Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bush, then Obama both signed off a trillion dollars to rescue Goldman Sachs and the rest of the greedy criminal banks and financials that caused the worldwide crisis in the first place, so now he's reaping the whirlwind - a tea party government that will take us back to slavery if they can, and they probably can.

You think that's a joke but it's not: the kind of economy this country will have after the collapse will make China look like upper middle class suburbs in New Jersey by comparison.

Meanwhile Republicans can only see solutions - or salvation - in yet more of a "market" economy, perhaps the stupidest public display of ignorance in history, since the freewheeling, shark-infested markets of turbo capitalism are what brought us here in the first place.

But LC is right about the rich getting richer - they will, and Obama is helping them, unless somebody stops them. I'm no right winger, but the tea party is reading the tea leaves correctly on this one -the only problem is, no one knows which way to turn for a solution.

My solution: take over those criminal banks and the crooks who've been running them, once and for all, including the Fed, and wipe the slate clean. In their place create a real democracy at the top levels of the running of our economy, one that won't destroy whole societies and nations with rapacious greed. This country doesn't need *any* billionaires, and it's time we put a stop to their existence - the very idea is obscene anyway.

The alternative? Well, that's what you've got now. Take your pick.

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