Wednesday, June 17, 2009
100 Reasons Not to Read This Post
But you will anyway, won't you?
"Warning: Reading This Will Turn You… Into Me!
By Phillip Marlow
January 28, 2008
Warning! Should you... go on.... you’ll be taking the Red Pill and will wake up from the Matrix World and never be able to go back. A few things may even get you waterboarded or even wacked – should you dig too deeply into them.
100 top stories (below) that the major American news corporations must avoid covering – if at all possible. But if they do, it must only be in limited, very careful ways (no talk about Jews ever allowed). Thinking about these things will give you a major head rush. Keep in mind, when reading them, that you’d agree each and every one would be a giant story in any really free country. The conclusions are inescapable, anymore: This country is living the BIG LIE – big time.
I only touched a few of the more interesting tidbits to 9/11. There’s enough lies, omissions and distortions for an entire separate post, all to itself. I will add to this particular post as time goes on. Feel free to give me any news that deserves to be listed here – that’s not covered by the national news.
Knowing these things will give you a whole other perspective to the daily garbage that the media feeds you. All the useless stories about Britney Spear’s kids and the missing white wife of the week – all of that simply pales in comparison. It’s plain that such brain-dead fodder is to lull the American populace into a complacent, sleepy-like state.
The more you think about these things, the angrier you’ll be. Not only that, but the whole concept will make one dizzy over the ramifications of such a thing taking place in this country. Yeah, everybody thought we were in the land of the free and all– but the media ignoring these kinds of things makes it the Matrix world – for real!
All of these can be researched and are mostly provable with just a modicum of effort (and plenty of disagreements, I’m sure). But if you do seriously look at any of them –you may just come up with a few yourself, along the way. Warning: messing with this kind of stuff means “taking the Red Pill” and is not at all, reversible!
Here’s the list of the top 100 stories that our brave media has done everything possible to ignore (including the History Channel). Remember, when you read each, think about why you’ve hardly seen much or anything about it in the media and why. None of this is in any exact order, just read it:
1) The NAFTA I-69 Super Corridor (mega highway and rail) is being built from Mexico, through the Midwest and into Canada. Everybody in Texas and Oklahoma knows all about it. The rest of the country doesn’t. Read more here
2) Rudy Giuliani’s law firm is handling the paper work for this NAFTA highway and foreign (Spanish) construction companies are building it. Rudy’s an “Insider” to the real game being played.
3) The North American Union and all the stealth initiatives in bringing this about (target date 2010). Oh, it’s quite real, alright. They want people to ridicule it as mere “Conspiracy Theory” –just like 9/11– because it obfuscates reality. But any research will easily prove otherwise.
4) The Amero — the new replacement to the US dollar. Coming real soon by the looks of things going on with the economy and the dollar. Think about that.
5) The Constitution will be completely rewritten when the US merges with Canada and Mexico to form the North American Union (scheduled for 2010). Certain laws are even now being rewritten and Constitutional Conventions (CON CONS) are in the works. After 2010, being an American will mean nothing anymore.
6) The real reason the Southern Border was never fenced or guarded worth a dam, contrary to all of Bush’s promises, is that it’s because its always been a MOOT point. ICE raids and Chertoff tough talk, as of late, are nothing but PR efforts for media consumption. The current crop of presidential candidates know all this, too. Hillary even has a Bush liason person on her campaign staff. DHS Lies about the Fence
7) The racist, anti-White La RAZA is being funded with Corporate and US tax dollars. This group loudly trumpets it’s goal of taking over the entire Southwest and calling it AZTLAN. LA RAZA GIVEN MILLIONS IN TAX DOLLARS PEPSICO FUNDS LA RAZA
8] The Bin Laden family’s business involvement with the Bush family down through the years, including the Carlyle group and Bush’s Texas Gubernatorial campaign. Read more here Or anything on the connections of the Bushes, the CIA, Pakistan’s Intelligence services (ISI) and the 9/11 hijackers. One ISI General, Mahmoud Ahmad, has been proven to have wired Atta at least $100,000.
