Sunday, October 3, 2010

Saturday, May 31, 2008
Did HAARP Cause China Earthquake?
"Did U.S.'s HAARP cause Earthquake in Sichuan Province, China on May 12, 2008?"

"HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program based in Gakona, Alaska. (Wikipedia)

"The June 5, 1977, New York Times described the great earthquake which destroyed Tangshan, China on July 28, 1976, and killed over 650,000 people:

'Just before the first tremor at 3:42 am, the sky lit up like daylight. The multi-hued lights, mainly white and red, were seen up to 200 miles away. Leaves on many trees were burned to a crisp and growing vegetables were scorched on one side, as if by a fireball.'" (excerpt found on Weather Weapon conspiracy theory web site)

Proof of a 1977 treaty on prohibiting "environmental modification" for hostile warfare purpose...on U.S. Department of State web site.

Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques

The Internet report claims China plans a retaliatory strike against U.S. for the attack on China through weather weaponry (scroll down below within the link)...

I've added the story, readers:

"China Orders Strike Against US For Catastrophic Earthquake"
"Russian Foreign Ministry reports are stating today the Prime Minister Putin’s ‘sudden’ diplomatic trip to France was made at the behest of China’s President Hu in order to ‘warn’ the European Union not to become involved with the US following what is widely expected to be a ‘retaliatory strike’ against the United States, and who the Chinese military has blamed for the catastrophic May 12th earthquake that has killed nearly 90,000 human beings.

Chinese and Russian Military scientists, these reports say, are concurring with Canadian researcher, and former Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief of Forbes Magazine, Benjamin Fulford, who in a very disturbing video released from his Japanese offices to the American public, details how the United States attacked China by the firing of a Billion Million Volt Shockwave from the Americans High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facilities in Alaska.

So powerful was this Shockwave, Britain’s Times Online News Service is reporting that the entire atmosphere over the Chinese earthquake zone became mysteriously changed 30 minutes prior to the 8.0 Magnitude Trembler

“Can clouds predict earthquakes? YouTube has footage of strange multicoloured clouds seen just before the recent earthquake struck Sichuan province in China.

The first impression is of a rainbow smeared on to small scraps of clouds, a phenomenon best known in a circumzenithal halo. This is created when sunlight shines through cirrus clouds full of tiny hexagonal ice crystals shaped like plates. The crystals behave like glass prisms, splitting the light into a bow with the colours of the spectrum, often brighter than a rainbow.

But one puzzle is that the colours in the Chinese clouds were upside down from a normal circumzenithal halo – red pointing towards the horizon and blue towards the Sun, instead of the other way round.”

Russian scientists are further speculating that the United States strike against China was ‘exactly timed’ to coincide with the dangerous experiments ongoing at Large Hadron Collider for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), and which we had previously reported on in our May 13th report titled “CERN ‘Nailed Heart Of Earth’ With China Quake, Chilean Volcano”.

Russian Military Analysts note that though China’s Military has ordered its vast submarine fleet to ‘disperse’ throughout the Pacific Ocean, the Chinese ‘attack’ against the United States would, most likely, take a form of economic warfare instead of an actual clashing of forces.

More disturbing, however, in these reports is China’s urging of both Syria and Turkey not to allow more water into mighty rivers of the Euphrates and Tigris, which the Iraqis are warning are running dry due to the severe drought in that war-torn Nation.

The importance of this latest move by China is the newly signed Defense Pact signed between Iran and Syria which would allow Chinese Military Forces permission to use Iranian territory to come to the aid of Syria.

It should be further noted that the Christian Bibles New Testament Book of Revelations (Chapter 16, Verse 12) prophesied that the Euphrates will dry up in preparation for the Battle of Armageddon and would be crossed by an Eastern Army of 200 million soldiers, of which in our World today only China is able to field and have the ability to reach by land alone.

As the United States and China battle for their very survival in a World becoming increasing volatile due to the rapidly growing shortages of both food and fuel, one does indeed wonder if the End Times are now upon us all.

© May 30, 2008 EU and US all rights reserved.
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USA probably damaged China's morale as well as incurring large economic loss to show who's the boss. If you don't think this is plausible, watch the video clips below.

Note how "soft" the earthquake appears compared to "hard ripping" like California earthquakes in 1989 (S.F.) and 1994 (Northridge).

7.8 magnitutde Earthquake (7 min)

What is HAARP? (10 min)

Project Bluebeam (10 min)

Benjamin Fulford investigates the bizarre happenings (10 min)

Multicolored clouds 30 minutes before Earthquake (3:23)

My theory: Because it's impossible for this phenomena to occur naturally, it's likely caused by the artificially created high frequency microwave beamed from the satellite to stimulate the earth and rock below for a few days before it 'cracks'.

Posted by Rocker at 4:18 PM
Labels: China, Environment, U.S.
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Forecast: Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr! "Freeze threatens crops, chills Southeast" by Associated Press | January 5, 2010. COLUMBIA, SC - Severe cold settled in across the eastern half of the country yesterday, threatening crops, closing schools, ...
Posted by Rocker at January 5, 2010 3:36 PM

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