Sunday, October 10, 2010


Memorials and Updates for Victims of U.S. Nuke Testing in Marshall Islands

# ERUB Survivors Website - 2008 Memorial for nuke legacy victims from Enewetak, Rongelap, Utrok, and Bikini Atoll
# Musical Video: "Problems, Problems" - Majuro Middle School Children Singing
# Longtime Scientist, Administrator Rall Dies - Developed thyroid treatments after radioactive fallout in Marshalls
# PARS gives update on latest with nuclear fallout compensation - update on how close Guam is to being included in compensation
# Marshall Islands nuclear survivors speak - Statement of Minister Amenta Matthew For Nuclear Survivors Day
# Barbara Rose Johnston Receives Lourdes Arizpe Award - for work on Nuclear Claims Tribunal with people of Rongelap

SURVIVORS: ERUB means shattered/broken in the Marshallese Language. We are an organization of survivors from "Enewetak, Rongelap, Utrok, and Bikini Atoll" ERUB Appeal to Justice - as seeking people in the United States and the World.
1. Justice for Survivors, equal to the Cost of the One (1) Week Iraq War.
2. "Justice" for Survivors NOW!
3. Many Survivors have died without receiving JUSTICE.
4. We have suffered for fifty four (54) years from BRAVO, and sicty two (62) years since the beginning of the U.S. Nuclear TEsting Program.

SCIENTIST: Joseph “Ed” Rall, thyroid expert, former NIH deputy director for intramural research (DDIR) and a scientist who in the 1950s built a legendary endocrine group in the newly created National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases before serving for nearly 20 years as scientific director for that institute and its various transformations into NIDDK, died Feb. 28. He was 88.His first major contribution to science, said Gottesman, came in the late 1950s, as a graduate student at the Mayo Clinic and then postdoc at Memorial Sloan-Kettering, where Rall was among the first to use radioactive iodine to study thyroid function. With his long-time friend and NIH colleague Jack Robbins and others, Rall introduced hormone treatment to thwart the development of thyroid nodules and cancer from radiation fallout from atomic bomb testing near the Bikini Atoll. “The programs they developed for prevention and treatment of these radiation-related problems have become standards of care, applied by Ed and his NIDDK colleagues to the near-meltdown at Three Mile Island and for the disaster at Chernobyl,” Gottesman noted.

PARS: The Pacific Association for Radiation Survivors will hold a general membership meeting this Sunday. President Robert Celestial says participants will get an update on how close Guam is to being included in compensation for those who may have been exposed to nuclear fallout from tests conducted during and after World War II in the Marshall Islands.Celestial told KUAM News, "That brings us within the same realm with the downwinders from Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico. So they would be receiving their compensation through the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act since 2002. Certain amendments were done in between and we were forgotten, however in 2005 we were recommended to be included." A 2005 National Research Council report recommends that Guam be considered downwinders for inclusion in the Act. Eligible applicants may qualify for a $50,000 tax-free grant, with anyone having lived on Guam between the years 1946-1974 may apply.

RONGELAP: On morning of March 1, 1954, the life of all our people was forever changed, when the Bomb, a thermo-nuclear device code named “Bravo” was detonated 300 miles west of Utrik. History will record that the Bravo ‘bomb’ had 1000 times the explosive power of the bombs dropped on Japan, and was by far the largest explosion to have taken place anywhere in the world up to that time.People living on Utrik remember seeing a “bright light” something like a second sun rising in the west. Others recall that the “sky turned red” and heard a loud explosion like thunder, and thought a new war had started. In a very real sense March 1, 1954 was the beginning of a new “war” but this war was upon the people of Utrik, and others in the Marshall Islands. Our enemy, was invisible contamination what we call “poison” that invaded our food, our water, our land, our homes, our bodies and the bodies of our children.At first, the invisible enemy, “poison” was not known. For many years that after the bomb, our people went about their lives. They did not know they were living with ‘poison’ as no one warned them of the danger they were facing, or the risk to their lives and the lives of their children. Poison cannot be seen, or heard or felt. No one on Utrik knew where the poison was located, or how it got into our food, into our water, and invaded our lives. In America however, scientists knew about ‘poison’ or radiation as they called it. They knew about the dangers we faced. But these scientists did not want to help us. No, instead the wanted to study us. In a top-secret meeting held in New York City, in 1956, the Advisory Committee on Biology and Medicine of the US Atomic Energy Commission discussed the situation of the Utrik people. Dr. Merrill Eisenbud, the man responsible for the health and safety of people involved in the Nuclear Testing Program, made the following comments, and I quote him here. He said: “We think that one very intriguing study can be made and plans are on the way to implement this — Uterik Atoll is the atoll farthest from the March 1 shot where people were exposed.” Dr. Eisenbud further said Utrik “is by far the most contaminated place in the world and it will be very interesting to go back and get good environmental data, .what isotopes are involved and a sample of food changes in many as to get a measure of the human uptake when people live in a contaminated environment.”

AWARD: The 2007 awardees were honored at a reception and ceremony on December 1, 2007, at the AAA meeting in Washington, D.C. Barbara Rose Johnson was awareded for her reparations work for Chioxy Dam Legacy Issues Study in Guatemala and for the Nuclear Claims Tribunal with people of Rongelap. Johnston and other meticulously documented the consequences of 1954 thermonuclear testing.
YokweOnline | Sunday, March 30, 2008 | 2634 Reads

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