Pedophile among Rabbis.
The New Stürmer
- Volume 8
will have No war but we will force it on him, not this year, but soon"
- Emil Ludwig Cohn Les Annales, June, 1934 "The New Holy Alliance"
"We Jews are going to bring a war On Germany."
- David A. Brown, National Chairman, United Jewish Campaign, 1934 (quote
"I Testify Against The Jews" by Robert Edward Edmondson, page 188 "The
Jewish War of Survival" by Arnold Leese, page 52)
Dear Friends and Kindred Hearts.
By sending you this I don’t intend to say every rabbi is a pedophile---
neither am I suggesting that such behaviour is common among rabbis. What I
am trying to do is to set the spot-light on how secretive every Jewish
community is related to their own crimes. Yes, it is even a crime among Jews
to sexually abuse children, although the Talmud does allow Jews to sexually
use children. Then, how come, you ask. Because life within the non-orthodox
Jewish community is not governed by the laws of the Talmud, even though, for
the Jews, the Talmud is their guidance to the understanding of the Thora and
the various laws their lives are based upon.
This story tells us how unwilling the Jews are to bring to the public any
knowledge of Jewish harassment done to their own children and how
stand-offish they are to bring the child-molesters to court and to expose
all the dirtiness that goes on within the walls of their synagogues. The
Jewish child-molesters are also protected by the Jewish owned media; but
when alleged crimes committed among Christians the media cries out
WOLF---even when there has not been a crime committed. We all also know how
eager the Jewish media and the Jewish lawyers have been in pursuing alleged
sex-abuse committed in the Catholic church.
The Jewish media has always been eager to tell lies about The Third Reich
and Hitler. On this subject they bring out their best narrators to tell
their lies and then circulate their prejudiced stories from one newspaper to
the next, and then to the radio news stations, and on to TV news channels,
before it again ends up in newspapers. By now the lies have changed a
couple of times, that no one can hardly see the first lie that was told..
I sent this article to Norway’s largest newspaper, Aftenposten, knowing they
would not publish it, but hoping they would. And they did not, neither did
they giive any reasons for not publishing it. I suspect they feared losing
advertising income from Jewish businesses, Aftenposten, to my knowledge
is not owned by Jews. It is worthy to note that every Norwegian newspaper
over the years have published stories about child-molesters in catholic
How can we understand this, and what must we do? We all should send this to
our friends and acquaintances to make them aware of their evil tactics, and
to bring this knowledge to the church we go to. We must NOT let this die
out; we must let the Jews know we have become wise to their dark sides.
Benzion Twerski, Ph.D., graduated with a Ph.D. in psychology from University
of Pittsburgh in 1985. He studied in Yeshivos in Scranton, PA, Baltimore,
and Jerusalem. He has been one of the leading professionals in youth-at-risk
and addictions in the Jewish community.
Threats forced a prominent psychologist to resign from a task
force on sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community.
Dr. Benzion Twerski, who is also an Orthodox rabbi, resigned after receiving
the threats, The New York Jewish Week reported. The task force had been
established recently by New York state Assemblyman Dov Hikind.
According to a statement published on the Orthodox Web site Vos Iz Neias,
Twerski quit out of fear for his family.
"For several days, I was approached by
individuals, some stating that they would cross the street if they were to
meet me while walking with their children," Twerski said. "Others told me
that they would not accept my child into their class if assigned. Others
used euphemisms that I refuse to repeat. Family members were likewise
confronted by all sorts of comments and phone calls.
"My married children had been
told to fear ever getting shidduchim for their children. Basically, I was
left to choose between abandoning my family for this mission or to take the
painful step that I did."
Hikind has made combating sexual abuse in the Orthodox community a priority
following several high-profile cases of abuse by Orthodox rabbis. The
Brooklyn lawmaker says he has compiled a dossier detailing "hundreds" of
cases of abuse and has threatened to name names if community leaders do not
act on his information.
Top Doc Scared Off
Panel On Rabbinic Sex Molesters
Tapped by Hikind, Twerski
cites threats; pol ready to ‘name names’ of alleged abusers.

"He was basically forced to resign," said
Assemblyman Dov Hikind, above, of Dr. Benzion Twerski. "He was literally put
against the wall, and he felt he had no choice...the point is, they got to
him, they threatened him."
by Hella Winston
Special To The Jewish Week
A prominent Orthodox rabbi and psychologist has been intimidated into
quitting as head of a just-formed task force dealing with rabbinic sex abuse
of minors, organized by Assemblyman Dov Hikind this week.
