Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Friday, August 10, 2007
About Me
I thought I'd give you some insights to me, reader.

It's the straight skinny, too, readers. No revisionism!

First of all, if you are thinking I'm not serious, or I can't tell the difference between movies and reality, you are wrong!

I put up the King Kong link with the gorilla piece because I LOVE ART, I LOVE CULTURE, I LOVE LOVE, and I LOVE LIFE!

I bring almost a child-like fascination to such things, and am hurt that many of my fellow citizens are vacuous, uncaring and vain.

Can't feel too much, not in AmeriKa.

As for the underdog thing with Ron Paul, I take politics totally seriously.

Why do you think I'm on here RAGING about the DEATH and DESTRUCTION being carried out in our name.

And that is NO MOVIE! The "enemies" I weep for are REAL and I KNOW THAT!

But have you stopped to LISTEN to the LYRICS of the Underdog theme?

THAT is what is important. Here they are:

"When criminals in this world appear, and break the laws that they should fear, and frighten all who see and hear, the cry goes out both far and near for

CHORUS: Underdog, Underdog, Underdog, Underdog, Speed of lightning, roar of thunder, fighting all who rob or plunder,

Underdog, Underdog

When in this world the headlines read, of those whose hearts are filled with greed, and rob and steal from those need, to right this wrong with blinding speed goes

CHORUS: Underdog, Underdog, Underdog, Underdog, Speed of lightning, roar of thunder, fighting all who rob or plunder,

Underdog, Underdog"

Think what you want of the child-like quality of the point; however, it is TOTALLY ACCURATE regarding our current times!

Anyhow, I came to be here in a strange way. During my youth I often identified myself as a Marxist or Communist without understanding the terms.

Unconsciously, even at that time, I sensed that American society was unfair. But I was just a kid and didn't understand a thing.

In the early '90s I was laid of by a large American firm. The place closed down, even though they made in excess of $210 million dollars in the first six months of the year. They filed the numbers with the SEC the day they gave us the news.

Anyhow, I latched on to a smaller, local firm throughout the 1990s, but after 7 years, the labor cutbacks and workload (I was hauling and moving 2-ton pallets) pushed me over the edge and I jumped off the corporate ladder.

It must have been destiny, because less then two weeks later 9/11 hit. I had already signed up for school, and was attending my first semester of classes. It was there that I met the most remembered person of my life.

Without getting into it, this person was the only one I've met in all these years that I ever connected with. She stimulated such passions and feelings in me after 9/11. She touched my heart with her Martin Luther King handouts and so many other peaceful and useful writings. Not only that, but she was also a poet.

Unfortunately, the brief relationship we had ended. Her heart was never really in it, and it ended rather badly. Mostly my fault (don't say "I love you"), and I was mean at the end.

Not all my fault, though; she was also unresponsive and manipulative at times, and although it was sometimes painful, I realize now that I would NEVER give up the experience. If someone said, "Hey, I can make you forget and take that pain away," I would say, "No!"

It is total foolishness, but in light of what has happened since, I will always love her. She will never know it, but I think about her from time-to-time still, and truly pray she is O.K.

She said I was a good writer; however, the papers and essays were much different from blogging. I don't think she would view my writings as beautiful now (outrage of language, you know), but I think she would understand my anger.

But back to my story. I can say with pride that I was one of the 7% that objected to the invasion of Afghanistan.

Not because I knew then that 9/11 was an inside job. My objections were on the pacifist principle of non-violence. Even if bin-Laden did it, I remember thinking at the time, "How is bombing them going to help? How is adding more violence to the situation going to help?"

Answer: It doesn't, and never does.

But I then went about my life like everyone else, believing the lie (I remember when WTC7 went down, I just thought "Geez, what a bloody mess today was." Didn't think a thing of it) -- until the war drums for Iraq began beating.

I will never forget the night in April 2002 when I saw Scott Ritter warn about the upcoming war live. Ritter told the whole tale. The Neo-Con project, the lack of WMD, the "Al-CIA-Duh" lie.

So when the war chants started, I was agitated and aggravated. I KNEW it was a LIE! Nevertheless, the country was ready for blood, and I got driven out of two classes for speaking out.

In one speech class, I was grilled after my presentation, and was greeted with gasps when I said I didn't think Saddam had WMD!

In another it was for raising the alarm bells about the coming fascism, etc. Can't get excited about important things, just calm down, you'll upset people.

So after the war started, I kept quiet for a while. Whether it was work or school, I felt under siege, and felt I would be called a traitor if I spoke the truth.

By the fall of 2003, I became aware of "The New Pearl Harbor" by David Ray Griffin. I read it, but it didn't sink in right away.

I was still in school, and got caught up in the 2004 election. Having a voracious appetite, I followed the campaign and all the research I gathered was pointing to a Bush defeat. I proclaimed it before the election, and suffered a crushing blow when Bush stole it.

Had to tell all the students, "Don't listen to me anymore, I guess I don't know what I'm talking about." Some students looked at me with compassion, but most thought I was an over-emotional nut.

Then, as 2005 opened, I began to use the computer tools at the school. I began to find information and refocused on 9/11. I began to see that many writers and scholars (like the revered Chomsky) were not what they appeared to be.

I graduated with my history degree in '05. It was then that I really began to open up my mind about 9/11.

The more I investigated and the more I saw the evidence, the more the truth began to stick in my mind. My world view was becoming altered in a profound way.

By that fall, I had landed another factory job (history degrees get you nowhere, I found), and I held the job until this summer. I'd rather not get into all the things that led to my departure.

Let's just say that in so many areas, I was feeling isolated and distant from my fellow employees. It became hard to bandy about the "politics" without a sense of keen distress because of the cultural myths that are taken as truth, whether it be the war or anything else.

And there were other things, people fucking around and lying to me, taking pleasure in needling and aggravating me, those sorts of things, but I'd rather not specify. Let's just say I didn't learn my lesson, and shouldn't have reached out to people.

Told it's a friendly family, but that is not true inside corporations. That's just more B.S. public relations.

So I am now devoting my time to get the word out and stopping these madmen from carrying out another FALSE-FLAG "TERROR EVENT!"

And if they are SO BRAZEN and SO BOLD, us bloggers are here to SCREAM and HOLLER to HIGH HEAVEN and FINGER the CRIMINAL CULPRITS of this administration!

I'm just an average American who loves this country and loves this world, and is outraged at what is taking place in my name.

That's all I am, reader.

So good night, world. I'll be here for you again tomorrow!
Posted by Rocker at 8:19 PM
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