Sunday, January 11, 2009
Bush Told Israel No on Iran Attack
Please read AmeriKan MSM Admits Iran Not Building Bomb before settling in for this piece of war-promoting, Zionist propaganda!!!!
And add THIS to the mix, will ya?
"Iran had stockpiled 1,050 pounds of low-enriched uranium so far.... It would need 3,740 pounds to convert into high-enriched uranium, or HEU, for fueling an atom bomb."
So they AIN'T MAKING a BOMB, folks!!!!
The AmeriKan jewsmedia is LYING TO YOU AGAIN!!!!
"US denied Israeli bid for bunker-buster bombs; Had wanted to strike Iran nuclear facility" by David E. Sanger, New York Times | January 11, 2009
WASHINGTON - President Bush deflected a secret request by Israel last year for specialized bunker-busting bombs it wanted for an attack on Iran's main nuclear complex and told the Israelis that he had authorized new covert action intended to sabotage Iran's suspected effort to develop nuclear weapons, according to senior American and foreign officials.
Related: U.S. Government Harbors Terrorist Jundallah
Operation Ajax
Iranian airliner shootdown
Bush Authorizes New Covert Action Against Iran
Terrorism, definition:
"[An] act of terrorism, means any activity that (A) involves a violent act or an act dangerous to human life that is a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State; and (B) appears to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by assassination or kidnapping."
"The hope that Iranians will blame their own government for their hardships, and that their complaints will influence the regime"
Are we CLEAR?
Of course, USrael has the GOD-GIVEN RIGHT to WAGE COVERT WAR and FALSE FLAGS on anyone in the world -- otherwise there would be press outrage, right?
White House officials never conclusively determined whether Israel had decided to go ahead with the strike before the United States protested, or whether Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel was trying to goad the White House into more decisive action before Bush left office.
He's still got ten days left.
Related: Bush and Olmert to Coordinate Iran Bombing
The Bush administration was particularly alarmed by an Israeli request to fly over Iraq to reach Iran's major nuclear complex at Natanz, where the country's only known uranium enrichment plant is located.
The White House denied that request outright, American officials said, and the Israelis backed off their plans, at least temporarily. But the tense exchanges also prompted the White House to step up intelligence-sharing with Israel and brief Israeli officials on new American efforts to subtly sabotage Iran's nuclear infrastructure, a covert program that Bush is about to hand off to President-elect Barack Obama.
Who the fuck are they working for again?
If Obama is a good man he will END the TERRORISM against Iran!
This account of the expanded American covert program and the Bush administration's efforts to dissuade Israel from an aerial attack on Iran emerged in interviews over the past 15 months with current and former American officials, outside experts, international nuclear inspectors, and European and Israeli officials.
None would speak on the record because of the great secrecy surrounding the intelligence developed on Iran. The interviews also suggest that while Bush was extensively briefed on options for an overt American attack on Iran's facilities, he never instructed the Pentagon to move beyond contingency planning, even during the final year of his presidency.
The interviews also indicate that Bush was convinced by top administration officials, led by Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, that any overt attack on Iran would probably prove ineffective, lead to the expulsion of international inspectors, and drive Iran's nuclear effort further out of view. Bush and his aides also discussed the possibility that an air strike could ignite a broad Middle East war in which America's 140,000 troops in Iraq would inevitably become involved.
Instead, Bush embraced more intensive covert operations actions aimed at Iran, the interviews show, having concluded that the sanctions imposed by the United States and its allies were failing to slow the uranium enrichment efforts.
Somehow those are NO PROBLEMS! You know, the bus bombs, etc.
The covert American program, started in early 2008, includes renewed American efforts to penetrate Iran's nuclear supply chain abroad, along with new efforts, some of them experimental, to undermine electrical systems, computer systems, and other networks on which Iran relies. It is aimed at delaying the day that Iran can produce the weapons-grade fuel and designs it needs to produce a workable nuclear weapon....
How would we react if someone was always fucking with us, 'murka?
Oh, yeah, and IRAN AIN'T MAKING a BOMB, got it?
Israel's effort to obtain the weapons, refueling capacity, and permission to fly over Iraq for an attack on Iran grew out of its disbelief and anger at an American intelligence assessment completed in late 2007 that concluded that Iran had effectively suspended its development of nuclear weapons four years earlier.
Well, FUCK THEM, then!! We don't need that parasitical vampire as a "friend."
That conclusion also stunned Bush's national security team - and Bush himself, who was deeply suspicious of the conclusion, according to officials who discussed it with him.
Yeah, and Iraq had nookular bombs.
Posted by Rocker at 10:04 AM
Labels: Bush, Iran, Israel, MSM, Neo-Con Plan
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