Dr. Benzion Twerski told The Jewish Week Wednesday that he was quitting the
task force because “I was prosecuted in the street for daring to join such a
“To protect myself, my family, and reputation, I decided to withdraw from
this project,” he wrote in an e-mail as the paper was going to press with a
story announcing Hikind’s formation of the task force. “From this point, I
am avoiding participation in any forms of public service. Public life is not
for me.”
Hikind, a Brooklyn Democrat who represents Borough Park and Flatbush,
deplored Twerski’s abrupt departure from his new panel.
“He was basically forced to resign,” said Hikind. “He was literally put
against the wall, and he felt he had no choice. We’ll get somebody else
who’s very respected. But that’s not the point. The point is they got to him,
they threatened him.”
Twerski’s dramatic departure came just as Hikind was rolling out the new
panel, planned as the next step in a personal crusade against child sex
abuse in the Orthodox community that he has come to view as an epidemic.
Hikind said he had amassed a dossier with the cases of “hundreds” of
individuals who say they have been sexually molested by rabbis and other
Orthodox community members during their childhood. And he threatened to
broadcast the names of their abusers if community leaders do not respond to
his call for action against them.
“Let me tell you,” he said in an interview last week, “when there’s a person
who we have confirmed through a variety of people has been doing terrible
things” and those who know refuse to go to the authorities, “I am prepared
to name names. I am prepared to be sued by those pedophiles. If they’re
innocent, let them sue me.”
Speaking after a rash of highly publicized sexual molestation cases in the
Orthodox community, Hikind said, “I have been learning that a lot of people
out there know who the bad guys are. Where have I been? How come no one
talked to me, how come no one came to me?”
Now, Hikind says, he is more determined than ever to establish a community
task force to address the issue. Though vague on the panel’s broader makeup
and specific plans, Hikind ultimately seeks to develop a list of sexual
molesters in Orthodox schools to keep them away from children.
Neither man would specify the nature of the threats made against Twerski to
force his departure. But Hikind called them “pathetic and sad.”
“My heart goes out to him,” he said. “I don’t know if I should laugh or cry.
Things are opening up, people are coming forward, but we are still so far
Hikind’s new crusade follows several cases in which individuals — often
adults now — have gone public with accounts of sexual abuse they experienced
at the hands of respected yeshiva teachers when they were children. The
alleged victims have spoken, too, of the rejection or even intimidation they
experienced from their yeshivas and rabbinic leaders when they tried to
report what had happened to them.
In one of the few cases in which victims went to the secular court system,
Rabbi Yehuda Kolko of Yeshiva Torah Temimah in Flatbush was convicted on two
counts of child endangerment last April. Another alleged abuser, Rabbi
Avrohom Mondrowitz, now awaits extradition from Israel to Brooklyn, where he
has been charged with sexual abuse of children.
More recently Joel Engelman, a former student at the Satmar chasidic sect’s
United Talmudical Academy in Williamsburg, has alleged he was abused when he
eight years old by Rabbi Avrohom Reichman. Engelman, now 23, has filed suit
against Rabbi Reichman and UTA, which, he says, violated its promise to him
to dismiss Rabbi Reichman in exchange for his not going public. UTA has yet
to respond to the suit.
Hikind, who began broadcasting radio shows addressing the issue bluntly
about a month ago said, “For a couple of weeks now, so many people have been
coming forward. It’s made me absolutely sick, to have to listen to this, to
be so shocked, to see so much pain, so much suffering. ... I actually feel
that [this] may be the most important thing I’ve done in 26 years. Because
you’re talking about saving lives.”
At times during his interview, Hikind sounded vague when pressed on just
what his task force would do and how it proposed to go about doing it. The
panel will present its findings to “leading rabbis” in various Orthodox
communities, he said. And the rabbis, he predicted, “will be absolutely
flabbergasted” by what they hear.
His ultimate goal, said Hikind, is to establish a communal registry that
would list the names of teachers removed from schools due to abusive
“We need to develop a system, a roster, a protocol needs to be developed,”
he said. “If you have a pedophile who is teaching in a yeshiva, that person
needs to be on a list, and before any other yeshiva hires a person, you need
to be able to go to a roster and see if that rebbe was teaching somewhere
else and got thrown out.”
