The banks that are failing are those that are not owned by the Rotschild Jewish Family that owns the U.S. Federal Reserve. That's right. The U.S. Federal Reserve is NOT owned by the U.S. The Rotschild are European bankers and own all the banks in the world. They are doing a massive takeover of all U.S. banks.No more free loading on th e tax payers for any bank period. And I hope BoA is on that list of falling ontheir faces soon. They are still stealing from the people and no one is stoping them.wait til b of a crumbles. Mount your attack folks, they are the worst of the worst that we can attack right now. Ask for your loan docs. and compare to your own. Can you spell FRAUD ?I think BofA will fall in 2011. They are facing monumental law suits from home mortgage borrowers and home owners facing foreclosure for BofA's unlawful practices. With a stock price hovering around $10, it won't take much to tip Bank of America over.The bail out money should have been used to shore up the big banks, but only while we cut 10% of them each month and hired replacements. It would have taken 10 months to finish the job, but by now the cause of the problems would have been solved and the thievers would have been out in the street where they belong.
Instead they get rewarded and have all the power to do it all over again. The next one is already in motion.
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