9) Adam Gadahn (Azzam the American) but his real name is Adam Pearlman and he’s the grandson of a prominent Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) board member, Carl Pearlman; and who grew up to be the first-ever Jewish Al-Qaeda spokesperson or Jewish Al-Qaeda anything. Some believe he’s actually a CIA or Mossad operative, as part of a giant “PSYOPS” gig on the public to bolster paranoia.
10) All the 9/11 hijacker’s real identities. Some of the named individuals are still alive. Muhammad Atta actually had an American girlfriend and liked to party hardy. His father insists he received a phone call from him on 9/12.
11) The 5 Dancing Israelis: They were first seen celebrating within 15 minutes of the first tower being hit when no one else knew if it was an accident or not. Evidence such as maps and documents seized, when arrested, showed them as having advance knowledge of 9/11, the targets that day and all this has since been classified by the Federal government. At least 2 have been shown to be Mossad. Read my 9/11 blog post on this. Or read this here
12) The over 80 Security films from the Pentagon 9/11 crash, were classified by the Department of Justice after 9/11 with no explanations given other than possible evidence for the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui (now over) or completely spurious reasons like “copyright issues” like in the Kennedy/Zapruder film. Read more here
13) “Put Options” trading on Airline, Morgan Stanley and Insurance stocks did occur in numbers far beyond mere happenstance in the week before 9/11. The major purchases were in Toronto, Canada and Hamburg, Germany and may have been handled through a financial firm said to be owned by former CIA Executive Director “Buzzy” Krongard. Those behind this, have been excused and sheltered by the SEC, FBI and the 9/11 Commission as “not capable of knowing in advance.” All of the information has been rendered impenetrable. Read more here
14) Technically, it’s virtually impossible for any cell phone calls to have been made by the passengers aboard the doomed 9/11 flights at more than 8,000 feet. Only seat-back or Airphones could have been used, yet Flight 77’s aircraft was proven not to have any seat-back phones when Barbara Olson called her husband Ted Olson, to tell him that Arabs had gained control of the plane using box-cutters. Read more here
15) The last three minutes of the cockpit voice recording from Flight 93 had only the sounds of wind blowing and no human voices. Feds refuse to release it to the public and only allowed surviving family members to hear it once, without allowing them to write anything down. The one possible cell phone call that the government refuses to talk about, came from passenger Ed Felts in a toilet as Flight 93 was close to the ground, right before impact and his death. He said there was an explosion and the sounds of rushing wind could be heard in the background.
16) Pennsylvania locals insist there was a second crash site to Flight 93 about 6 miles away that was quickly closed off to the public by FBI and still denied today. A returning F-15 pilot reports that he was told a plane was shot down that day. Seismic data also recorded that the crash of Flight 93, was three minutes later than what the official US government timeline maintains for the impact.
17) Our so-called Director of Homeland Security, Zionist Michael Chertoff, once represented a man (the Jew Magdy Elimir) implicated in a insurance scam involving al-Qaeda finances and stopped an investigation and prosecution of him. He also allowed an obvious Mossad operation called the Art Students, as well as the Dancing Israelis to go free and return to Israel. Chertoff appears to be intimately involved in the 9/11 plot.
18] Michael Chertoff’s last name means “of the Devil” in Russian. He’s a dual-citizen of Israel and his mother was an agent for the Mossad. Read more here He also gave 19.6 million dollars, out of the 24 million earmarked for US private civilian security efforts, to US Jewish organizations.
19) The Pentagon comptroller and super-Zionist, Rabbi Dov Zakheim’s missing 2.3 trillion was reported by Rumsfeld on 9/10/01. That’s right, on a Monday, the day before 9/11. This is more than “Black Projects,” it appears that a massive turn-over of military equipment to Israel occurred, totally illegal and unbeknown to any public accounting (GAO). Read more here
20) There are indeed such high-tech devices as remote-control guided equipment, easily installable on large Jets, and totally capable of take-offs, landings and everything in between. Rabbi Dov Zakheim once headed part of the company that made this equipment. Read more here Also, distinct evidence of Nano-Thermite explosives has been found in the dust of WTC.
