What Really Happened?
If you watch all the videos and read all the books, it is pretty obvious Bush’s conspiracy theory can’t possibly be true. But then, what really did happen? This of course is guesswork, but here is my current best shot, to be revised:
* Cheney masterminded the whole thing from his bunker, including suppressing the usual anti-highjack procedures. He planned the attack at the same time as war games that simulated just such an attack. The helped confuse everyone sufficiently to avoid taking action to block his plan.
* The plane that hit the North Tower I of the World Trade Center was a windowless plane, not UA flight 11, fitted with a DU-tipped missile it used to ensure a spectacular fire. There were no passengers or crew aboard. It was flown by wire. The building itself was demolished with pre-planted explosives.
* The plane that hit South Tower II of the World Trade Center was a windowless plane, not UA flight 175, fitted with a DU-tipped missile it used to ensure a spectacular fire. There were no passengers or crew aboard. It was flown by wire. The building itself was demolished with pre-planted explosives.
* The plane that hit the Pentagon was a drone, a Douglas A-3 Sky Warrior, not AA flight 77, fitted with a DU-tipped missile and Raytheon’s Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) remote control systems. The intent was to do minimal damage to an unoccupied wing of the building, but still produce a fireball, but not a fuel fire that could get out of hand. There were no passengers or crew aboard. It was flown by wire.
* Flight 93 landed in Cleveland Ohio according to WCPO TV due to a bomb scare. Perhaps it did. Perhaps it was shot down over Pennsylvania field between Lambertsville and Shanksville as Rumsfeld appeared to confess.
* World Trade Tower 7 was demolished by pre-planted explosives.
* What happened the passengers? This is the biggest mystery. There are very few clues. Presumably UA flight 11, UA flight 175 and AA flight 77 were forced to land somewhere. The planes were then taken apart and used for parts. Presumably the passengers were killed. Alternatively, but less likely, the planes were shot down over the ocean or some remote area. Cheney was quite happy to brutally sacrifice the lives of people in the World Trade Towers, so presumably he was quite willing to sacrifice the passengers too. A longshot is that there were no passengers. The names were all fake and nobody boarded any planes or those that did were in on the scam and are alive and well somewhere living under new identities.
* The motives?
o An excuse to implement the Patriot Act and install tyranny.
o An excuse for the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, enriching the Bush crime family.
o An excuse to spend a huge amount of money fighting terrorism, enriching Bush’s sponsors.
o The thrill of pulling a fast one.
* The conspirators? Suprisingly few people had to be involved. Though many people helped the plan along, they had no idea their action was part of master plot. They thought they were just following routine orders.
o George W. Bush click to see photograph, Dick Cheney click to see photograph, John Ashcroft click to see photograph, Donald Rumsfeld click to see photograph and Paul Wolfowitz click to see photograph. I don’t think entire cabinet was in on it, e.g. Paul O’Neill click to see photograph and Christy Todd Whitman click to see photograph would likely have been out of the loop.
o Top NORAD command, e.g. Maj. Pierre Bérubé. Even the 9/11 Commission report points out these folk repeatedly lied.
o Top Pentagon command, e.g. General Richard Myers click to see photograph and General Peter Pace click to see photograph whom Bush inserted on 2001-08-24 into the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Compare my conspiracy theory with the facts. You see it fits them much better than Bush’s does.
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