq War
Conflict: Iraq War
Date: 2003 - present
Location: Middle Earth (Baghdad),(Moon)
Outcome: Ongoing
Rogue States
* Iraq
* Alqaedastan
* Kurds
* Royal Saddam Brigade
Bad Company
* Russia
* Iran
* United States
* George Bush
* Dick Cheney
* Saddam Hussein
* Osama bin Laden
* Burger King Guy
* Tupac Shakur
* George Bush
* Dick Cheney
* Obama
* Ronald McDonald†
5,000 Militia
2,000 Suicide bombers
Total Strength: 7,000
1,600,000 Infantry
1,000 Tanks
750 Fighter jets
500 Bombers
5000 Nukes
5,000 Attack helicopters
Prototype particle beam cannon
5 Satellite particle beam lasers
25,000 Iraqi security officials
200 Battleships
50 Cruisers
20 Aircraft carriers
100 Nuclear submarines
50,000 Marines
75,000 Naval and Aerial Pilots
Total Strength: Sh*tloads
KIA: 15
KBS (killed by suicide): 505
Wounded: 308
Total Casualties: 828
KIA: 350,000 - 570,000
Wounded: 470,000
Captured: Est. 1,000,000
Vehicles lost: Almost all tanks, armoured vehicles, and aircraft. Several naval vessels destroyed by camel dung cannons.
Total Casualties: estimated 2,000,000
“Some recoil!”
~ US Army sniper replies to reporter's question, "Don't you feel anything when you shoot those brave terrorists?"
The Iraq War, also known as the 2003 Advance to Iraq, 2003 Invasion to Iraq, World War 3 or 4, Battle of Middle Earth IV, Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL), The Revenge of George: Part II of Chapter III, The Useless War Everyone Else Was Right About, The I-Told-You-So War and other less flattering names, is the long-awaited sequel to the highly popular Hollywood film 300: The Apocalypse. The film is famous for starring the U.S. Army and 43th U.S. President George W. Bush. The entire film was shot in two international cities: Washington D.C. and Baghdad, with the help of 46th Vice President of the United States Dick Cheney and 12th Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, respectively.
The film is set in the year 2003, when United States President George W. Bush, starred by George W. Bush, declared to invade the Alqaedastan, a little country which reserves precious oil fields and dangerous WMDs. The governments of the United States and the United Kingdom claimed that Alqaedastan's alleged possession of WMD posed a threat to security of peaceful allied nation Iraq, since Alqaedastan was hiding their warheads somewhere inside the Iraqi desert. Some US officials also accused Alqaedi government of abducting and imprisoning Iraqi President Saddam Hussein (starred by Don Cheadle). Saddam was later found dead in Northern Iraqi warehouse. Expert considers that Saddam has commited suicide.
Recently US President Obama bin Laden has stated that he just finished the directing of the film and it is ready to be released. He also stated that the film was officialy budgeted at US$999 trillion. He is sure that the film will win the Grammy Award.
* 1 Storyline
o 1.1 Caspian Gulf War I
o 1.2 Operation Iraqi Liberation
o 1.3 WMD
* 2 The Invasion
o 2.1 The hard, early days
o 2.2 Looting of Baghdad
o 2.3 American Occupation
o 2.4 Mission Started
o 2.5 Operation Obama-Drama
* 3 The New Vietnam
o 3.1 Casualties
* 4 Opinions
o 4.1 Iraqi Opinion
o 4.2 American Opinion
+ 4.2.1 Cindy Sheehan
o 4.3 Rest of the World
* 5 Bush's views
* 6 See Also
* 7 External Links
[edit] Storyline
[edit] Caspian Gulf War I
President Bush decides on which middle-eastern country to invade next.
HindleyiteAdded by Hindleyite
Once upon a time in 1991, Saddam Hussein (Arabic for Megatron) invaded his tiny, defenseless neighbor Kuwait by knocking on their door and telling them he had a viagra for them. However, a coalition consisting of USA, UK and Azerbaijan was quickly scrambled and defeated Megatron, but with making Kuwaitis got into heavy debt. USA president George HW Bush was badly wounded on the battle and passed on his matrix of leadership to his trusted sidekick, George W Bush.