21) The Federal Reserve System is really a collection of NY banks controlled by publicly unknown stockholders, but said to be 70% Foreign JEW banks. It’s been ruled a privately-owned business by a Judge in a liability case and basically owns this ENTIRE country, lock, stock and barrel since December of 1913. That same year the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Rockefeller Foundation and the CFR are formed, coincedentally or suspiciously enough. Read more here
22) Personal Income Taxes have zero basis in the Constitution, nor has there been any laws passed by the Congress. Court cases have been based solely on a few Judge’s decisions over the years.
23) Your personal taxes pretty much go exclusively to the interest on the National Debt (i.e. the privately-owned Federal Reserve banks). About 3 months a year of your life is actually in slavery to publicly unknown people who own stocks in the banks controlling the Fed. The few government people appointed by the President to supposedly oversee it all, are not beholden to the Congress (or you). Fractional Reserve System Dollars
24) John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order #11110 5 months before his assassination, to create silver-based government currency issues, which would have seriously compromised the authority of the Federal Reserve — and the real powers behind that and Israel.
25) Who are real majority stock holders of the Federal Reserve banks? Why has the History Channel ignored it’s 1913 creation and the secret Jekyll Isle meeting? How about that statement from Wilson (shortly before his death) about signing away this country’s democracy to unnamed people? Many of these people are a secret group of rich and powerful, Globalist Zionists — English and American Jews — whose association dates back to the 19th century and even before: The Rothschilds, Warburgs, Schiffs, Harrimans, Feres, Lehmans, Kuhns and Loebs. These people, combined with crypto-Jew Rockefellar and Kissinger, are the major US component and engine for the elitist, Transnational Globalists — your real rulers. Read more here
26) Bordergate: Drug shipments, up from Mexico, were discovered in organized rail shipping and cleverly hidden in empty tanker cars. A Customs Inspector, Darlene Fitzgerald, was pressured to discontinue her investigations into all this by her supervisors. Read more here
27) Bordergate: Real “Mexican Stand-offs,” with rogue (or not) Mexican military units and our weakly-armed Border Patrol agents, while they help drug operations cross over our southern border. There’s been several out and out gun-battles ignored by the mainstream press.
28] Massive cocaine shipments were once landed into an airport in Mena, Arkansas by the CIA, when Clinton was Governor. The money from this operation supplied the Contras and other CIA gambits and may still be going on, elsewhere (see #26). There’s also said to be audio tapes of George H. W. Bush, Sr. discussing Iran-Contra and drug running, recorded by an Israeli named Amaran Nir, Terrorism Consultant to former Israeli PM Shimon Peres. Here’s a recent CIA/Jew Mafia Drug Run
29) A former FBI translator, Sibel Edmonds, says she uncovered evidence of a multi-billion dollar criminal drug operation, with connections to 9/11, and it all goes back to a nucleus of the same people. She also says that the State Department is totally corrupted. She’s been completely muzzled by an unprecedented court order to prevent her from testifying in front of the American Congress itself. Read her website here
30) Former President George H. W. Bush’s dad (Dubya’s Grandad) business connections to the Nazis and concentration camp slavery during WWII. Although officially he had only one share of stock in the Union Bank, he sat on the board of directors for unknown reasons.
31) The Peter Paul videotape of Hillary Clinton discussing an illegal campaign contribution scheme over the phone. They have so much on the Clinton’s that any deviation from their plans can quickly be silenced by “press revelations.” Read more here
32) President Clinton warned Monica Lewinsky to shut up because their sexy talk might be recorded by a “foreign government.” This received one lousy paragraph in the Starr Report. Lewinsky may have been a Mossad “Honey Trap.” Read more here
33) President Clinton during all this, orders the FBI to cease investigations for a White House Israeli mole, code-named “Mega.” But this was way before Linda Tripp spilled the beans about the whole Lewinsky sex affair in such a way that couldn’t be ignored by the media.
