Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Court's, Congress and the Senate knows who's boss. Sure is'nt the American people. Know of any American's that refused to go to court and still walking the streets. Best legal system money can buy.Hooray! Terrorism like this will create more millionaires! The more governemnt officials involved the more bribes and favors required. Wonder why they don't want to pay another couple people?...they must have morals and will not take bribesInsurance fraud!
Company made off with
a lot of insurance money
is why spill went on so lonnnng

Doesn't take a rocket scientist
to know insurance pay out
was the motivating factor
behind spill.

Look at the situation,
do these companies not have
insurance to cover losses? yes!
So loss means what? More money
that's what! Oil company gained, not lost

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