[edit] Operation Iraqi Liberation
While some alleged the war was fought to liberate the Iraqi's from an oppressive dictator, this is easily disproven with the simple fact that still there are Rogue States the United States has not liberated. Unless the United States simultaneously invaded every single dictatorship at the same time - which is certainly make them FUCKED UP by WHOLE NATIONS - the argument is shown to be a total fallacy. Thus, the first justification must be dismissed.
[edit] WMD
The second and most prominently cited justification involved Saddam's weapons of mass destruction. Again, the United States' so called "fears" were unfounded. Saddam Hussein not only had no Weapons of Mass Destruction, he never pursued them either. The most famous allegation against WMD was that they used chemical weapons against the Northern nomadic tribe Turds in 1988 in the so called "al Anfal campaign," killing thousands of Turdish civilians and millions of ducks. This has been confirmed as a ULTIMATE TRUTH which widespreaded from Uncyclopedia (actually, in 1988 there was serious IP spammings on an article "AAAAAAAAAA!". Wikia's immediate investigation confirmed that the IP address was from Northern Iraqistan).
[edit] The Invasion
The British Government's Nazi ties are the reason they supported the Invasion.
RangeleyAdded by Rangeley
After successfully carrying out the September 11th attacks on his own nation, Bush immediately began planning to invade Iraq, along with coconspirators Dick Van Dyke and Lex Luthor. Even though Afghanistan was harboring Osama Bin Laden, the thought of going to war with Afghanistan never for a moment crossed his mind. Instead, he completely went past them and ordered plans be made to harvest Iraqi oil.
Bush undermined the diplomatic process by going to war. Saddam had allowed for complete and comprehensive weapons inspections, so long as they avoided places such as Palaces, weapons bunkers, missile factories, munitions plants, and spider holes. These generous allowments would, without a doubt, prove definitively as to whether or not Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. French President Jacques Chirac, convinced of the truth by the compelling cooperation shown by Saddam, entirely ruled out the possibility of war. But this did nothing to stop the warmongering Bush, who launched his unilateral war regardless.
[edit] The hard, early days
American troops met immediate resistance from Saddam's brave armed forces, who held back several American advances and quickly stalemated the war, which was now being called a Quagmire by the press. As the Iraqi Information Minister predicted, soldiers began to commit suicide at the city gates of Baghdad in such high numbers that the United States had to use psychoactive drugs to keep soldiers in line. In another attempt to bolster support, American officials erroneously announced that the Saddam International Airport had been captured, when in reality it had been successfully defended by the Iraqi army after 7 failed American offensives.
[edit] Looting of Baghdad
Despite stunning early successes by Saddam's forces, on April 4th Americans suddenly and inexplicably arrived in Baghdad, defacing statues of Saddam Hussein (one of which fell and took out half the US army) and looting local businesses. The collapse of Saddam's military at this point remains a mystery, though some suspect that the Iraqi army renounced the use of violence in hopes of convincing Americans that war was not the answer - a message most certainly ignored.
[edit] American Occupation
Behold the reconstruction of Iraq
OG locAdded by OG loc
Since the invasion, America has occupied Iraq and taken advantage of its vast oil reserves, leading to record lows in gas prices. After the mysterious disappearance of Iraq's army, a new, well trained insurgency merely took its place. In the first twelve months of occupation things went just swell with deaths limited to the tens of thousands, which was viewed as a remarkable improvement on previous acts of random state-sponsored terrorism (see: Vietnam War and Christina Aguilera's back catalogue). Democrat National Committee Chairman Howard Dean stated "the idea the war in Iraq can be won is just plain wrong." And the events in Iraq wholly back this statement up, as every attempt at holding an election in Iraq has failed. The Insurgents are fighting for a just cause; Sharia law is the only true form of law. In addition, many of the soldiers serving in Iraq have not been trained for combat, and are in fact immediately taken from recruiting stations into Iraq to serve up to 32 tours of duty. The Neocons will likely push for a draft of citizens between the age of 13 to 60, as the military is stretched far too thin to continue its occupation, even as they force current recruits to stay indefinitely.
