God, I hope all of those immoral, murderers die. All the innocent women and children killed will never see their killers brought to justice. They are simply dismissed as collateral damage. Just a statistic.
But guess what, America. Karma can be a terrible thing. You're already fat and bankrupt and on the decline. Hope you fade into nothingness,USA needs to stop occupying poor countries lands and killing men women, kids and even animals and plants in the name of fighting terrorism.The only terror I ever knew is what USA is doing.I don't feel any petty for these soldiers,if you are stupid enough that you can see you are been use the you deserve to get shoot,kill or blown away.You don't see Bush,Cheney going to Iraq,you don't see their sons and daughters running to get enlisted to go to Afganistan,of course not ! That job ( or choice ) is only for the stupid ones ( or the poor people ) ...I don't feel sorry for you soldiers or your families,you got what you deserve.Gonna get much worse with homosexuals being openly gay in the military!!Join the United States military! Get sent to far off, exciting places, like beautiful Afghanistan. Get shot at and blown up, all so a bunch of fat-cats can watch their Halliburton stock price soar. And coming soon, you will get to do it all with openly gay soldiers! Ain't war fun!
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