Sunday, October 3, 2010

Monday, December 22, 2008
The Truth About War With Iran
And since I'm working from a Zionist-controlled, agenda-promoting, war-pushing, piece of propaganda, the truth is VERY SMALL!

"Iran election raises hope for change; Mayor of Tehran gearing for run" by Farah Stockman, Globe Staff | December 22, 2008

TEHRAN - .... Iran has more political freedom than many countries in the region...."

EXCUSE ME? Care to ELABORATE on that a little?

No, they don't.

To read about who the ZIONIST AMERIKAN MSM is promoting, go here

Good thing the U.S. never MEDDLES in others' politics, huh?

See: U.S. Government Harbors Terrorist Jundallah


Operation Ajax

Iranian airliner shootdown


Bush Authorizes New Covert Action Against Iran
Terrorism, definition:

"[An] act of terrorism, means any activity that (A) involves a violent act or an act dangerous to human life that is a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State; and (B) appears to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by assassination or kidnapping."

"The hope that Iranians will blame their own government for their hardships, and that their complaints will influence the regime"

Are we CLEAR?


"The deployment of such an air-defense system by Iran would clearly be meant for keeping Israel in check"

Oh, so, the New York Times ADMITS that it is ISRAEL that is the BELLIGERENT!!!

Otherwise, WHY would PEACE-LOVING Iz-ray-HELL need to be "RESTRAINED!?

But OFF to WAR we MUST GO, says the AGENDA-PUSHING, Zionist War Daily!!!

Iran shuts office of human rights group

I heard the same thing about Iraq and that turned out to be a crock of lies, and besides IRAN has the MOST OPEN SYSTEM so knock it off with the agit-prop spies and their lies, will you, jewsmedia?


"Russia delivering missile, Iran official says" by Nazila Fathi, New York Times | December 22, 2008

TEHRAN - An Iranian official said Russia had started delivering an advanced air-defense system to Iran, despite earlier denials by Russia that a deal had been reached, the official IRNA news agency reported yesterday.

Translation: Russia wanted to keep it quiet because ISRAEL (or Bush) MUST BOMB before the AIR DEFENSES for IRAN are UP and ACTIVATED! Buckle up, folks!! WWIII coming soon!!

The official, Esmail Kosari, the deputy head of Parliament's Commission for Foreign Affairs and National Security, was quoted by IRNA as saying, "After a few years of talks with Russia, now the S-300 system is being delivered." The S-300 is a surface-to-air missile system, and is called SA-20 by Western militaries. It can track aircraft and fire at them from more than 100 miles away.

No big deal when we arm Israel to the teeth, so WTF?

But in September, amid reports that a deal was near, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Andrei Nesterenko, denied that Russia would sell the missile system to Iran. "We do not intend to supply those types of armaments to countries in the region," he was quoted as saying in the semi-official Fars news agency.

The Interfax news agency reported that the Russian Foreign Ministry had said it was "investigating" the Iranian reports. Israeli officials have long lobbied to prevent Russia from selling the system to Iran. Yigal Palmor, a spokesman for Israel's Foreign Ministry, said yesterday that a senior Russian official had told Israel that the new report about delivery of the S-300 was false. Earlier this year, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was in Moscow and asked the Kremlin not to go ahead with the sale.

I hope the Russians told them were to stick it!

The deployment of such an air-defense system by Iran would clearly be meant for keeping Israel in check. Israel, along with the United States and other Western nations, has accused Iran of pursuing a nuclear weapons program. In June, Israel's air force carried out what US intelligence officials described as a rehearsal for a possible preemptive strike on Iranian nuclear facilities.


Of course, it MAY NOT be TOMORROW, but the DAY is COMING, folks!!!!

"That first foreign challenge

DURING the fall campaign, Joe Biden ruminated aloud about a foreign policy challenge that a President Obama would have to confront early on.

Related: Biden Foretells Coming False-Flag Terror Event

That challenge has come even sooner than Biden anticipated. To test Barack Obama's intentions, if not his mettle, Russia recently announced it plans to go forward with the on-again off-again sale of an advanced air defense system to Iran. The military purpose of the S-300 air defense system would be to hinder the United States or Israel from setting back Iran's nuclear program with an air assault on Iranian nuclear sites....

Which would be a WAR CRIME because Iran is NOT Building a Nuclear Bomb


A good augury for Obama's early Kremlin challenge is that both Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana, the ranking Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee, and Henry Kissinger visited Moscow this month for high-level discussions. Lugar met with a counterpart in the Russian Duma, and Kissinger held talks with Medvedev and Putin.

So Hank was either telling Russia we are going ahead with the invasion of Iran, or there to gage their reaction and report back.

These two go-betweens may bring Obama a message about the Kremlin's terms for repairing a relationship that deteriorated dangerously under Bush....

I told you! And look at the lying, war-promoting paper acting like it cares about peace!

Obama has the cards. Now he has to play them right.


Aaaaaaah, OBAMA has the CARDS!!!!

Related (remember, Times owns Globe):

More MSM Lies About Iran

Israel Writes The New York Times News Pages

The New York Times: Israel's Mouthpiece

The New York Times Tells Another War-Mongering Lie

Look What Came With the Sunday Times

Also see: How Israel Got the Nuclear Bomb
Posted by Rocker at 8:23 AM
Labels: Iran, Neo-Con Plan, Russia
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