Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010
The End of American Justice
Goodbye, America.

So much for change.

What you have received after George W. Bush spells the end of your Republic.

Related: Obama Chooses Kagan For Court

The President America Always Wanted

The President You Got

Sig heil, AmeriKa!!!!

"No misconduct for Bush interrogation lawyers

WASHINGTON – Justice Department lawyers showed "poor judgment" but did not commit professional misconduct when they authorized CIA interrogators to use waterboarding and other harsh tactics at the height of the U.S. war on terrorism, an internal review released Friday found.

Well, since Obama is still using it....

Did they waterboard the Times Square guy?

The decision closes the book on one of the major lingering investigations into the counterterrorism policies of George W. Bush's administration....

Obama's administration sucks. He's lost me forever after this.

An initial review by the Justice Department's internal affairs unit found that former government lawyers Jay Bybee and John Yoo had committed professional misconduct, a conclusion that could have cost them their law licenses. But the Justice Department's top career lawyer reviewed the matter and disagreed....

The memos authorized CIA detainees to use waterboarding, keep detainees naked, hold them in painful standing positions and keep them in the cold for long periods of time. Other techniques included depriving them of solid food and slapping them. Sleep deprivation, prolonged shackling and threats to a detainee's family were also used.

That is how they GET CONFESSIONS from 9/11 "masterminds," readers!

Related: Typical Terror Trial Coverage

Nice going, AmeriKa.

Where did they come up with this stuff?

The Soviets?

Also see: Occupation Iraq: Abu Ghraib Wasn't the Beginning

Looks like we have been torturing for a long time.

The memos have been the source of debate within the legal and intelligence communities. Some believe the lawyers had a responsibility to put the brakes on such tactics, even during the panic-filled months after the 2001 terrorist attacks. Others say lawyers always make the best argument they can in support of their employer's — in this case, the White House.

Lawyers for the Yoo and Bybee did not immediately return messages seeking comment. But in documents submitted to the Justice Department, Yoo's lawyer, Miguel Estrada, sought to turn the tables on the investigators, accusing them of shoddy work in their internal investigation.

Estrada accused the Office of Professional Responsibility of trying to be a "Junior Varsity CIA" that second-guessed intelligence operatives and played "roulette with the lives of thousands of Americans."

And look what took the cut:

House Judiciary chairman John M. Conyers Jr., Democrat of Michigan, vowed to hold hearings on the report.

Related: Marriage Counciling For Conyers

Yeah, remember all that THUNDERING TALK from Conyers on Democracy Now and places like that about impeachment and Bush crimes?

Yeah, F*** that corrupt PoS fossil!


Oh, the web gave me this and I didn't read it:

"Review finds no misconduct by US lawyers in waterboarding memos" by Eric Lichtblau and Scott Shane, New York Times

I don't read the New York Times anymore, and I am fast approaching an end to the Boston Globe.

"GOP and FOX NEWS Campaign Continues to Stamp Israeli Brand On Time Square Bomber More Airport Magic

Watching the news on the arrest of the Time Square bomber, or as we will call him, “the Time Square Fizzler,” and the flood of political attacks on the president and news reports condemning Pakistan and Islam make it all clear as a bell. The ‘highly trained’ terrorist, supposedly schooled in explosives and ’secret agent stuff’ is another patsy.

Think “Mumbai” and the recent trial. All our suspect could say, over and over, knowing he is doomed is that he was ’set up.’

With the Pakistan Taliban the biggest security risk for the only Islamic nuclear power, they became extremely attractive to India and Israel some time ago. Noting that India has been given free rein to run intelligence operations on the Pakistani border, they and their good friends in Israel, have flooded the region with “helpers” busy recruiting, training and supporting attacks, primarily on Pakistan.

Some time ago, it was warned that these Indian and Israeli trained groups that the US had knowingly allowed, and admitted to, would be used against the United States. Welcome to that world....

And you will FIND NONE of THAT here in the agenda-pushing, war-promoting, lying Zionist War Daily.

Do you know how sick I am of reworked, reedited, rewritten, and censored shit?

"NY car bomb suspect believed to act alone in US" by Colleen Long and Michael Rubinkam, Associated Press Writers | May 5, 2010

NEW YORK --The Pakistani-American accused of the failed Times Square car bombing is believed to have been working alone when he began preparing the attack almost immediately after returning from his native land, authorities said Wednesday.

