500,000 Take the Streets Against Bush's War Crimes
On Thursday, August 29, 2004, more than 500 veterans, eyewitnesses, students, and activists gathered in Martin Luther King, Jr. Auditorium for a war crimes tribunal. Despite police intimidation and harassment, the tribunal moved forward, concluding with a resounding, unanimous verdict of "guilty!" George W. Bush and other members of his Administration were found guilty of war crimes, crimes against peace, and crimes against humanity.
An initial report from the Tribunal is available online at: http://www.PeopleJudgeBush.org
Not only did the Tribunal expose the crimes of the Bush Administration, it also declared the right to resist the criminal regime and solidarity with the reisistance in Iraq, Palestine, and the streets of New York City.
Tribunal organizers handed out thousands of placards declaring Bush guilty of war crimes. These placards were very visible in the crowd of 500,000 that poured into the streets against the Bush policies of war, racism, and corporate greed.
Organizers also distributed tens of thousands of the Journal Tribunal, which is also a "Field Guide to the Week of Resistance," containing a calendar of protest events, legal & medical information, and other helpful information for protesters.
The International Action Center will be open all week as a "Resistance Center." Activists can come in to get out of the sun, pick up helpful information, make placards, and network with other organizers. Activists from the Center will take part in many of the hundreds of protest activities scheduled this wee.
Resistance is Justified
On Tuesday, August 31, 2004, at 7 pm, join us to hear updates from the streets, political analysis, and plans for the last two days of resistance against the RNC. Speakers will include leaders in the anti-war movement, veterans, and protesters fresh off the streets.
Join us at 39 W. 14th St. #206 in Manhattan (between 5th and 6th Aves.-- 1 1/2 blocks from Union Sq.)
We also need help with the thousands of dollars in expenses involved in the Tribunal and the Week of Resistance. You can donate online at http://www.PeopleJudgeBush.org
Iraq War Crimes Tribunal Thursday, August 26, 2004
call 212-633-6646 for more information
http://www.PeopleJudgeBush.org for more information
Contribute to the War Crimes Tribunal: http://www.PeopleJudgeBush.org/donate.shtml
The International Action Center http://www.iacenter.org mail to:iacenter@iacenter.org
Thousands poured into city to battle the Bush agenda during the Week of Resistance
International Action Center becomes hub of resistance
Sunday: Hundreds of thousands turn out before the start of the convention
On Sunday, Aug. 29, a massive gathering UFPJ organizers estimated as over 400,000 strong packed the avenues from 14th to 34th Street, across to Broadway and downtown again to Union Square. It was a loud march, angry at the Bush program and demanding that the occupation of Iraq end. Marchers carried almost 1,000 coffin-shaped boxes to symbolize the U.S. troops that died for Bush's lies.
In the weeks leading to the demonstration the IAC raised the Bush administration's war crimes as a constant theme in mobilizing for the Week of Resistance. The IAC's Aug. 26 War Crimes Tribunal was the first of the Week of Resistance actions. Following the "GUILTY" decision of the tribunal audience, IAC activists distributed thousands of signs declaring Bush GUILTY of War Crimes throughout the massive demonstration, and thousands of Tribunal Journals with the charges against Bush to every contingent on the march.
Despite attempts by the city and the media to discourage and intimidate protests, people came from as far away as Texas, California, and Florida. From disillusioned Republicans to militant anti-imperialists, they had come to show active disapproval of Bush and his policies. Signs opposed the war, calling Bush a liar, a fool and a war criminal.
Contingents included veterans, labor activists, youth, and an anti- imperialist contingent, among others. Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), a newly-formed group of veterans from the "Operation Iraqi Freedom," was there, calling for an end to the war.
After the big march, smaller groups confronted partying Republican delegates on Broadway and in posh restaurants.
Monday: The convention opens, the struggle continues
On Monday, Aug. 30, along with dozens of smaller actions, several thousand people joined the Still We Rise Coalition March, which kicked off at Union Square at noon and marched to the convention site at Madison Square Garden. "People with AIDS are under attack!" they chanted. "What do we do? Act Up, fight back!"
At 4 p.m., the "March for Our Lives," organized by the Poor Peoples Economic Human Rights Campaign, rallied at the United Nations. They decided to march downtown though they had no permit. In the face of a massive police presence, protestors marched towards 34th St., where they were met by a line a police vans. The militant crowd refused to stop and began chanting "Who's streets? Our Streets!" The police stepped back and protesters marched to Madison Square Garden.
At these actions the IAC had a presence, distributing placards and literature. Building for the Oct. 17 Million Worker March. And joining in the struggle.
Coming up: Resistance Continues
Many organizations are planning events over the next few days. On Tuesday, Aug. 31, the A31 coalition has called for a day of non-violent civil disobedience and direct action.
Also on Tuesday, from 5 to 7 p.m., there will be a pro-choice rally in Union Square.
On Wednesday, Sept. 1, the Central Labor Council March to Stop Bush will start at 4 p.m. at 8th Ave. and 30th St. This will be an important gathering to reach out and build toward the Million Worker March. Contact the IAC to take part in this effort.
On Thursday, Sept. 2, the day Bush is nominated, Artists & Activists United for Peace will have a march and rally beginning at 2 p.m. at the Harlem State Office Building (163 W 125th St. & Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd.). Speakers will include Chuck D of Public Enemy, City Council Member Charles Barron, Larry Holmes of the IAC, Nellie Bailey of the Harlem Tenants Council, and many others.
Also on Thursday, at Madison Square Garden, a demonstration called by the ANSWER coalition will take place outside the Convention Hall at the very moment that Bush will be accepting the nomination. The Sept. 2 demonstration begins at 7 p.m. at 31st and 8th Ave. This demonstration demands Bring the Troops Home Now!, U.S. Out of Iraq!, End Colonial Occupation of Iraq, Haiti, Palestine & Everywhere!
IAC's Resistance Center
On Tuesday night, Aug. 31, activists will gather at the International Action Center at 7 p.m. for a discussion of the Week of Resistance, reports from the streets, political analysis, and to gear up for the final two days of struggle.
The IAC office (39 W. 14th St. #206) will be open all week as a Resistance Center. Activists are welcome to drop by to pick up placards, get the latest information about protest events, and network with other activists from around the world. We also need volunteers to help with the Week of Resistance. Call 212-633-6646 for more information.
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International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
email: mailto:iacenter@action-mail.org
En Espanol: iac-cai@action-mail.org
Web: http://www.iacenter.org
Support Mumia Abu-Jamal: http://www.millions4mumia.org/
phone: 212 633-6646
fax: 212 633-2889
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