[edit] Mission Started
In mid-2003, George W. Bush and John McCain flew aboard the USS Carl Vinson and declared "mission started," officially starting the Iraq War.
[edit] Operation Obama-Drama
Once Obama fairly, rightly, and by no unfair vote changes at all, was elected and was shown to be such a responsible, glorious, competent leader, he, after promising to pull out of the Middle East, sent at least 900,000 more troops (mostly random people given a gun and shipped to Iraq) to the Iraq front. The troops went batshit-insane with American pride, and as soon as they landed, began firing blindly around the area shouting "AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!" With all of their bullets wasted, and with no combat experience, 700,000 of the 900,000 were quickly captured by 5 Iraqi insurgents. The other 200,000 American soldiers retreated back to their aircraft carriers.
Afterward, Obama's operation was dubbed a success, and he was given the Nobel peace prize, plus 10 nomations for Best Actor of the Year.
[edit] The New Vietnam
There are uncanny parallels between the Vietnam war and Iraq war. One such example is the revolutionary methods of warfare that came to define both conflicts - in Vietnam, the use of live animal as ammunition was heralded as groundbreaking by then-US Secretary of State Charles Manson. In Iraq, the first uses of shoulder-mounted laser cannons proved to be a similar such triumph.
OMG!?! WAS THAT A SHOT FROM F-16!?!?(Yes that's right, a friendly fire. Pwned.)
DaDopeboyAdded by DaDopeboy
[edit] Casualties
Unlike other conflicts, soldiers died at the hands of the enemy in both of these wars.
Iraqi reports on insurgents killed estimate around 300,000,000 with 200,000,000 of that number being killed by AC 130s.
US reports around 100,000 killed in action, another 300,000 killed by friendly fire (one night in the main HQ of the US invasion force, a group of F16 jet pilots got drunk and decided to have a target shooting contest to see how many soldiers they could kill with their jets; let's just say, things didn't go well for the ground troops). Most if not all of the US vehicular forces were destroyed by both bombs and Iraqi militants, and almost all of America's morale was wiped out in the first few days of the invasion.
Just to make sure they know who's in charge American pilots frequently target forces of friendly countries, specifically British and Canadian, in the spirit of "banter". It sure is a good laugh for the boys on the ground being shot at by the guys who dragged them into this mess in the first place. Criticism has been leveled at American forces for what is often described as "carelessness" in their willingness to use lethal force against anything which moves or otherwise. The US government has responded by stating that anyone who has ever met Americans should know damn well what's going to happen when they get in a plane that can make things go "boom" and be all colorful. In the words of one USAF A-10 pilot "aw, shucks, it's just too darn purrrrdy. My favorite color is red."
[edit] Opinions
[edit] Iraqi Opinion
Possibly Iraqi WMD.
DaDopeboyAdded by DaDopeboy
Iraq has staunchly opposed the war from its inception. In a pre war election, Saddam was re-elected to another seven-year term as President by a 100% unanimous vote of all 11,445,638 eligible Iraqis, eclipsing the 99.96% received in 1995. This sent an undeniable message of confidence in their leader and government, one that was ignored by the war mongering Bush.
Later signs of opinion were shown when Iraqis from across the country joined the Insurgency. Force estimates of this insurgency peg it at 1,000,000 fully trained soldiers strong, all of which are Iraqi citizens, disenfranchised by the American occupation.