They said they have yet to find a wider link to extremist groups.

Don't worry, they will.

Two new surveillance videos emerged of the bomb suspect, Faisal Shahzad. Police told The Associated Press that one video shows him in a white baseball cap and a dark jacket walking away from the smoking, bomb-laden Nissan Pathfinder parked in the bustling heart of New York City.

The second video shows him buying a weak batch of fireworks in a store in Pennsylvania, according to the shop's owner.

This is the BEST THEY GOT, huh?

One law enforcement official told the AP that authorities don't believe there are any other suspects in the plot and that several arrests in Pakistan in the past two days were not related.


Well, WE ARE TIRED of the BULLSHIT, GOVERNMENT and MSM and we are NOT FALLING FOR IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shahzad faces terrorism and weapons charges after authorities said he admitted rigging the Pathfinder with a crude bomb of firecrackers, propane and alarm clocks based on explosives training he received in Pakistan.

Was that BEFORE or AFTER the TORTURE?!

Authorities said he was cooperating with investigators and did not appear in Manhattan federal court for a second day.


Authorities indicated that Shahzad, the 30-year-old son of a retired air force official in Pakistan, had launched the bomb plot alone almost immediately after returning to his Connecticut home in February from the visit to his native land.

Can you say PATSY!!!!!!!

He did a dry run three days before trying to detonate the car bomb, said a law enforcement official who spoke to the AP on Wednesday on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the investigation...

Law enforcement officials in Washington said they had not verified statements investigators said Shahzad had made that he was trained in Pakistan for the attack. All the officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the case. The FBI was able to identify Shahzad's name because of information Customs and Border Protection officials shared months earlier, according to a law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the investigation.

When Shahzad returned from Pakistan in February, he went through extra screening at U.S. Customs because of rules put in place after the attempted terrorist attack on Christmas Day....

Related: Underwear Bomber

Had enough BULLSHIT LIES and PATSY SET-UPS, America?!!

When Customs officials come across people with suspicious travel patterns such as these, they send information along to the FBI....

Who then sets about framing them for some agenda-advancing event.

Interviews Wednesday with business owners shed light on a series of purchases Shahzad made of guns and fireworks near his Bridgeport, Conn., home and in Pennsylvania that authorities say proved a rapidly accelerating plot.

Shahzad is on video buying six to eight boxes each containing 36 Silver Salute M88 fireworks-- a consumer-grade product mostly made up of paper and cardboard -- from Phantom Fireworks in Matamoras, Pa., on March 8, said store vice president William Wiemer.

Even if used together, the fireworks couldn't have caused a large explosion, Wiemer said.

"The M88 he used wouldn't damage a watermelon. Thank goodness he used that," said Bruce Zoldan, the company's president.

Each M88 has an amount of pyrotechnic powder that is less than 1/6 the size of an aspirin, the company said. Fireworks purchased illegally can be up to 1,000 times more powerful, they said.

"There's no doubt, had he bought this on the black market, that the outcome in New York would have been totally different," Zoldan said.

Shahzad had to show his driver's license and fill out an application to buy the fireworks, Zoldan said. On the form, "the individual put his last name first, and his first name last, probably intentionally," Zoldan said.

Police in Shelton, Conn., said Shahzad legally bought a Kel-Tech rifle from a dealer after passing a criminal background check and a 14-day waiting period. The owner of the gun shop declined comment.

Shahzad, who was charged Tuesday in the plot, was hauled off a Dubai-bound plane he had boarded Monday night at Kennedy Airport despite being under surveillance and placed on the federal no-fly list.

"I was expecting you. Are you NYPD or FBI?" Shahzad told Customs officials who came aboard the jet to arrest him, an official with knowledge of the investigation said.

Now he sounds like CIA!!!

Kifyat Ali, a cousin of Shahzad's father, has called the arrest "a conspiracy."

And seeing as THIS was CUT, I'm inclined to agree:

Until recently, his life in the United States appeared enviable. He had a master's degree from the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut, a job as a budget analyst for a marketing firm in Norwalk, Conn., two children and a well-educated wife who posted his smiling picture and lovingly called him "my everything" on a social networking site.

And he THREW IT ALL AWAY for THIS, huh?


I don't need to hand-type anymore, do I?