But at another point, apparently recognizing that many schools are often
reluctant to dismiss such teachers in the first place, Hikind appeared to
envision a more ambitious, quasi-judicial function for his panel.
“It’s sort of hard to investigate yourself,” Hikind admitted. “There’s got
to be a system where trusted people, respected leaders, who are not directly
a part of that particular organization examine everything. Look, I wasn’t
there when these boys were abused, nor was anyone else. So we have to make
judgments. We do that all the time.”
Some advocates for the abused children, while praising Hikind for
highlighting an issue about which they claim Orthodox Jews are in denial,
voiced reservations about his plan.
The father of one child allegedly abused by Rabbi Kolko, who spoke on
condition of anonymity, derided the notion of the community policing itself,
citing his own unsuccessful efforts to marshal rabbinic action in his son’s
“I commend Dov for what he is doing,” said the father of the 10-year-old
boy, who was allegedly molested in first grade, “but all these rabbis will
make a farce of it. It touches their business. All these schools are somehow
connected together.”
Another long-time community activist, who spoke to The Jewish Week on
condition of anonymity due to the controversial nature of the issue, said,
“Dov’s actions of these past few months are moving to anyone who cares about
this issue. Yet we are very concerned that he has set back the cause by
offering community members an alternative to the secular authorities.
Reporting the abusers to the rabbis is “akin to asking the fox to watch the
henhouse,” this source said. “We spent close to three decades reporting
abusers to their yeshiva employers, local rabbis and ‘gedolim’ only to watch
time and time again as the information we provided was used to protect the
abusers and vilify the victims.
“There is a functioning system in place that we will never have the
resources or expertise to replicate, “ he continued, referring to the
secular authorities. “Indeed, to suggest that we are doing so is to do a
grave injustice. If people believe we have an alternative to the police,
which we do not and never will have, they will rely upon this belief and
nothing will change. We tried this and came to the painful conclusion that
it can not work.”
Hikind himself took a nuanced position on the issue of going to outside
“Look, I would like to see people report to the police,” he said. “But there
are some realities in our communities. ... People in our community, as you
know, don’t want to go public. They want to keep it quiet, which is
terrible. It’s sinful. I use the word sinful because for someone not to come
forward in a situation of abuse of their child is not only to be guilty for
not pressing issues for their own child, but they are guilty for every other
child that is abused after their child. And they have to live with that. I
keep on repeating that to everyone.”
But given the reality, “At least let’s get these people off the street,” he
said. “With regard to institutions, where we find teachers, one of the
things we are going to work on, if we establish that a teacher is a
pedophile, that name needs to go on a list. Before anyone hires anyone, they
must look at that list.”
Others active on this issue believe that legislative reforms are also
crucial. As an assemblyman, Hikind said he is supportive on this front. He
voiced strong backing, for example, for an extension of the statute of
limitations for prosecuting child sexual molestation, and for the alleged
victims of such abuse to file civil suits.
Under current law, the state cannot pursue criminal prosecutions of an
alleged molester once the alleged victim turns 23. A victim himself must
bring a civil suit against his molester or against the school he alleges
failed to protect him by between one and six years after his 18th birthday,
depending on the nature of the allegation.
But child victims of sexual abuse often do not understand or come to terms
with their experiences — or sometimes, even recall them — until years, or
even decades after they take place. Members of the Orthodox community have
the additional burden of overcoming their peer group’s hostility to turning
to secular authorities on such a sensitive matter. By then, the statute of
limitations often bars their entry to the courtroom.
There are currently several bills in the state Legislature to address this
problem, though none have passed in the Senate yet. A bill to extend the
statute of limitations and open a one-year window for victims to seek
damages regardless of their age recently passed in the Assembly but has
repeatedly stalled in the Senate.
“The statute of limitations needs to be extended,” said Hikind. “I’m totally
for that . . . I will do everything in the world to make that happen because
now I realize how critical that is.”
Elliot Pasik, an attorney in private practice and a co-founder of the Jewish
Board of Advocates for Children, a newly organized grassroots group, has
also been pressing for legislation that would require mandatory background
checks and fingerprinting of teachers in non-public schools. In addition,
his group is working for the passage of a law that would require teachers in
non-public schools to report cases of abuse when they see evidence of it or
it is reported to them. Public school officials are already required to do
New York — unlike 25 other states — does not now classify clergy as mandated
reporters, which means that they are not required to report evidence of sex
abuse or violence to state child welfare authorities.
