Friday, September 7, 2007
The Times of bin Laden
Actually, not.
The website CARRIED the story last night, but it is removed from today's paper!
Meanwhile, the printed copy gives me this at the bottom of page A10:
"Bin Laden Video Is Said to Be Near" by the Associated Press September 7, 2007
"Al-Qaeda's media arm said Thursday that Osama bin Laden planned a new video, to be released in the coming days.
The announcement apparently means the video will be released ahead of the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. The video would be the first new bin Laden images in nearly three years.
The announcement was accompanied by a photo that it said was from the video. It shows Mr. bin Laden addressing the camera, his beard black. In previous videos, his beard was almost entirely gray, with dark streaks.
The SITE Institute, a Washington group that tracks terrorist messages, says Mr. bin Laden's beard appears to have been dyed. Rita Katz, the group's director, said beard dyeing was popular among Arab leaders.
[Yeah, the Saddam type, not pious Wahhabiis!
And the beard should be ORANGE or RED, dumbfuck "Al-CIA-Duh" choreographers!!
They can't even get a BLACK-OP SET-UP right!!!!
A group that monitors Islamic Web sites, IntelCenter, said it expected the video to be released within 72 hours."
Here's the Globe's version (in a World Brief. This must not be important, huh, reader?):
"Bin Laden plans video, groups say... Osama bin Laden plans a new video addressing the American people regarding the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, terror monitoring groups said yesterday. SITE Intelligence Group said an Internet announcement of the plan included a photo of the Al Qaeda leader from the upcoming video - his beard, which in previous messages had been streaked with gray, was entirely dark. Intelcenter, which is based in Alexandria, Va., and also monitors Islamic websites, said the video was expected within the next 72 hours (AP)."
From the Times website (last night):
"Groups: Bin Laden Plans Video on 9 / 11" by the Associated Press September 7, 2007
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -- Osama bin Laden will release a new video in the coming days ahead of the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks in what would be the first new images of the terror mastermind in nearly three years, al-Qaida's media arm announced Thursday.
The White House said any new video from bin Laden would serve to highlight threats the West faces.
What mass-murdering, lying, law-breaking, WAR-CRIMINAL president REALLY NEEDS THIS NOW?!?!
Especially since Iraq is going to be "debated" in Congress!!!
Ever notice that "Al-CIA-Duh" always pops up just about then?!?!
Analysts noted that al-Qaida tends to mark the Sept. 11 anniversary with a slew of messages, and the Department of Homeland Security said it had no credible information warning of an imminent threat to the United States.
[I'm sick of the BULLSHIT PEDALING by this SHIT MEDIA!!!!!]
Still, bin Laden's appearance would be significant. The al-Qaida leader has not appeared in new video footage since October 2004, and he has not put out a new audiotape in more than a year, his longest period without a message.
One difference in his appearance was immediately obvious. The announcement had a still photo from the coming video, showing bin Laden addressing the camera, his beard fully black. In his past videos, bin Laden's beard was almost entirely gray with dark streaks.
Bin Laden's beard appears to have been dyed, a popular practice among Arab leaders, said Rita Katz, director of the SITE Institute, a Washington-based group that monitors terror messages:
''I think it works for their (al-Qaida's) benefit that he looks young, he looks healthy.''
[He DOES NOT LOOK HEALTHY, and his beard should not be black!!!!!!]
The announcement and photo appeared in a banner advertisement on an Islamic militant Web site where al-Qaida's media arm, Al-Sahab, frequently posts messages.
The advertisement, signed by Al-Sahab:
"Soon, God willing, a videotape from the lion sheik Osama bin Laden, God preserve him.''
Such announcements are usually put out one to three days before the video is posted on the Web. IntelCenter, which monitors Islamic Web sites and analyzes terror threats, said the video was expected within the next 72 hours, before the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 suicide hijacker attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
The anniversary has always been a major media event for al-Qaida -- a chance for it to drum up support among extremists, tout itself as the leading militant group and show off its continued survival.
[And BUFFER the BUSH administration, too!!!]
Ben Venzke, chief executive officer of IntelCenter, which is based in Alexandria, Va.:
''They've always gone out of their way to commemorate it. Historically the anniversary of 9-11 has never been drawn to attacks. It's drawn to video releases.''
But the fact that bin Laden is delivering the message is significant, he said. Whether the message will indicate a potential attack will depend on what bin Laden says.
[This is ALL BULLSHIT, folks, and I AM TIRED OF IT!!!
It AIN'T GONNA WORK, shitters!!!
The White House said that any new video message from bin Laden would only underscore the threat the United States and other nations face from extremists.
[And CUI BONO, huh?
Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the National Security Council at the White House:
''Six years after 9/11, the arrests in Germany and Denmark this week and the battles we fight against al-Qaida in Iraq, Afghanistan, southeast Asia and around the world remind us of the continuing threat we face from extremists and why we must continue to take the fight to them wherever they are.''
Homeland Security spokesman Russ Knocke said he could not confirm the existence of a tape, ''and there is no credible information at this time warning of an imminent threat to the homeland.'' But he said increased activity overseas and recent arrests of militants in Germany reinforce the department's assessment that the country is currently in a period of increased risk. [CUI BONO?]
If bin Laden does appear in new footage, it would be the first images of him since an Oct. 29, 2004 videotape, just before the U.S. presidential elections. In that appearance three years ago, he said America could avoid another 9-11 style attack if it stopped threatening Muslims.
The new video would also end the longest period bin Laden has gone without releasing a message. His last audiotape was on July 1, 2006, in which he welcomed new leader of al-Qaida in Iraq succeeding the slain Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
Bin Laden went silent for a similar long stretch before -- from Dec. 28, 2004 to Jan. 19, 2006. That absence sparked widespread speculation he was ill, wounded or possibly dead. [He is, but we will never be told that (unless Bush needs to catch him).
There has been little such speculation since then. U.S. officials have repeatedly said over the past year they believe the al-Qaida leader is alive. He is thought to be hiding in the tribal regions of western Pakistan near the border with Afghanistan.
[And CUI BONO, reader?]
During bin Laden's silence, his deputy Egyptian-born Ayman al-Zawahri has been frequently issuing videos and audiotapes.
Al-Zawahri appeared in a 2006 video marking the 9-11 anniversary. An anniversary video in 2003 showed footage of bin Laden and al-Zawahri walking through mountain paths, with voice-over messages from both leaders.
Yeah, RERACK the 10-year-old footage!!!!!
Here is what you need to know about "Al-CIA-Duh" and bin-Laden:
The Intel Center from the Pentagon has MADE a NEW OSAMA VIDEO!!!!
Direct from OSI Studios, and presented by the MSM, which is in the "terrorism business!"
And the American public is NOT FALLING FOR IT, folks!!!!
Posted by Rocker at 12:34 PM
Labels: 9/11, Prop
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