Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thursday, August 16, 2007
Who Needs Afghanistan?
Yup, demonize the web now, fascist fucks!

This ain't about "terrorists," this is about a POLICE STATE!

So the "terrorists" ARE HERE, even though we fightin' 'em OVER THERE, huh?


"Internet is 'the new Afghanistan': NY police commissioner" by Michelle Nichols and Edith Honan/Reuters August 15, 2007

NEW YORK - The Internet is the new battleground against Islamist extremism because it provides ideology that could radicalize Westerners who might then initiate home-grown attacks, New York police commissioner Raymond Kelly said on Wednesday.

Kelly, as he released a New York Police Department (NYPD) report on the home-grown threat of attacks by Islamist extremists:

"The Internet is the new Afghanistan. It is the de facto training ground. It's an area of concern."

[FUCK YOU, Commissioner!!

Got that, government puke?

It is YOU who are the TERRORISTS, not us!


The report found that the challenge for Western authorities was to identify, pre-empt and prevent home-grown threats, which was difficult because many of those who might undertake an attack often commit no crimes along the path to extremism.

[This is SUCH SHIT!

All for MONITORING and ENSLAVING purposes, nothing more!]

The report identified the four stages to radicalization as pre-radicalization, self-identification, indoctrination, and jihadization, and said the Internet drove and enabled the process.

[How about directing that diagnosis at our NEO-CON NUTCASE LEADERS, huh?

Check out the PNAC website first!]

Radicalization could be triggered by such things as the loss of a job, the death of a close family member, alienation, discrimination, and international conflicts involving Muslims, said the report by senior NYPD intelligence analysts.

[Or the Bush administration's Neo-Con agenda, which can cause a person to RAIL PROFANELY!]

The report "Radicalization in the West: The Home-grown Threat," which analyzed five home-grown U.S. attack plots:

"Much different from the Israeli-Palestinian equation, the transformation of a Western-based individual to a terrorist is not triggered by oppression, suffering, revenge or desperation. Rather, it is a phenomenon that occurs because the individual is looking for an identity and a cause and unfortunately, often finds them in extremist Islam."

[Or the Repuglican and democraPic parties.]

"More importantly, 9/11 established the current trend of committing an act in the name of global jihad as a natural culmination of full radicalization and the ultimate responsibility for the fully radicalized jihadist. Starting the radicalization process does not mean everyone will progress to become a terrorist. Individuals who have been radicalized but are not jihadists may serve as mentors and agents of influence to those who might become terrorists of tomorrow."

[Pushed along by FBI moles, no doubt!]

"The powerful gravitational pull of individuals' religious roots and identity sometimes supersedes the assimilating nature of American society."

[Sort of like ISRAELI IDENTITY supersedes AMERICAN INTERESTS for the Neo-Con criminals who GAVE US these WARS of LIES!!!!!]
Posted by Rocker at 3:15 PM
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