Related: Evidence mounts of Taliban role in Times Square plot (By Mark Mazzetti and Scott Shane, New York Times)

I'm sorry; I no longer read those kinds of updates.

"Terror group praises effort of bomb suspect; Now denies any role in plot for Times Square" by Tom Hays and Rasool Dawar, Associated Press | May 7, 2010

NEW YORK — The Pakistani Taliban denied any role in the botched car bombing in Times Square yesterday but praised the suspect for a “brave job,’’ as New York authorities pressed him on his claims of terrorist training.

US law enforcement officials traveled to Pakistan to question four alleged members of another militant group, Jaish-e-Mohammad, about possible connections....

New York was on edge yesterday and law enforcement agencies pounced on anything suspicious.


LIVE with the FUCKING TYRANNY and LIES because I'M TIRED OF IT!!!!!!!!!!

FUCK YOU, NYC, NYT, and GLOBE!!!!!!!!!!!

FUCK YOU and YOUR GOD-DAMNED ZIONIST LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The bomb squad was called out to look at a truck with a strong odor of gasoline that was abandoned on the Manhattan Bridge, but nothing dangerous was found inside, and a flight to the Mideast on the same airline that Shahzad boarded before his arrest Monday was called back when a passenger’s name was similar to that of someone on the government’s “no-fly’’ list....

“He’s being cooperative,’’ Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said, adding that investigators want to find out if “what he’s saying is in fact the truth.’’ Law enforcement officials have sought to find out whether Shahzad is connected to a broader terrorist plot and are trying to trace his steps during his trip to Pakistan that ended in February. US authorities said they have yet to establish a firm link between Shahzad and an extremist group.

Don't worry; they are STILL WORKING on putting together the COVER STORY LIE for MSM presentation!

“We are directly looking at who did he have contact with while in Pakistan, what did he do, who is supporting him and why,’’ State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said, adding that the US ambassador to Pakistan, Anne Patterson, laid groundwork for requesting help from Pakistan by reaching out to Prime Minister Yousuf Gilani and Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi.

A senior State Department official said the administration would be asking Pakistan to take significant actions based on what Shahzad has been telling investigators about his visits to the country....

Translation: YOU ARE BEING SET UP for U.S. OCCUPATION, Pakistan!!!


Officials have been investigating if Shahzad got money from militant groups — including the Pakistani Taliban, which claimed responsibility for the bombing in three videos over the weekend, a law enforcement official said.

Yes, from the NOW DISCREDITED SITE Intel Group that REMAINS OMITTED from ALL SUBSEQUENT REPORTS in my jewsmedia!!!

The group reversed that position yesterday, with one spokesman saying the Pakistani Taliban had nothing to do with the attempted bombing, but adding: “Such attacks are welcome.’’

“We have no relation with Faisal. However, he is our Muslim brother,’’ Taliban spokesman Azam Tariq said by telephone from an undisclosed location....

Meanwhile, the government is listening to your calls, Americans.

So is HE WORKING for the CIA?

And now the DUAL NATIONAL, ISRAELI-FIRST Senator Joe Lieberman wants to STRIP YOU of YOUR CITIZENSHIP, dear Americans?

Time to SEND JOE BACK to his LAND of FIRST LOVE, America!!!!!!

"Brown wants citizenship revoked for terror ties; Critics question legality of bill" by Farah Stockman and Matt Viser, Globe Staff | May 7, 2010

WASHINGTON — Senator Scott Brown responded to the attempted Times Square bombing yesterday by cosponsoring a bill that would allow the United States to strip Americans of citizenship if the government determines that an individual supported or joined a terrorist group.

Related: Selecting a Senator: Electing George W. Bush

Selecting a Senator: Brown is Bush

What a PoS you elected, Massachusetts.

Hey, don't blame me!

But a host of scholars and fellow lawmakers, including the House Republican leader, Representative John Boehner of Ohio, immediately questioned the constitutionality of the proposal, saying it was at odds with a half-century of Supreme Court precedents that ruled that citizenship can be relinquished only voluntarily. The legislation would affect US citizens whether they are native-born or naturalized.

As if that revered document mattered anymore, sob.

Some said the Terrorist Expatriation Act was worded so broadly that those who write checks to groups on the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations could be at risk of losing citizenship.


The bill, cosponsored with Senator Joseph Lieberman, the Connecticut independent, is the highest-profile legislation that Brown has backed.