[edit] American Opinion
The American public, despite what some propaganda outlets such as Fox News may say, is almost entirely unified in their Anti-War view. While at the start, the Republican party was in support, which constituted roughly 5% of the American Public, it has since fallen to only 1%, with only the conservative base remaining. Protests have become a daily occurrence for most Americans, including the successful "Not one Damn Dime Day," in which the United States economy was brought to its knees by a peace loving public.
one image, one thusand words
Lekxter7Added by Lekxter7
Also as unanimous is the call for impeachment against Bush, for lying to the American public about the Iraq war, and committing warcrimes against humanity. Critics of the Bush Administration point out that if Bush had but listened to leading Democrats such as John Kerry and Harry Reid, along with past president Bill Clinton, he would have known Saddam Hussein was not only not a threat, but never had any WMD. Impeachment proceedings are expected to begin by October 2036.
[edit] Cindy Sheehan
Despite such widespread support, police have massacred peaceful anti-war protests. A notable example of this is the case of the humanitarian, Cindy Sheehan. She lost a son in the Iraq War, and as such her opinion cannot be questioned. While she led a peace march on Bush's Texas ranch, asking only to be comforted by the man who killed her son, she was subject to brutal personal attacks by those who disagreed with her opinion.
She then brought a protest to Washington DC, again asking only for personal consolement. It was denied again, after which she was brutally carried away by Bush's SS agents, to silence her forever. Since this event, she has not been seen, but it is expected that she currently resides at GITMO.
[edit] Rest of the World
Coalition forces including American multinational enterprises.
DaDopeboyAdded by DaDopeboy
No one outside America supports the war. Juan Carlos in Chihuahua, Mexico supported it for a few weeks in the autumn of 2004, but he was quickly talked out of this by his brother.
In the spring of 2003, Bill O'Reilly and the Washington Times thought it was somewhat embarrassing that the United States was the only country to want to invade Iraq, so they closed their eyes and pointed at 49 countries on a world map (sent by air mail from France since there are no world maps in America) in the world and called them the coalition of the willing, claiming that they supported the invasion: Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Palau, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Rwanda, Singapore, Slovakia, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Spain, Tonga, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Kingdom and Uzbekistan. Fearful that theirs might be the next country named of Bush's dartboard "countries full of citizens in need of liberation from the tyranny of life", these countries sent troops to the Iraq war, so the USAF could drop bombs on them, rather than on their cities. This propaganda trick was then adopted by the White House. [1]
Perhaps the most devastating effect of the Iraq war on the world is their view of Americans. Under their former president, the saucy Bill "Red" Clinton, Americans were generally viewed as tolerant and progressive people on the road to accepting the radical notions of socialism and other cultures. However, the Iraq War changed that view, making the world dislike Americans quite a bit. This radical and opposing opinion has led to furious YouTube flame wars and likely future global conflicts on the part of the peace loving, pacifistic, tolerant and understanding American public.
[edit] Bush's views
George Bush holds an interesting combination of views on the human condition, ranging from a post-marxist humanist perspectve to a more cartesian specticism via what is technically known in academic communities as nothavingafuckingclueaboutanythingthatneedsagreaterunestandingthanwatchingbarneyandeatingapretzlebuteventhatcaneludethefuckinggeniusism, or in layman's terms, republicanism. This manifests itself in a passionate belief that people should be free to do whatever they want, provided it is not harmful to others. In the case of Iraq, the insistence by the majority of the Iraqi people, on cosuming food, water and oxygen was untenable as just 100 Iraqis could by carrying out such selfish actions deprive an entire American from one trip to Burger King. Therefore there was clearly no other choice but to swiftly and unerringly end their shit by removing the mechanisms of state which may protect the citizens of that state, such as a police force or army.
[edit] See Also
* George W. Bush
* Saddam Hussein
* Iraq
* Gulf War
[edit] External Links
* Stop the War Coalition
* Antiwar Viewpoints
* DNC Online
* Al Jazeera
* Stop US Agression
* The Draft is Coming
* What is Hollywood's role? Bush spells it out.
* Barack Obama's 'Refresh' Campaign
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Whoops! Maybe you were looking for Vietnam War?