34) Many Intelligence insiders think that Scooter Libby was the famed Mossad mole “Mega” while working at the State Department. His real identity remains unknown to the public.
35) The Starr Report and investigation cost the US taxpayer’s 60 million dollars, the 9/11 Commission report and investigation cost a paltry 15 million.
36) Scooter Libby’s State Department good buddy, Paul Wolfowitz, was once arrested in 1979 for providing a classified document to Israel through AIPAC (in 1978). The case was later squashed by Reagan’s White House people. He was also discovered promoting the export of the classified AIM-9 missle to Israel.
37) There’s a highly secretive, murderous organization -– said to be splintered off from the CIA -– called COREA, based in Hamburg, Germany, involved in international drug and arms smuggling such as the Iran-Contra affair. They might now be used by the regular CIA for “special things.” It may be called something else now.
38] Who are the secretive Bilderbergers and what is the full story on their little yearly shindigs? Can you say “One-World Government Think Tank for the Globalists?” Read more here
39) What’s the Council of Foreign Relations and why do so many government and media people (even Barbara Wawa) belong to it? They’re the ones behind all the North American Union efforts. The Council of Foreign Relations was formed by Paul Warburg and Col. Edward House, crypto-Jew, close adviser to President Woodrow Wilson and who pushed Wilson to sign the Federal Reserve Act on 12/23/13.
40) The Mossad’s evil motto is: By Deception, Thou Shalt Make War.
41) The Congress, in 1991, votes in the Declaration (US Congress, HR 104 Public Law 102-14) that states the US was founded on the 7 Noahide Laws of Judaism (Orthodox Jew stuff that makes you a second class citizen to the Jews). Efforts are underway to introduce Talmudic law or to even rewrite all of our laws to reflect the Noahide way. Will this be done when the North American Union is finally created (see #3)? Read more here
42) Bush’s Presidential directives now completely bypasses the US Constitution and give him or any future President, Dictatorial powers, if so desired. This includes decalring Martial Law on his own and throwing out Habeas Corpus, considered a fundamental right in America!
43) Both George Bush Sr. and Jr. attend yearly get-togethers at the Northern California backwoods retreat called The Bohemian Club, along with several hundred of the world’s movers and shakers such as Henry Kissinger and other Council of Foreign Relations members. There they attend a strange little ritual, give speeches to one another and engage in other unknown activities.
44) In 1979, the US mainstream news talked incessantly about a Illionois Nazi named “Frank Collins” and his fight to march in the predominately Jew town of Skokie, Illionois. A Jew ACLU lawyer “bravely” defended his free speech rights. After all the brouhaha, he was caught in a act of pedophelia and sentenced to prison. Then it was discovered that he really was a Jew to begin with! He now publishes new age books under the name Joseph Cohen. The Skokie business kick-started the contempory Holocaust schmeil.
45) The Department of Justice (FBI) ordering local police jurisdictions and State police to classify all Latinos and Arab criminals as white. All Latinos and Arab VICTIM stats are to remain. This narrows the gap between whites and blacks on the criminal stats to make blacks look better. This is a willful skewing by the government for social engineering reasons.
