Monday, December 27, 2010

The blue collars jobs they went to China.

Now its the white collar jobs.

Every bank, every corporation has tens of thousands of employees over in India, doing IT, answering phones....the government wont ever stop them cause the government values people with $ more than Americans without jobs. This is how it is.I have a retirement plan. It comes with free housing, medical, food and cable. It is called a federal prison. I think I'll rob a bank and then stand out front and wait for the police.OK. Is it sinking in that our politicians are the ones that are destroying the Florida economy and selling out Florida's future to the casinos owned by the indians? Indian Casino no pay taxes and get special monopoly on Casino revenue and take any land we want to call it reservation land when Governor sign it over to us therefore depriving florida out of 3 billion dollars a year. Get smart Florida companies.

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