Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Asia on AmeriKa's Side
"Southeast Asian nations beef up to counter China" by John Pomfret, Washington Post | August 15, 2010
They should change their name to War Promoter (WaPo for short) because that is ALL THEY DO!
WASHINGTON — The nations of Southeast Asia are building up their militaries, buying submarines and jet fighters at a record pace, and edging closer strategically to the United States as a hedge against China’s rise and its claims to all of the South China Sea.
“For everyone in China’s region, they’re now the biggest trading partner.’’
Ever think they are buying the weapons to DEFEND AGAINST YOU, AmeriKa?
See: Blessed Are the Peace-Makers
Yeah, and they ain't you and Israel!
Weapons acquisitions in the region almost doubled from 2005 to 2009, compared with the five preceding years, according to data released by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute this year.
“There is a threat perception among some of the countries in Southeast Asia,’’ said Siemon Wezeman, senior fellow at the institute. “China is an issue there.’’
The buying spree is set to continue, with reports that Vietnam has agreed to pay $2.4 billion for six Russian Kilo-class submarines and a dozen Su-30MKK jet fighters equipped for maritime warfare.
Oh, they are BUYING RUSSIAN WEAPONS not AmeriKan?!!
Those are NOT TO BE USED against CHINA, America!!!
Related: Clinton Continues Victimization of Vietnam
And Vietnam is our "friend."
See how we treat our "friends," world?
This is in addition to Australia’s stated commitment to buy or build nine more submarines and bolster its air force with 100 US-built F-35s.
As they sell China iron ore by the ton and are "Australia’s number one trading partner. "
Of course, no one would ever turn weapons we sold them against us, right?
Malaysia has also paid more than $1 billion for two diesel submarines from France, and Indonesia has recently announced that it, too, will acquire new submarines.
Related: Indonesian Afterthoughts
Concerns about China’s rise were on display in Hanoi in mid-July during a regional security forum that included the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the United States, China, and other Asian powers.
So says my lying War Promoter!
During the meeting, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for the first time effectively rejected China’s claims to sovereignty over the whole 1.3 million-square-mile sea. Eleven other nations, led by Vietnam, backed the United States, leaving the Chinese foreign minister, Yang Jiechi, noticeably shaken by the offensive, diplomats present said.
“We reserve the right to exercise in international waters anywhere in the world,’’ said Rear Admiral Daniel Cloyd, the top US official in the exercise."
We are an in-f***ing-credibly arrogant empire, folks!
So how are our "friends" going to react when we TURN on THEM, huh?
Or are they ALREADY PREPARING for it?
The US and Southeast Asian push on China came in part because, US and Asian officials said, China’s behavior has turned more aggressive in the region.
Are they holding threatening war games aimed at regime change in Korea?
And my AGENDA-PUSHING, WAR-PROMOTING USraeli mouthpiece we call a newspaper has SOME NERVE lecturing about AGGRESSION, huh?
China has converted several warships for use by its maritime services and dispatched them to the region. On June 23, an Indonesian naval craft was pushed out of waters claimed by Indonesia after a ship from the Chinese fishery administration, one of the former warships, trained a heavy machine gun on the Indonesian boat.
Yes, HOW ODD that I am READING about that for the FIRST TIME in my Boston Globe!
See my Indonesia file for what slop the Globe has shoveled at us in the interim.
Over the past year, China’s maritime fleet has seized at least 22 Vietnamese fishing vessels, according to Vietnamese media reports. China has also unilaterally issued fishing bans for disputed waters.
Vietnam recently accused China of violating its sovereignty by conducting seismic exploration near disputed islands in the South China Sea.
“Vietnam demands that China immediately cease and stop the recurrence of these violations of Vietnam’s sovereignty,’’ Vietnamese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Nguyen Phuong Nga said.
You know, they have always been at odds and ill-at-ease with each other.
For years, specialists have predicted that China’s “soft power’’ and growing economy would allow it to dominate the region. But as China’s diplomacy turned more aggressive, the region has defied those predictions and looked to Washington for help.
As opposed to the AmeriKan WAR MACHINE and its "diplomats!"
Yup, now TALKING is a way of WAGING WAR for Usrael's enemies!!!
“Rather than using the rise of China as a strategic counterweight to American primacy,’’ concluded a report by Australia’s Lowy Institute for International Policy this year, “most countries in Asia seem to be quietly bandwagoning with the United States to balance against China’s future power potential.’’
As they INCREASE TRADE with CHINA, yup!!
In 2009, when asked to choose a country that would be the greatest source of peace and stability in the region in 10 years, “strategic elites’’ in the region overwhelmingly choose the United States, according to a survey conducted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. The country that posed the greatest threat to the region, the survey found, was not North Korea but China.
Translation: The PoS propaganda think tank TALKED to its FRIENDS in the region!