Blame Canada
It seems that everything's gone wrong Since Canada came along.
Iraq War
Conflict: Iraq War
Date: 2003 - present
Location: Middle Earth (Baghdad),(Moon)
Outcome: Ongoing
Rogue States
* Iraq
* Alqaedastan
* Kurds
* Royal Saddam Brigade
Bad Company
* Russia
* Iran
* United States
* George Bush
* Dick Cheney
* Saddam Hussein
* Osama bin Laden
* Burger King Guy
* Tupac Shakur
* George Bush
* Dick Cheney
* Obama
* Ronald McDonald†
5,000 Militia
2,000 Suicide bombers
Total Strength: 7,000
1,600,000 Infantry
1,000 Tanks
750 Fighter jets
500 Bombers
5000 Nukes
5,000 Attack helicopters
Prototype particle beam cannon
5 Satellite particle beam lasers
25,000 Iraqi security officials
200 Battleships
50 Cruisers
20 Aircraft carriers
100 Nuclear submarines
50,000 Marines
75,000 Naval and Aerial Pilots
Total Strength: Sh*tloads
KIA: 15
KBS (killed by suicide): 505
Wounded: 308
Total Casualties: 828
KIA: 350,000 - 570,000
Wounded: 470,000
Captured: Est. 1,000,000
Vehicles lost: Almost all tanks, armoured vehicles, and aircraft. Several naval vessels destroyed by camel dung cannons.
Total Casualties: estimated 2,000,000
“Some recoil!”
~ US Army sniper replies to reporter's question, "Don't you feel anything when you shoot those brave terrorists?"
The Iraq War, also known as the 2003 Advance to Iraq, 2003 Invasion to Iraq, World War 3 or 4, Battle of Middle Earth IV, Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL), The Revenge of George: Part II of Chapter III, The Useless War Everyone Else Was Right About, The I-Told-You-So War and other less flattering names, is the long-awaited sequel to the highly popular Hollywood film 300: The Apocalypse. The film is famous for starring the U.S. Army and 43th U.S. President George W. Bush. The entire film was shot in two international cities: Washington D.C. and Baghdad, with the help of 46th Vice President of the United States Dick Cheney and 12th Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, respectively.
The film is set in the year 2003, when United States President George W. Bush, starred by George W. Bush, declared to invade the Alqaedastan, a little country which reserves precious oil fields and dangerous WMDs. The governments of the United States and the United Kingdom claimed that Alqaedastan's alleged possession of WMD posed a threat to security of peaceful allied nation Iraq, since Alqaedastan was hiding their warheads somewhere inside the Iraqi desert. Some US officials also accused Alqaedi government of abducting and imprisoning Iraqi President Saddam Hussein (starred by Don Cheadle). Saddam was later found dead in Northern Iraqi warehouse. Expert considers that Saddam has commited suicide.
Recently US President Obama bin Laden has stated that he just finished the directing of the film and it is ready to be released. He also stated that the film was officialy budgeted at US$999 trillion. He is sure that the film will win the Grammy Award.
* 1 Storyline
o 1.1 Caspian Gulf War I
o 1.2 Operation Iraqi Liberation
o 1.3 WMD
* 2 The Invasion
o 2.1 The hard, early days
o 2.2 Looting of Baghdad
o 2.3 American Occupation
o 2.4 Mission Started
o 2.5 Operation Obama-Drama
* 3 The New Vietnam
o 3.1 Casualties
* 4 Opinions
o 4.1 Iraqi Opinion
o 4.2 American Opinion
+ 4.2.1 Cindy Sheehan
o 4.3 Rest of the World
* 5 Bush's views
* 6 See Also
* 7 External Links
[edit] Storyline
[edit] Caspian Gulf War I
President Bush decides on which middle-eastern country to invade next.