How did you know he was at the top of my list?

The measure, which quickly attracted considerable national controversy, amounts to a strong political statement; after spending months saying he was focused on nuts-and-bolts issues such as jobs, the Massachusetts Republican ventured yesterday into hot-button debates over immigration, counterterrorism tactics, and the extent of federal power.

“We have home-grown terrorists among us,’’ Brown said at a Capitol Hill press conference, mentioning attacks at Fort Dix and Fort Hood, as well as Sudbury resident Tarek Mehanna, who was arrested in October on federal terrorism charges for allegedly planning attacks that included targeting people at a mall. “They remain determined to try and infiltrate.’’

Related: Fort Dix Frame-Up Works

A Hooded Cover Story

FBI Case File: The New Informant

FBI Case File: The Truth About Tariq Mehanna


And they are going to STRIP YOUR CITIZENSHIP over LIES if you DISAGREE with this FASCIST GOVERNMENT!!

“Our enemies today are even more willing than the Nazis or fascists were to kill innocent civilian Americans here in our homeland,’’ Lieberman said.



This PoS Zionist Jew TRAITOR should be SENT BACK to ISRAEL and BANISHED from the U.S. FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The bill expands a 1940 law that allows the State Department to remove the citizenship of anyone who is determined to have pledged allegiance to foreign armies or states.

I'd pledge allegiance to the flag; however, it's lost all its meaning.

The proposed measure would give the State Department wide discretion to determine whether an American should be stripped of citizenship. The decision would be made in an administrative process and does not require a court hearing or a conviction of a crime, although the ruling can be appealed in a court.

So much for INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY in Mr. Obama's AmeriKa, huh?

The senators and their aides portrayed the bill as a common-sense response to Saturday’s attempted car bombing in Times Square, allegedly by a naturalized citizen from Pakistan, and as a new tool to prevent terrorists from traveling freely into the country. However, the proposed law would not apply to the man arrested, Faisal Shahzad, because it is not retroactive.

But critics said the measure is extreme and unnecessary.

“Citizenship is a cherished right and we can’t have Congress deciding at the spur of the moment to strip citizenship,’’ said Francis A. Boyle, a professor at the University of Illinois Law School. “Any United States citizen can be prosecuted to the limits of the law. They could be prosecuted for treason, up to the death penalty. . . . What more could you want than that?’’

Does the term pissing in the wind mean anything to you?

Laws stripping citizenship date to 1907, said Stephen I. Vladeck, a professor of law at American University. In 1940, as the United States geared up for a war in Europe, Congress passed an act that allowed the State Department to take away the citizenship of anyone who had declared allegiance to another country or served in foreign armed forces.

In 1952, at the height of the McCarthy era, Congress revamped the statute and added new provisions aimed at communists, allowing the removal of citizenship for anyone guilty of treason or advocating the nation’s violent overthrow.

But the Supreme Court has continuously ruled to limit the power to strip citizenship, legal scholars say, ruling time and time again that the government must prove a person’s intent to give it up.

A Brown aide said the proposed law was constitutional because joining a foreign terrorist organization can be interpreted as a desire to cease to be an American citizen.

I'm just wondering why they took Lee Harvey Oswald back so easily after he defected.

Related: " the Bush administration gave Vinas all the rights of American criminal suspects"


“Your actions can be construed as intent to give up your citizenship,’’ said Bill Wright, a Brown aide on homeland security matters. “Blowing up a car bomb in New York City and joining a foreign terrorist organization could imply intent to relinquish your citizenship.’’

Yup, if you JOIN "Al-CIA-Duh" you give up your citizenship!

Eugene Fidell, who teaches military law at Yale Law School, said the bill would not take away suspects’ rights to a criminal trial if they are arrested in the United States and charged with a crime. But for suspects captured abroad, the bill would prevent them from reentering the United States and could open up the possibility of their transfer to military detention overseas, putting them on a par with foreign “enemy combatants’’ at Guantanamo Bay.

You were warned time and again by people like me for years and years, America.

But hey, if you have done nothing wrong.... sig heil.

Two House members from Pennsylvania — Jason Altmire, a Democrat, and Charles Dent, a Republican, said they plan to file identical legislation in the House. Senator John F. Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, said he didn’t know whether he could support the bill because he hasn’t studied it yet.