What a PIECE of WaPo BULLSHIT this WHOLE "report" is!!!!!!!!
Specialists generally agree that Vietnam’s weapons acquisitions program is the most significant because it appears singularly focused on deterring China.
Yeah, except they BOUGHT THEM from the RUSSIANS!!!
“Vietnam is spending a lot of money and focusing on the sea with submarines and fighters and even missiles,’’ said Carl Thayer, a professor at the Australian Defense Force Academy.
Vietnam has reached out to a variety of partners. It has a strong relationship with India, one of China’s main competitors in the region. But Vietnam is also growing increasingly close to the United States.
You can SEE the FRONT LINES of WWIII developing!!!
US and Vietnamese military and government officials meet regularly. There is talk of a strategic relationship. Senior meetings on formalizing a military relationship are expected this year. Trade between the nations is booming, up from $2.91 billion in 2002 to $15.4 billion in 2009.
After it participated in military exercises with South Korea in mid-July, the carrier USS George Washington was in Vietnamese waters this month, feting senior Vietnamese officials. China had criticized the United States for conducting military exercises with South Korea. Vietnam welcomed the US Navy.
Then BRING on the WAR!!!
Yeah, turns out the Pentagon has just as much chutzpah as the Amerikan MSM:
"Pentagon highlights secrecy of China’s military buildup" by Anne Flaherty, Associated Press | August 17, 2010
WASHINGTON — China’s drive to transform itself into a major military power is being pursued in a secretive manner that increases the potential for misunderstanding and military conflict with other nations, the Pentagon says in a new report.
Also see: PNAC
Clean Break
Yeah, I guess WE are NOT SECRET about OUR GOALS, 'eh, AmeriKa!?
The Defense Department’s annual assessment, released yesterday, says Beijing is upgrading its hefty arsenal of land-based missiles, modernizing its nuclear forces, and expanding its fleet of attack submarines.
Yeah, even though AmeriKa and her allies OUTSPEND the ENTIRE WORLD on WAR!
Of course, AmeriKa and Israel can DO ALL THOSE THINGS and it is called "defense!"
The effort comes as China has suspended military-to-military talks with the United States, which could reassure US officials about the motives behind Beijing’s military buildup.
Yeah, they cut off talks because WE ARE ASSHOLES, America!!!!
US-China relations have been particularly strained in recent months, as China rejected the results of an investigation blaming North Korea for the sinking of a South Korean warship.
See: Sinking the Chances of Korean Peace
China’s military buildup also is seen as a threat to the US ability to defend Taiwan.
"Taiwan's rapidly improving ties with longtime foe China are diminishing US influence"
Are you TIRED of the SELF-SERVING, WAR-PROMOTING LIES yet, dear readers?
The congressionally mandated report doesn’t contain any surprises. It has long been known that China — emerging as a world economic powerhouse — is pouring billions of dollars into offensive and defensive military capabilities to protect its regional interests.
But US officials say the trend is disappointing because of the secrecy surrounding the moves, which make it difficult to gauge Beijing’s intentions.
China has refused to meet with senior Pentagon officials this year, including Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who was rebuffed from traveling to China during a visit to Asia in June....
Of course, when Israel does it to us we shove our noses up their ass even further.
The official, not authorized to speak publicly, spoke on condition of anonymity.
Which means it is ALL CRAP PROPAGANDA!
The report states that “the limited transparency in China’s military and security affairs enhances uncertainty and increases the potential for misunderstanding and miscalculation.’’
China has been dismissive of US accusations that the growth and modernization of its military poses a threat.
US officials say China could do more to promote stability in its region and join Western nations in denouncing Iran and North Korea’s nuclear ambitions....
In other words DO WHAT WE SAY or you are an "ENEMY!"
Related: Whipping Up a War in Korea
Among the findings in the Pentagon report is that China has as many as 1,150 short-range ballistic missiles and is acquiring an unknown number of medium-range missiles.
China also is developing artillery systems with the ability to strike across the Taiwan Strait, the report states.
In a separate development yesterday, 86,000 US and South Korean troops launched another round of joint military exercises, which were described by Lee Myung-bak, the South Korean president, as a deterrent against war.
Related: U.S. Postpones Iran Attack
Yeah, turns out we LIED to CHINA about THOSE, too!!
The drills are based largely on computer-simulated war games and are being held in the southern part of the peninsula.
The U.S. WAR GAMES are just a VIDEO GAME, aren't they?
Related: Pakistan-China YOUYI-III (Friendship) Joint Military Exercise 2010
China Challenges U.S. Superpower Status
Yeah, THAT is what this PROPAGANDA from the War Promoter is ALL ABOUT!
Also see: China's Economic Indicators
Yeah, SAY GOODBYE to YOUR ECONOMY, AmeriKa!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Rocker at 8:27 AM
Labels: Business, China, Indonesia, MSM, Neo-Con Plan, U.S., Vietnam
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