Are People in the Bussness and Goverment secter on some kind of stuipd Pills and Brainless Lets get real we never been out of the recession if we were out then the fifthteen milion people who lost their Jobs would be working and the econamy would be moving instead it is slowing and before the end of the year I am sure the unemployment will be in the ten percent range and with Obamas health care about to kick in and no incenatives for companies to hire ford and gm and others will continue to bulid plants in foriegn countries were labor is cheaper and expect the rest of us to buy their products People need to wake up in America and say No more career polaticions Kick them all out and start over But they wont they will belive the lies the people in the white house tell them America is Die from the inside out .Pure spin again. Round 2 of fiat money, printed money from the reckless Bernanke-Yellen Fed is the real reason for recent frothy rallies in the stock market. The jobs data are bad, and painful for the unemployed. In a supposedly civilised and humane society these data should not spark celebration anywhere. Wall Street, however, seems to be a society unto, and for itself.Every week a half million unemployed enter the uncounted list. Going on two years and twelve million uncounted unemployed. Yes, I am overjoyed with optimism.From day to day the story changes, I think the problem is that all these overpayed econimists do not have the a clue about whats coming next, the world has not seen this kind of down turn in close to 80 years and it took years to dig out of the last depression even with a world war right on its heals. Had world war II not killed off so many young men the strain for jobs would have continued for a much longer time, things will not be back to normal for years to come and some trades like construction may never come back. They have not even adressed what will happen to all the social programs like Social security and medi Care after they fall back due to very few paying into the programs during this crisis, once they fail America will have millions of dying starving seniors on their hands with a younger generation unable to bail them out due to the new pay scale of poverty wages. IT IS ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE.Zombie banks are not lending regardless how much money the fed sends to them by repurchase.
Home prices and retail sales scream deflation.
Look for the fed to send ice cream trucks into your neighborhood to distribute cash. That is the only effective way to put money to work.
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