46) The country of Zimbabwe has now confiscated all land belonging to whites and the country is bankrupt and on the verge of mass starvation due to no one farming the land. The last White farmers are now leaving. Read more here
47) Whites in South Africa are now increasingly targeted for murder and rape by Blacks because they often get away with it. Over 3000 White farmers have been murdered in the last 10 years. Nelson Mandela actually chants a song about murdering white people at public events, in front of whites. This is ignored by an American press that supported the attacks on SA apartheid, yet ignores the same kinds of things about Israel. Read more here
48] Black-on-White “Hush Crimes” like the Knoxville torture murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom and so many others. Look up the Wichita Massacre and see my post on such crimes for 2007. Read more here
49) 90% of ALL interracial crimes committed, are of Blacks against Whites. Blacks are over 17 times more likely to kill a white than the other way around. Read more here
50) In the year 2005, DOJ reports that over 100 white women were raped or sexually assaulted, everyday, by black men versus somewhere between 0 and 10 white men sexually assaulting black women over the course of the entire year. Read more here
51) The government has secretly promised telecommunications companies not to prosecute or be sued for allowing them to spy on any and all American citizens freely. This is being done, right now. Read more here
52) The Israeli funded and based telecommunications company COMVERSE INFO systems and the back-door, Artificial Intelligence (AI) spying that the Israelis do with this installed equipment on our entire nation– US government included. Read more here
53) How about the real secret fear of the Israelis over the Iranian nuclear plants? No, not so much making a real nuclear bomb, but being able to manufacture “depleted uranium” (DU) tank shells which can kill an opposing tank from twice the distance. This will render moot Israel’s tactical superiority over the Syrians. Also, making low-tech “dirty bombs” (lethal, radioactive dust). US Forces greatest ground asset was the DU shells, which may be extremely dangerous to the environment and soldiers in the field. The media has been ordered to stay away from the topic.
54) Man-portable, backpack-sized mini-nuclear bombs do exist and our Navy Seals have practised with inert, mock-ups of them. A mock-up was once temporarily lost in Norfolk, VA by some drunk Seal team members and caused a secret, short-lived hullabaloo.
55) Passports now contain a radio-frequency identification chip in the spine. Some people are seriously suggesting Humans to have RFID implants –- just like pets -– for various security reasons with the big brainwashing efforts over children’s safety issues. Are you “Me,” yet?
56) A bio-metric (fingerprints probably), US Identity card will be mandatory for all States to institute by May of next year. You will not be able to fly (and much more) without having one. This is just one step away from #55 above.
57) Black box voting machines can easily be rigged to change your votes. There also a suit going in Ohio about Bush’s 2004 election results being tampered with (but on the paper trail). Read more here
58] A grandmother, Bev Harris, discovered a unsecured FTP site on the Internet that contained the source code for Diebold, the major manufacturer of electronic voting boxes. She downloaded everything and had computer experts look at it and they discovered hidden back-doors that could easily be accessed to change the votes. Diebold was a contributer to Bush’s campaigns.
59) What private, big New York money finances the Jewish Institute of National Security and other Jew Neocon groups pulling Washington and the Pentagon’s strings? What’s their motives in all of this (Israel)? Do you know that Jew Wall Streeters finance a slush fund for AIPAC (American Israeli Political Affairs Committee) approved candidates?