Legislation requiring fingerprinting and background checks for prospective
non-public school faculty was defeated in the Assembly last year but
reintroduced this year by Republican Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos. The
legislation does not, however, have the support of Assembly Speaker Sheldon
Silver (D-Lower East Side).
Agudath Israel, an umbrella group of ultra-traditional Orthodox
organizations, is opposed to both the mandated reporting and finger printing,
and background check legislation.
Pasik, who currently represents Engelman in his lawsuit against Rabbi
Reichman and United Talmudical Academy, said, “New York State has the
weakest laws in the country.
[Parochial schools] are near-totally unsupervised by the state, which is a
throwback to pre-16th century English common law when the church could give
sanctuary [to fugitives]. This has to change.”
Hikind would not commit yet on such specifics. “I am sitting with my
legislative person right now. We are just going to start our conversation.
It’s sort of a new look for me at everything,” he said.”
But he added: “Anything that contributes to apprehending the bad guy and
helping the victims, we need to do — period, end of the story. That’s my
position. I have a new perspective because I’ve taken a close look, because
I’ve spent almost four weeks now listening non-stop to horror stories, and
then I’m told by people today who met with me, ‘Dov, it’s worse than even
you think right now.’ I said, ‘what?’”
To overcome the outright lies and audacity - in Yiddish Chutzpah, the
truth, in facts, must be spread, loud and clear ...
Please forward this article to all your friends, and to those who are aware
that something is drastically wrong in this world, but can't understand what
is happening; teach them, and they will learn.
Heil og sael
only that it will pop up again soon, anytime!
Judicial-inc archives have been pulled
This could get real interesting.
Sign of upcoming false flag?
It amazes me that no one ever followed up on that. I guess there's no such thing as "investigative reporting" left. Can you imagine if the media held our politicians to the same standard as the sports media holds athletes?
Szechuan province in China
Did the FBI serve a GAG order on Judicial?
Poster: brewster
Date: May 16, 2008 10:07:43am
Forum: announcements
Subject: FBI Gag order against the Internet Archive is rescinded
The Internet Archive was served a National Security Letter by the FBI demanding information about a patron of the Archive. The Archive fought it with the help of the EFF and ACLU.
We won.
We can now talk about it, and what it is like to get a secret demand. We hope that this will be useful for the others that will receive these powerful demands.
Washington Post
Senators send letter to FBI (non-secret)
More information:
KQED Audio
OnTheMedia audio
Toledo Op-ed
St Louis Column
SF Chronicle
This post was modified by brewster on 2008-05-14 18:42:49
This post was modified by brewster on 2008-05-16 17:07:43
Judicial Inc
RE: Judicial
I'd bet it was about the meth too.
That cia/meth is what one of their strongest mind-control devices, besides the msm/tzv and school.
PNAC site down too!
you know..
..not-so friendly fire.. fixx the pipe!! er.. kill! kill!! kill4pills!!
The US Army has excellent speed
They were 10 mg pills and came in a foil wrapper that was of course, OD Green.
That stuff was wicked. And pure. It could keep a person alert and very active for at least 24 hours.
Archived site
kosher meth
Sounds like ZOG has the definite plan to attack Iran
Fuck Imperial Militant America and Zionist regime of Israel, their days will be numbered when they mess with Iran...and Russia. Shanghai Cooperation Organization. World War III.
We don't really know whether there was a 'military order'
By the way, it could be that Skunk got a military gag because...
I believe this to be a fact, because the more chaos in Iraq, the stronger the reason for U.S. to stay "indefinitely" in permanent occupation. Precisely what the Zionists wanted to surround Iran as a challenger.
When the next false flag attack happen or the attack on Iran/Syria goes FUBAR, there will be a draft reinstated to retrieve the overstretched U.S. volunteer military by overwhelming media propaganda and corrupt AIPAC-bought Washington politicians screaming for blood and revenge.
A few questions for you guys
1. has a front page with a vague accusation about a military order. (who has the website passwords and uploaded the current front page?)
