Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday, August 7, 2007
The True AmeriKa
After what we have done in Iraq? Yes, sir!


The US invasion has turned Iraq into a testing-ground for new theories on counterinsurgency. One by one the cities in the Sunni region have been surrounded with razor-wire; vital supplies have been cut off, check-points set up, snipers placed on rooftops, and the siege begins. Civilian neighborhoods are branded as “terrorist strongholds” and pounded with heavy artillery and aerial bombardment. We have declared war on some of the poorest people on earth—ghetto warfare with the most sophisticated high-tech weaponry ever invented.

Who will tell these peoples’ story? The New York Times? FOX News?

The attacks on holy sites and mosques have persisted to this day. There is a conscious effort to destroy all the religious symbols and monuments which bind the people together in the shared experience of a common faith.

The same sinister forces which are inciting the sectarian violence are trying to remove all sense of kinship, brotherhood, nationalism and spirituality. Their objective is to “wipe the slate clean” and rebuild the entire society according to their neoliberal model.

If that is not genocide; then what is?

We are starving and brutalizing children while we extol the “America’s fallen” as if one life is more valuable than another. What sort of sick joke is this? This is nothing more than cultural narcissism served up by pseudo-patriots in the political establishment who are drunk on death and power. They worship violence like a god and they are pushing us all towards Armageddon.


Five years into a war against Iraq and her people. Five years of an illegal and immoral war launched by lies, half-truths, obfuscations and more lies.

Lies and more Lies provided by the war mongering NeoCONS and the even more rabid Zionist Lobby. Five years of ungodly hell we have unleashed on the Iraqi people. Before that, another war against Iraqi's, also launched by lies and more lies, followed by 12 years of illegal sanctions against the Iraqi people.

This is the sick and twisted dictators of Amerika, Bush and Cheney's way of exporting their version of "Democracy" to the Middle East.

Which is nothing more than LIE, hidden with the help of the Zionist dominated MSM and their lackey's and shills, like that venom spewing Rush Limbaugh and the equally abhorrent racist war monger, O'Reilly.

As the author asks, who will report on this genocide of the Iraqi's? Not the war mongering cheerleaders at FOX, the main propaganda organ for the NeoCONS and the Zionist lobby.

Not CNN, another cheerleader for the extermination of Iraq.

America, what a sad and pathetic country we are. Our colors are Red, White and Blue. People think those colors represents the American flag.

Perhaps, but what those colors really represent are: Red, the color of flowing blood. White and Blue, the colors the body's flesh starts turning into when either wounded or killed. Colors which the Iraqi's get acquainted with on a daily basis.

And that is the true America: A nation of war mongers, who can never satiate their carnivorous blood lust for the Arabic people's of the Middle East."
Posted by Rocker at 12:24 PM
Labels: Iraq
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