60) The increase in US blackmail to Israel is now close to 10 billion–up from 3 to 5 billion plus. Some say, with good reason, that it’s a bribe for them not to use the bomb in the Mideast or maybe even on us (the Samson Option). Read more here
61) US Aid to Israel (blackmail) figures from 1949 to 1996 show that for every dollar a Black African received in yearly US Aid, we gave Israel the equilvelant of $250 per Israeli. That’s now to be doubled! In fact, the US could have bought each Israeli family a car for all the money we’ve given to the country up to now. Israel refuses to tell us how they spend the money we give them. Some of it may come back here as bribes without us even having the slightest idea. Read more here
62) American Orthodox Jews have a special tax on foods in your grocery store called the “Kosher Tax” and runs in the hundreds of millions of dollars for their religious people to sit around and study the hate speech-filled Talmud. You are easily paying well over $120 a year or more, to bearded old men, who are literally calling for the day that you can be enslaved by them. Read more here
63) Israel actually has laws on it’s books that say Israeli police can come after you if you commit a crime on a American Jew or on his property in the US itself. As for now, the Jews respect our laws. Read more here
64) The Jews have a Talmudic Law Institute in the US, that’s expressly dedicated to finding ways of incorporating Talmudic (not the Torah) law into US law. Now imagine if the Catholics or Protestants did something like this? A dinner was hosted in the Supreme Court building by Antonin Scalia for 200 Jews to celebrate the opening of this institute. Read more here
65) Palestinians are sometimes purposefully run over by Israelis bulldozers, when demolishing their homes and once a young female British protester was killed this way. Read more here
66) Any of the racist, apartheid policies of Israel towards Muslim and Christian Palestinian Arabs living within Israel. The World Bank (1 million a mile of your tax dollars) is financing a huge wall being built to turn their towns into ghettoes, just like the Nazi once did to them. Israelis also have separate roads that Arabs cannot use. Compare all this to the wall Bush promised on our southern border. Read more here
67) The Jewish settlement projects are built on the best land of what was once set-aside for the Palestinians on the West Bank. American Jews are helping with money. The West Bank will never be under true Palestinian control. The Israelis are now building a 395-unit condo complex for American Jews in east Jerusalem, on land once dedicated to Palestinians. Read more here
68] The Israelis are illegally (UN law) constructing an entirely new 25,000 people city on the occupied Golan Heights named Qatzrin (or Katzrin) and located at the site of a supposedly ancient Talmudic center. Once again, American Jews are helping with the financing. Read more here
69) The Israelis are forcibly deporting thousands of illegal Black African immigrants, many fleeing the civil war in Dafur. They call them “infiltrators.” How’s that square with the Jewish ADL’s stance on illegal immigration into the US? Talk about utter hypocrites! Read more here
70) Ukrainian women are sometimes tricked into prostitution rackets (modern-day White slavery) and sent to Tel Aviv, Israel, by Jewish Russian Gangsters. There they are held against their will behind locked doors. 4 died when a competing Jew Pimp set one of the whore houses on fire. Read more here
71) Jewish Russian Mobsters and Italians were once caught making real SNUFF (as in murder) films using children from Catholic Orphanages in Italy.
72) Some Rabbi Mohels (Jews who perform ritual circumcision) clean the bloody, circumcised penis of newborns with their mouths. One was discovered to have passed sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) doing this. How freaky is that? Read more here
73) An eminent Italian-Israelis Historian, Ariel Toaf, spent 6 years researching, through Jewish and Latin sources, actual incidents of ritual Blood Libel that occurred in Italy during the Middle Ages. His controversial book “Bloody Passover” was pulled from shelves and destroyed. The author had documented Jewish sources, but modern-day Jews say they were forced confessions through torture. Read more here
74) The birthday of the Rebbe Schneerson of the world-wide Chabad-Lubivitch Jews, is dedicated by the US government as Education Day: March 26. The Zionistic Chabadists are extremely powerful in Washington, DC and they now have 70 world-wide centers — precisely the number of Goyim nations that their writings say is required to bring about the “Noahide” takeovers. Read more here
75) The Police in San Francisco and Los Angeles, California raided the massive west coast offices of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and discovered intelligence dossiers for thousands of private individuals –whom they were spying on– across the state. Shortly thereafter, the Feds launched an assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas which then completely obscured the story.
76) The British and Americans used phony documents to implicate Iraq in nuclear ambitions, called the Nigerian Yellow Cake letters. These were probably Mossad created “Teud,”or what they call forgeries and traced back to Rome, Italy from Washington Neocons. The British Downing Street Memo was also leaked and showed Anglo-British total BS reasons to go to war in Iraq.
77) Although much of the rest of the world knows this, the American public has been kept totally in the dark about all the oil pipelines now being constructed from Kirkuk, Iraq to the Israeli port city of Haifa. The US sent them a telegram offering to do this in return for unspecified help in the Iraq war. Jew 2003 News Article about it or overview: Read more here.