2. The Internet Archive was served a National Security Letter. (was this in reference the Judicial .biz?)
Lastly what is the connection between the NSL that Internet Archives received and
I don't think they have any connection
Actually Latin
It now says 'the site will be back up shortly'
It now says account suspended
Ehud follow my logic
site is up
Judicial Inc Kosher Meth
The Agriprocessors/ illegal
Last I saw
Bluehosts are wankers
Isn't WUFYS using the same hosting company?
ConCen does as well
WorldWarThreeNews (
has been shutdown by "military order". This, we believe, is because of intelligence pointing to the planned false flag attack on the USS Kitty Hawk. A change of command has taken place on the Kitty. Just as they replaced Admiral Fallon in favor of the Jew, Petraeus.
As I have said elsewhere, the order has already been given. If the Kitty Hawk is attacked YOU MUST wage war, unforgiving and TOTAL WAR against your owners. Period."
What the Fek?
"Author Message
WorldWarThree Post subject: USS Kitty Hawk - False Flag Attack by JewsPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 12:21 am
Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:16 am
Posts: 41 has been shutdown by "military order". This, we believe, is because of intelligence pointing to the planned false flag attack on the USS Kitty Hawk. A change of command has taken place on the Kitty. Just as they replaced Admiral Fallon in favor of the Jew, Petraeus.
As I have said elsewhere, the order has already been given. If the Kitty Hawk is attacked YOU MUST wage war, unforgiving and TOTAL WAR against your owners. Period.
Regardless of whether she is attacked or not, total war must be your undying objective.
Do not let these Americans be attacked.
Who rose for the children of Waco, the children of the Murray Building (OK City) or the people of the Twin Towers? Cut the coward by his throat as he tells you to stay put! Cut him by his throat as his worthless cowardly bones see our children perish. The coward DOES NOTHING for our children. Nothing!
And if spreading awareness of this attack does not stop it, then wage complete and unforgiving war against them. You MUST NOT let your countrymen die. String up the soothsayer and the coward by his neck. This we demand. They are useless eaters who want to feed off our muscle and courage and preach their worthless word while REAL men die; while REAL men protect their right to speak their useless bullshit!
Their greatest art has been to pacify us.
We forbid that even a kind word is given to these criminals unless it brings your blade closer to their neck!
Thirty-thousand children die each day in light of these criminals while they spread Depleted Uranium all over the Middle East and poison our people by food and water.
Those who attempt to pacify us will be blotted out with them. We prefer that their bellies will be opened so that they should be hung by their intestines. But deal death to them as you see fit!
YOU may not see real freedom but our children MUST SEE IT!
- John"
I've said it before that putting your instincts out on the net on these false flags really could be spoiling their plan. Worse that can happen is you'lll be wrong, and we've all been there before.
Hell, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Well said, and here's the
Judicial-Inc's Host, Blue Host, says...
This is their reply:
Dawson [4:45:29 AM]: Type in your MAIN DOMAIN name if you have an account with us. Ask your questions in FULL SENTENCES as each answer may take 2 to 4 minutes.
FIRST TIME SALES QUESTION [4:45:29 AM]: I am trying to find one of my favorite sites on the web that is hosted by Bluehost, but can;t access the site, due to a message from Bh about the account being suspended. The site is called When will the site be un-suspended?
Dawson [4:50:35 AM]: Let me check that.
[4:51:32 AM]: The owner has to contact us about that one.
[4:51:49 AM]: We don't have a date for it to be unsuspended.
Judicial is an old website, so this is odd
To just suspend a large website, with no notice, ia highly unusual.
An aged carrier heading to the breakers, relieves the flight officer in disgrace. That ship was going to be sunk on route, and judicial and others are spoiling the plot. If they are as confident in their criminality as they seem, they'll sink it anyway. We may know what's goin on, but most don't. 911 was forecast by truthtellers and fiction, but that didn't stop them levelling the buildings.
Supremacists are supremely arrogant. If they go ahead I hope the US military wakes un enmass and starts to gun these vermin down in their lairs.
a new pearl harbor..
Military Order?
If there is anything in this it is a clear sign that the US citizens have to fight for their rights as citizens.
10/17/2008 update
In a 1 in 100,000 you can get a host pulled, but the odds of getting a domain name suspended is one in a million. The first thing you do is transfer the domain to a safe registrar, but GoDaddy locked it.
GoDaddy donated $4.5 mill to McCain and Judicial was getting 2000 hits a day on it's website about mcCain.
Judicial inc. down again