The 9-11 bombings Are Not Acts of War
The 9-11 bombings Are Crimes Against Humanity
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"Before we rush to war with Iraq again, Americans must know what happened in the last war. In 1991, we bombed Iraq's civilian infrastructure to `accelerate the effect of sanctions' knowing it would shut down their water and sewage systems.[1] The UN reported there would soon be `epidemic and famine' and `time was short' to prevent it. We said that `by making life uncomfortable for the Iraqi people we would encourage them to remove President Saddam Hussein.'[2]
"And we waited for this to happen. We used epidemic and famine as tools of our foreign policy. We did it to cause suffering -- and death -- to get regime change at low cost. We tried to force the Iraqis to do it. But it was not low cost....
"A World-Trade-Center's worth of Iraqi children continue to die every month. Diarrhea is `the prime killer.'[5] Meanwhile we live in a fantasy world of surgical bombing, with few civilian casualties, and the untrue belief that the oil-for-food program could possibly meet Iraq's needs.[6]
"But these basic facts are unknown to most Americans. A second Gulf War, done the same way as the first, may just overflow the reservoir of anger and hatred we've created by our policies. No one knows what will happen then. Until we recognize what we've done, we cannot judge what might happen."
--Sanctions and War on Iraq: In 300 words, by Citizens Concerned
for the People of Iraq, 17 Aug 2002
* Why Terrorists Hate America,
by William Blum, Common Ground, Sept 2002
* Blind Imperial Arrogance,
articles assembled by Paul Wolf, 26 Sep 2003
1. Blind Imperial Arrogance
2. Fallujah: A multilayered picture emerges
3. 47 rockets seized near Kabul
4. Three of a kind: India, China and Russia
5. RAW & Mossad: The Secret Link
6. Russia: An army at war with itself
7. CIA paid mullahs to counter anti-US feeling [?]
* Market Will Attempt to Predict White House Moves,
by American Action Market, 1 Aug 2003
o SITE REPLICA: Policy Analysis Market - PAM
* Charlie did it, The US, Afghanistan, and Endless War,
accompanying book excerpts assembled by Paul Wolf, 7 Jun 2003
o Introduction
o Charlie did it (2003)
o Excerpt from Afghanistan: A Military History from Alexander the Great
to the Fall of the Taliban (2003)
* The Shanghai Cooperation Organization,
by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 14 Jun 2003
o Introduction
o Central Asia wary of US's widening reach (June 14, 2003)
o Shanghai Six Talks the Nuts and Bolts (May 2003)
o SCO Members to Hold Joint Anti-terror Exercise (May 2003)
o China's Report on Xinjiang Region Questioned (May 2003)
o SCO warned about unilateral action (May 2003)
o U.S. Intervention in Afghanistan: Implications for Central Asia (Nov 2001)
o `Shanghai Five' expands to combat Islamic radicals (July 2001)
o Bloc Including China, Russia Challenges U.S. in Central Asia (June 2001)
o A Shanghai forum with India? (July 2000)
* Shanghai Cooperation Update,
by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 11 Sep 2003
1. Introduction RP, China To Push Formation of Asian Anti-Terror Alliance
2. R.P., China push new pact vs terrorism
3. Foreign Observers Attend Chinese War Games for the First Time
* Unreconstructed Afghanistan,
After 24 years of war, much of Kabul lies in ruins
articles assembled by Paul Wolf, 3 Aug 2003
o U.S. Ambassador Confirms `Accelerated Effort' In Afghanistan (8/2/03)
o US to relaunch rebuilding of Afghanistan (7/27/03)
o Now we pay the warlords to tyrannise the Afghan people (7/31/03)
o We promised to wipe out the Afghan poppy fields.
Instead more heroin than ever is about to hit Britain (8/2/03)
o Report documents violence and repression by US-backed warlords (8/2/03)
o Bush Sells Out His Friends Again -- Why the US needs the Taliban (6/30/03)
o Unreconstructed (6/1/03)
* Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens,
by Ward Churchill, 12 Sep 2001
* Market Will Attempt to Predict White House Moves,
by American Action Market, 1 Aug 2003
o SITE REPLICA: Policy Analysis Market - PAM
* "Strategic Attack," and US War Crimes
- U.S. Air Force Doctrine Document 2-1.2,
by Thomas Nagy, freelist.org, 10 Nov 2002
* Sanctions and War on Iraq: In 300 words,
by Citizens Concerned for the People of Iraq, 17 Aug 2002
* Weapons of Mass Destruction--Iraq's Forgotten Bio-War,
by Ramzi Kysia, 30 Nov 2001
* The Secret Behind the Sanctions
--How the U.S. Intentionally Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply,
by Thomas J. Nagy, The Progressive, September 2001
* Since 1991, a World Trade Center's worth
of Iraqi children continue to die every month,
from Broadening Our Perspectives of 11 September 2001
by David Ratcliffe, September 2002
* War, Inc., by Mike Ferner, April 2002
* The Rogue Elephant,
The Bush Jr administration has become a `threat to the peace'
within the meaning of UN Charter Article 39,
by Francis Boyle, July 2002
* The Triple Crises in the U.S.,
by James Petras, Rebelión, 30 Jun 2002
* We decide what will be done In Our Name, by John Judge, 20 Dec 2001
* Sanctions against Iraq: Code Word: Containment,
Jeff Guntzel, CommonDreams.org, 14 Aug 2002
* Be careful of Republicans "opposed" to invasion of Iraq,
by David Smith Ferri and Danny Muller,
Voices in the Wilderness, 16 Aug 2002
* US War Crimes During the Gulf War
by Francis Boyle, February 1992 + September 2002
Documents the numerous occasions that international laws
were broken and disregarded during the Gulf War
* The Al Aqsa Intifada and International Law,
by Francis A. Boyle, 30 Nov 2000
* Palestine, Palestinians and International Law,
by Francis Boyle, 31 Mar 2002
* The campaign for Israeli divestment and the charge of anti-Semitism,
by Joseph Kay, World Socialist Website, 10 Apr 2003
* Law and Disorder in the Middle East,
by Francis Boyle, Jan 2002
* The Death of the Oslo Accords,
by Francis Boyle, 3 Jul 2002
* Heady times for Carlyle in the wake of chaos and grief
that gripped a nation, by Dan Briody, UK Times Online, 8 May 2003
* How Carlyle buys respectability and profits,,
by Dan Briody, UK Times Online, 9 May 2003
* Exchange With John Judge On The WTC Disaster, 13 Sep 2001
* Folks Out There Have a "Distaste of Western Civilization
and Cultural Values", by Edward S. Herman, Z Magazine, 14 Sep 2001
"Dr. Thomas Nagy, a Holocaust survivor and professor at George Washington University in Washington D.C., claims that hospitals like Saddam Pediatric are on the frontlines of a modern-day Holocaust. After analyzing recently declassified U.S. military documents that describe plans to destroy Iraq’s civilian water supply during the Gulf War, Dr. Nagy now believes he has the evidence to make his charges stick. In a controversial paper presented to the Association of Genocide Scholars in the United States this summer, Dr. Nagy argues that the purposeful destruction of Iraq’s water treatment facilities amounted to `a plan for achieving extermination without the need of constructing extermination camps.'"
--Ramzi Kysia, Weapons of Mass Destruction
--Iraq's Forgotten Bio-War, 30 Nov 2001
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