78] An Israeli Orthodox Jew immigrant to America, Asher Karni, once sold 200 medical devices, or “Spark-gap Ignitors,” to Muslim Pakistan which could easily be used as nuclear bomb detonators. Arguably, the most dangerous sale in American history, but the US media failed to mention who this guy really was (ABC mentioned the indictment, but not who the perp was). Read more here
79) The story about the Israelis stealing (the Jew plant owner looked the other way) about 100 pounds of plutonium from a plant in Pennsylvania and sending it back to Israel in small lead containers within diplomatic pouches, all under the eyes of our FBI, who could do nothing but knew what was going on.
80) The Israelis had a major laboratory contamination of Polonium 210, back in the late 50’s. This is the same highly radioactive material that agents for Russia’s Vladimir Putin are accused by the media of using to assassinate a man in London just recently, but neglect to mention Israel’s capability of making it nor the Israelis on-going efforts to smear Putin in the West.
81) How about just the simple fact of the Israelis having a nuclear bomb in the first place? Or the story of Mordaici Vananu exposing to the world this fact and how he was kidnapped on foreign soil (Italy) and bundled off to Israel for torture and solitary confinement for decades? Also, radioactive signatures were discovered emananting from the Israeli Consulate in NY, shortly after 9/11 by the USGS doing a survery. This, too, was buried by the media.
82) Elite Israeli Mossad agents often work hand-in-hand with US special forces in Iraq and Afghanistan but this is never mentioned in the US press. Several of the Abu Ghraib soldiers reported being under the control of Israeli “experts,” when they were implicated in the torture of Iraqis, but the media made sure to edit that out. How about the story of 6 female marines killed in Iraq in an 2005 ambush? Seems like the media would have been all over that one if it was truly free.
83) Two British Special Forces soldiers dressed in Arabic civilian clothing in Basra, Iraq, were captured by the Iraqi Civilian Police, with plastique explosives and sophisticated radio equipment. What they were up to remains unclear but the Iraqi refused to turn them loose. The Brits had to use tanks to free them from the Iraqi police.
84) Anything to do with AIPAC (American Israelis Public Affairs Committee) –even it’s mere existence is pretty much off-limits to any open press discussion (the Jew thing). Most Americans have never even heard of it and back in the early ’60’s the FBI tried to get them classified as a Foreign Agent (they are), which they avoided ever since by corrupting politicians. Read more here
85) How about politicians getting 10 times as much campaign money if they meet AIPAC approval, or maybe your opponent receiving that kind of support, should you vote on anything construed as negative about Israel? How about the media editorials about you? When politicians talk about campaign finance reform they really mean AIPAC reform. This is basically why we’re in Iraq, now.
86) Why hasn’t the media openly discussed the AIPAC spy case (outside of a few meagre, careful Washington Post articles)? This whole case has now been put on indefinite hold and the perps walk free. Read more here
87) How about the massive amount of spying done in this country by the Mossad over the years? Israelis and American Jews (basically the same) are caught all the time spying and given light slaps on the wrist by American justice. Israel even had a dedicated division called LAKHAM just for stealing US secrets (and probably still does). This American company was once contacted by some out-of-the-loop Israeli for technical/service help on a stolen piece of equipment! With friends like this, who needs enemies? Read more here
88] Some Jewish Synagogues in the US have large weapon caches, including automatic AK-47’s, in case Americans go crazy on their butts. These are called “Frames” and the Israeli Mossad (a foreign government) actually helped setting them up for these “American” Jews.
89) World-wide Jewish organizations, like the World Jewish Congress, declared war on Adolf Hitler’s Germany in 1934. This lead to extreme financial difficulties for Germany and eventually helped to propell Adolf into war.
90) Ethnic Germans were massacred by Jewish Poles before Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. In the Bromberg massacre, some 300 or so Germans were herded into an alleyway by Polish Jew soldiers and gunned down. A few brave historians estimate up to 5,500 Ethnic Germans were killed by the Poles before Hitler invaded to put a stop to it. Some 3 million ethnic Germans were “ethnically cleansed” in forced-marches, murder and rape by the Czechs at the end of the war in 1945.