The Obama administration appeared to reject it....


No longer FOOLEYED!

Legal specialists said the law also could apply to Americans who write checks to Hamas or Hezbollah — two groups on the State Department’s terrorism list — if the US officials determine they are displaying an intent to give up American citizenship.

“The bill is so broad that it would allow the government to strip citizenship from someone who never committed a hostile act against the United States,’’ said Vladeck. He said providing material support to terrorists could be interpreted as broadly as preparing Hamas or Hezbollah to advocate before the United Nations....

Live it with it, AmeriKa:

"Times Square reopened after scare; Streets were closed after police found abandoned cooler" by Verena Dobnik and Colleen Long, Associated Press | May 8, 2010

NEW YORK — Police cleared streets around Times Square yesterday and called in the bomb squad after finding a cooler and a shopping bag left on a sidewalk about a block from where a failed car bomb was found over the weekend. They opened streets to traffic after finding out the cooler contained only water bottles....



Believe me, I am going NOWHERE NEAR any U.S. SHIT HOLE CITIES like Boston or New York ever again! Time to barricade the place and wait.

Police had earlier cordoned off a pedestrian mall and nearby streets with yellow tape around 1:15 p.m., while yelling “Get back, get back’’ at onlookers and guiding bomb-sniffing dogs through the area....

No evacuations have been ordered from buildings, but workers were told to stay indoors as the police responded. Cars approaching the area were told to turn back as an eerie silence descended on the area.

On an average day, police get 90 to 100 reports of a suspicious package. Browne said there were more than 145 reports on Wednesday.

Bombing suspect Faisal Shahzad remained in custody and did not appear in court yesterday. Kelly said he continued to cooperate, while General David Petraeus debunked theories that Shahzad had help, saying he apparently worked alone and did not have contact with foreign terror groups.

Shahzad, who was pulled off a Dubai-bound plane at Kennedy Airport on Monday and hasn’t appeared in court, continues to cooperate with investigators, Kelly said yesterday....

Petraeus yesterday said that Shahzad apparently operated as a “lone wolf.’’ Petraeus, head of US Central Command, said that Shahzad was inspired by militants in Pakistan but didn’t necessarily have direct contact with them.

You have EGG ON YOUR FACE, Dave!

Related: Globe Editorial Threat to strip citizenship won’t dissuade terrorists

Who cares what the Boston Globe has to say anymore?

Not me.

"White House says Pakistan Taliban behind NY bomb" by Anne Flaherty, Associated Press Writer | May 9, 2010

WASHINGTON --Saying they obtained new evidence, senior White House officials said Sunday that the Pakistani Taliban were behind the failed Times Square bombing.

Translation: They are DONE MAKING IT UP!

The attempt marks the first time the group has been able to launch an attack on U.S. soil. And while U.S. officials have downplayed the threat -- citing the bomb's lack of sophistication -- the incident in Times Square and Christmas Day airline bomber indicate growing strength by overseas terrorist groups linked to al-Qaida even as the CIA says their operations are seriously degraded.

Like the YO-YO YANK of the LIES, readers?

Btw, which "Al-CIA-Duh" would that be, huh?

The made-up "Al-CIA-Duh?"
Or the "Al-CIA-Duh" CREATION for the COURTROOM!?


Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh and the OSI

Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh's Greatest Hits

Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business

New York Times Admits War on Terror is U.S. Creation

The finding also raises new questions about the U.S. relationship with Pakistan....

And CUI BONO, 'eh, readers?

YUP, YOU are NEXT in the TARGET SIGHTS of OBAMA, Pakistan!



Concerning the Pakistani Taliban, Attorney General Eric Holder said: "We know that they helped facilitate it; we know that they helped direct it. And I suspect that we are going to come up with evidence which shows that they helped to finance it. They were intimately involved in this plot."

ANOTHER PoS from the Obama administration.

Also see: Holding On to a Dead Man

Yeah, they ALL KNOW, readers!!!

John Brennan, the president's homeland security and counterterrorism adviser, made similar remarks, linking the bomber to the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, or TTP.

Related: Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan is a Zionist terrorist fifth column

Role of Tehrik-e-Taliban-Pakistan and Afghan Taliban

Unraveling the Myth of Al Qaida

Oh, so TTP is "Al-CIA-Duh's" Taliban, 'eh?