HindleyiteAdded by Hindleyite
Once upon a time in 1991, Saddam Hussein (Arabic for Megatron) invaded his tiny, defenseless neighbor Kuwait by knocking on their door and telling them he had a viagra for them. However, a coalition consisting of USA, UK and Azerbaijan was quickly scrambled and defeated Megatron, but with making Kuwaitis got into heavy debt. USA president George HW Bush was badly wounded on the battle and passed on his matrix of leadership to his trusted sidekick, George W Bush.
[edit] Operation Iraqi Liberation
While some alleged the war was fought to liberate the Iraqi's from an oppressive dictator, this is easily disproven with the simple fact that still there are Rogue States the United States has not liberated. Unless the United States simultaneously invaded every single dictatorship at the same time - which is certainly make them FUCKED UP by WHOLE NATIONS - the argument is shown to be a total fallacy. Thus, the first justification must be dismissed.
[edit] WMD
The second and most prominently cited justification involved Saddam's weapons of mass destruction. Again, the United States' so called "fears" were unfounded. Saddam Hussein not only had no Weapons of Mass Destruction, he never pursued them either. The most famous allegation against WMD was that they used chemical weapons against the Northern nomadic tribe Turds in 1988 in the so called "al Anfal campaign," killing thousands of Turdish civilians and millions of ducks. This has been confirmed as a ULTIMATE TRUTH which widespreaded from Uncyclopedia (actually, in 1988 there was serious IP spammings on an article "AAAAAAAAAA!". Wikia's immediate investigation confirmed that the IP address was from Northern Iraqistan).
[edit] The Invasion
The British Government's Nazi ties are the reason they supported the Invasion.
RangeleyAdded by Rangeley
After successfully carrying out the September 11th attacks on his own nation, Bush immediately began planning to invade Iraq, along with coconspirators Dick Van Dyke and Lex Luthor. Even though Afghanistan was harboring Osama Bin Laden, the thought of going to war with Afghanistan never for a moment crossed his mind. Instead, he completely went past them and ordered plans be made to harvest Iraqi oil.
Bush undermined the diplomatic process by going to war. Saddam had allowed for complete and comprehensive weapons inspections, so long as they avoided places such as Palaces, weapons bunkers, missile factories, munitions plants, and spider holes. These generous allowments would, without a doubt, prove definitively as to whether or not Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. French President Jacques Chirac, convinced of the truth by the compelling cooperation shown by Saddam, entirely ruled out the possibility of war. But this did nothing to stop the warmongering Bush, who launched his unilateral war regardless.
[edit] The hard, early days
American troops met immediate resistance from Saddam's brave armed forces, who held back several American advances and quickly stalemated the war, which was now being called a Quagmire by the press. As the Iraqi Information Minister predicted, soldiers began to commit suicide at the city gates of Baghdad in such high numbers that the United States had to use psychoactive drugs to keep soldiers in line. In another attempt to bolster support, American officials erroneously announced that the Saddam International Airport had been captured, when in reality it had been successfully defended by the Iraqi army after 7 failed American offensives.
[edit] Looting of Baghdad
Despite stunning early successes by Saddam's forces, on April 4th Americans suddenly and inexplicably arrived in Baghdad, defacing statues of Saddam Hussein (one of which fell and took out half the US army) and looting local businesses. The collapse of Saddam's military at this point remains a mystery, though some suspect that the Iraqi army renounced the use of violence in hopes of convincing Americans that war was not the answer - a message most certainly ignored.
[edit] American Occupation
Behold the reconstruction of Iraq
OG locAdded by OG loc
Since the invasion, America has occupied Iraq and taken advantage of its vast oil reserves, leading to record lows in gas prices. After the mysterious disappearance of Iraq's army, a new, well trained insurgency merely took its place. In the first twelve months of occupation things went just swell with deaths limited to the tens of thousands, which was viewed as a remarkable improvement on previous acts of random state-sponsored terrorism (see: Vietnam War and Christina Aguilera's back catalogue). Democrat National Committee Chairman Howard Dean stated "the idea the war in Iraq can be won is just plain wrong." And the events in Iraq wholly back this statement up, as every attempt at holding an election in Iraq has failed. The Insurgents are fighting for a just cause; Sharia law is the only true form of law. In addition, many of the soldiers serving in Iraq have not been trained for combat, and are in fact immediately taken from recruiting stations into Iraq to serve up to 32 tours of duty. The Neocons will likely push for a draft of citizens between the age of 13 to 60, as the military is stretched far too thin to continue its occupation, even as they force current recruits to stay indefinitely.