91) Why hasn’t the History Channel ever done anything on the blatant lies dropped in the Holocaust business over the years, like the lamp shades made from human skin hoax or the soap hoax? How about the concrete evidence that the actual number of Jew victims is really much less than the 6 million and likely as low as 1.5 to 2.5 million?
92) A sign at Auschwitz, Poland showing the total victims was quietly revised (1979) down to 1.2 million from the original 4 million, yet the total Holocaust victim total still remains unchanged at 6 million. The gas chambers shown to tourists were built after the war. And it was technically impossible for the Nazi to have cremated thousands of Jews a day. Read my blog post here about it Any historian who says anything about this, or anyone else for that matter, risks serious prison time in Europe and in Canada. And that’s coming here –you watch.
93) Why did the Nuremburg War Crimes Tribunal hang Julius Streicher who had absolutely nothing to do with any war crimes? Maybe, it was only revenge for what he dared to print about the Jew?
94) Rudolf Hess was incarcerated for all of his entire life and, like Julius Streicher, had absolutely nothing to do with any war crimes. He was a doddering old man when he was supposedly strangled in the Spandau Prison by two British Special Forces (SAS) members and witnessed by a Black American sergeant, just a scant month before his prison home was scheduled to be demolished. How cold is that?
95) Why hasn’t the History Channel ever done anything on the Balfour Declaration, the Zionist’s efforts to get America into WWI or of the Palestinians raped and massacred and run-off their land by these Zionists after 1948?
96) The Mossad was caught bombing various targets in Egypt in 1954, including American and British targets, in an attempt to involve us in a war with Egypt. Called the Lavon Affair for the Israeli Defense Minister who eventually was made the fall guy. Israel only admitted it’s responsibility in 2005!
97) Conclusive proof surfaced recently, from US surveillance tapes, that proved the government of Israel purposefully attacked an American Intelligence ship, the USS Liberty, during the 1967 Six-Day war, to either get us involved or to cover-up the on-going executions of Egyptian Prisoners of War, at a nearby camp. They knew exactly who they were attacking and lied about it for decades. Read more here
98] It was a Mossad operative who threw the grenade into the La Belle Disco in Berlin that killed two US servicemen and a civilian in 1986. A radio transmitter was placed by a Mossad undercover team in Libya to prove to US eavesdroppers that it was Libya who did it. This resulted in our bombing of Kadaffi’s palace killing his adopted little girl. This came to light in 1999.
99) The Israeli Mossad knew in advance (from eavesdropping on telephone conversations) about the planned bombing of our Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, but purposefully decided keep quiet and not to warn us about it. This resulted in the death of 241 US Marines when an Hizbollah truck bomb was blown up at the entrance. Jews do this kind of thing all the time.
100) They are literally thousands of Zionist Jews all across the globe, who have been contacted by the Israeli Mossad or other Zionist Jews and who have pledged privately, to give any kind of help at all to the State of Israel, regardless of the country they live in and who they are supposedly citizens of. Other than helping the Mother State of Israel, there is no special conspiracy. No secret handshakes or coded messages are required!
This help may never be needed or it may be next week in a big way. It may only entail a phone call, to look the other way at a certain time or it may involve a major real-estate purchase that somehow requires double-indemnity terrorism insurance, just in case two terrorist attacks occur on the very same day!
These people are called “Sayan,” or the plural Sayanim. They’re an invisible, gigantic spy or fifth-columnist organization of secret power that most white goyim know nothing at all about. Do a search on one of the biggest American Sayan to date: Larry Silverstein.
ZOG, may in fact, be more real than what you’ve ever believed. Scary, huh?
And here’s 25 more stories that you will not hear about on the mainstream news: Project Censored
25 Top Censored Stories of 2009
Posted by Rocker at 10:55 PM
Labels: 9/11, American Tyranny, Israel, Neo-Con Plan
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