Neither official said what the new evidence was....


After the attack, U.S. officials said they were exploring potential links to terrorist groups overseas but said it was likely that Shahzad was acting alone and that it was an isolated incident.

Last week, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, told NBC News that "at this point I have no information that it's anything other than a one-off." Gen. David Petraeus told The Associated Press that Shahzad apparently operated as a "lone wolf."


Brennan on Sunday rejected suggestions that that the attempted bombing shows that terrorist groups overseas were gaining strength.

"They now are relegated to trying to do these unsophisticated attacks, showing that they have inept capabilities in training," he said.


FERTILIZER that WOULDN'T EXPLODE and an INCOMPETENT CANARY for a controlled asset patsy?

The link between an attack on U.S. soil and terrorist groups operating inside Pakistan opens up a new chapter in relations between the two countries. Until recently, administration officials have said they thought Islamabad was doing all it could.

GET READY to OFFICIALLY become an ENEMY, Pakistan!


Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Washington expects more cooperation from Pakistan in fighting terrorism and warned of "severe consequences" if an attack on U.S. soil were successful and traced back to the South Asian country....

Pakistani army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas, who last week said he doubted the Pakistani Taliban had anything to do with the failed bombing, declined to comment Sunday. He said representatives of the country's civilian government should respond. They were not available for comment....

Because THEY KNOW WHAT is COMING and didn't want to talk to an enemy newspaper.

Brennan would not say whether Shahzad may be connected to fugitive al-Qaida cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, other than to acknowledge his Internet sermons are popular among extremist Muslims.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Pakistan has recently stepped up efforts to root out extremist militants.

"The Pakistanis have been doing so much more than 18 months or two years ago any of us would have expected," Gates told reporters at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., this week.

He referred to Pakistani Army offensives, dating to spring 2009, against Taliban extremists in areas near the Afghan border, including in south Waziristan.

Gates said the Obama administration is sticking to its policy of offering to do as much training and other military activity inside Pakistan as the Pakistani government is willing to accept.

"It's their country," Gates said. "They remain in the driver's seat, and they have their foot on the accelerator."

And the MISSILE STRIKES included in MY PRINTED PAPER have been CUT from the GLOBE'S WEBSITE, how nice!

Related: US drone strike kills kills 10 in NWA‎

Why bother reading the Boston Globe anymore?

Related: Pakistan Taliban behind Times Square bomb, White House says (By Anne E. Kornblut and Karin Brulliard, Washington Post)

Sigh. I'm not reading that CIA shit either.

And talk about an insult from a lying, war-promoting, agenda-pushing piece of Zionist s***:

"Pakistan’s paranoid press

Well, if the AmeriKan jewsmedia is hollering that they MUST BE CLOSE to the TRUTH!

AS SOON AS American and Pakistani officials reported that Times Square bomb suspect Faisal Shahzad received terrorist training at a camp in Pakistan, charges of a conspiracy to harm that country appeared in the Pakistani media. This sort of thinking is all too common in Pakistan....

The fight against terrorism is first and foremost a war of ideas, or at least a contest between conflicting narratives.

And that is why USreal and here FALS FLAG FUCKS are LOSING!!!!!!!!!

I'm SO FUCKING TIRED of this AGENDA-PUSHING BULLSHIT, sorry, readers!!!!

And in Pakistan, the anti-American narrative has been winning. Students at elite universities recently assailed a lecturer from America with questions about a covert CIA role in perpetrating the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.


Related: You Have to Get Up Pretty Early in the Morning to Fool a Pakistani

My 9/11 Investigation

Both the US and Pakistani governments have done too little to counter this kind of paranoid propaganda....

Yeah, NO ONE READS AmeriKan jewspapers or believes mouthpiece media anymore!

Pakistan’s civilian and military leaders also must do more. They cannot go on ignoring Taliban-type propaganda disseminated in both state-run and independent media.

I'm done, folks. I hate the Boston Globe now.

The fight against terrorism is their fight, even more than it is America’s; they must lead the charge, in public, against the conspiratorial thinking that is eating away at the foundations of the Pakistani state.

Fuck you and your agenda-pushing war-promoting, you Zionist PoS.

Posted by Rocker at 11:05 AM
Labels: American Tyranny, Bush, C.I.P., MSM, Obama, Politics, Times Square, U.S.
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