[edit] Mission Started
In mid-2003, George W. Bush and John McCain flew aboard the USS Carl Vinson and declared "mission started," officially starting the Iraq War.
[edit] Operation Obama-Drama
Once Obama fairly, rightly, and by no unfair vote changes at all, was elected and was shown to be such a responsible, glorious, competent leader, he, after promising to pull out of the Middle East, sent at least 900,000 more troops (mostly random people given a gun and shipped to Iraq) to the Iraq front. The troops went batshit-insane with American pride, and as soon as they landed, began firing blindly around the area shouting "AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!" With all of their bullets wasted, and with no combat experience, 700,000 of the 900,000 were quickly captured by 5 Iraqi insurgents. The other 200,000 American soldiers retreated back to their aircraft carriers.
Afterward, Obama's operation was dubbed a success, and he was given the Nobel peace prize, plus 10 nomations for Best Actor of the Year.
[edit] The New Vietnam
There are uncanny parallels between the Vietnam war and Iraq war. One such example is the revolutionary methods of warfare that came to define both conflicts - in Vietnam, the use of live animal as ammunition was heralded as groundbreaking by then-US Secretary of State Charles Manson. In Iraq, the first uses of shoulder-mounted laser cannons proved to be a similar such triumph.
OMG!?! WAS THAT A SHOT FROM F-16!?!?(Yes that's right, a friendly fire. Pwned.)
DaDopeboyAdded by DaDopeboy
[edit] Casualties
Unlike other conflicts, soldiers died at the hands of the enemy in both of these wars.
Iraqi reports on insurgents killed estimate around 300,000,000 with 200,000,000 of that number being killed by AC 130s.
US reports around 100,000 killed in action, another 300,000 killed by friendly fire (one night in the main HQ of the US invasion force, a group of F16 jet pilots got drunk and decided to have a target shooting contest to see how many soldiers they could kill with their jets; let's just say, things didn't go well for the ground troops). Most if not all of the US vehicular forces were destroyed by both bombs and Iraqi militants, and almost all of America's morale was wiped out in the first few days of the invasion.
Just to make sure they know who's in charge American pilots frequently target forces of friendly countries, specifically British and Canadian, in the spirit of "banter". It sure is a good laugh for the boys on the ground being shot at by the guys who dragged them into this mess in the first place. Criticism has been leveled at American forces for what is often described as "carelessness" in their willingness to use lethal force against anything which moves or otherwise. The US government has responded by stating that anyone who has ever met Americans should know damn well what's going to happen when they get in a plane that can make things go "boom" and be all colorful. In the words of one USAF A-10 pilot "aw, shucks, it's just too darn purrrrdy. My favorite color is red."
[edit] Opinions
[edit] Iraqi Opinion
Possibly Iraqi WMD.
DaDopeboyAdded by DaDopeboy
Iraq has staunchly opposed the war from its inception. In a pre war election, Saddam was re-elected to another seven-year term as President by a 100% unanimous vote of all 11,445,638 eligible Iraqis, eclipsing the 99.96% received in 1995. This sent an undeniable message of confidence in their leader and government, one that was ignored by the war mongering Bush.
Later signs of opinion were shown when Iraqis from across the country joined the Insurgency. Force estimates of this insurgency peg it at 1,000,000 fully trained soldiers strong, all of which are Iraqi citizens, disenfranchised by the American occupation.
[edit] American Opinion
The American public, despite what some propaganda outlets such as Fox News may say, is almost entirely unified in their Anti-War view. While at the start, the Republican party was in support, which constituted roughly 5% of the American Public, it has since fallen to only 1%, with only the conservative base remaining. Protests have become a daily occurrence for most Americans, including the successful "Not one Damn Dime Day," in which the United States economy was brought to its knees by a peace loving public.
one image, one thusand words
Lekxter7Added by Lekxter7
Also as unanimous is the call for impeachment against Bush, for lying to the American public about the Iraq war, and committing warcrimes against humanity. Critics of the Bush Administration point out that if Bush had but listened to leading Democrats such as John Kerry and Harry Reid, along with past president Bill Clinton, he would have known Saddam Hussein was not only not a threat, but never had any WMD. Impeachment proceedings are expected to begin by October 2036.
[edit] Cindy Sheehan
Despite such widespread support, police have massacred peaceful anti-war protests. A notable example of this is the case of the humanitarian, Cindy Sheehan. She lost a son in the Iraq War, and as such her opinion cannot be questioned. While she led a peace march on Bush's Texas ranch, asking only to be comforted by the man who killed her son, she was subject to brutal personal attacks by those who disagreed with her opinion.
She then brought a protest to Washington DC, again asking only for personal consolement. It was denied again, after which she was brutally carried away by Bush's SS agents, to silence her forever. Since this event, she has not been seen, but it is expected that she currently resides at GITMO.
[edit] Rest of the World
Coalition forces including American multinational enterprises.
DaDopeboyAdded by DaDopeboy
No one outside America supports the war. Juan Carlos in Chihuahua, Mexico supported it for a few weeks in the autumn of 2004, but he was quickly talked out of this by his brother.
In the spring of 2003, Bill O'Reilly and the Washington Times thought it was somewhat embarrassing that the United States was the only country to want to invade Iraq, so they closed their eyes and pointed at 49 countries on a world map (sent by air mail from France since there are no world maps in America) in the world and called them the coalition of the willing, claiming that they supported the invasion: Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Palau, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Rwanda, Singapore, Slovakia, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Spain, Tonga, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Kingdom and Uzbekistan. Fearful that theirs might be the next country named of Bush's dartboard "countries full of citizens in need of liberation from the tyranny of life", these countries sent troops to the Iraq war, so the USAF could drop bombs on them, rather than on their cities. This propaganda trick was then adopted by the White House. [1]
Perhaps the most devastating effect of the Iraq war on the world is their view of Americans. Under their former president, the saucy Bill "Red" Clinton, Americans were generally viewed as tolerant and progressive people on the road to accepting the radical notions of socialism and other cultures. However, the Iraq War changed that view, making the world dislike Americans quite a bit. This radical and opposing opinion has led to furious YouTube flame wars and likely future global conflicts on the part of the peace loving, pacifistic, tolerant and understanding American public.
[edit] Bush's views
George Bush holds an interesting combination of views on the human condition, ranging from a post-marxist humanist perspectve to a more cartesian specticism via what is technically known in academic communities as nothavingafuckingclueaboutanythingthatneedsagreaterunestandingthanwatchingbarneyandeatingapretzlebuteventhatcaneludethefuckinggeniusism, or in layman's terms, republicanism. This manifests itself in a passionate belief that people should be free to do whatever they want, provided it is not harmful to others. In the case of Iraq, the insistence by the majority of the Iraqi people, on cosuming food, water and oxygen was untenable as just 100 Iraqis could by carrying out such selfish actions deprive an entire American from one trip to Burger King. Therefore there was clearly no other choice but to swiftly and unerringly end their shit by removing the mechanisms of state which may protect the citizens of that state, such as a police force or army.
[edit] See Also
* George W. Bush
* Saddam Hussein
* Iraq
* Gulf War
[edit] External Links
* Stop the War Coalition
* Antiwar Viewpoints
* DNC Online
* Al Jazeera
* Stop US Agression
* The Draft is Coming
* What is Hollywood's role? Bush spells it out.
* Barack Obama's 'Refresh' Campaign
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