Thursday, December 23, 2010

I used to back Israel but I no longer can. The Jews have shown their faces as the most bigoted of educated peoples. The US should cut off all aid until Israel can prove that it wants to be a productive member of the free world. They have become just like the Palestinians spewing hate just to keep the donations coming.It should be clear to anyone familiar with Israel and it's policies that the current, and recent regimes in Israel are about as tolerant of "non-Jews" as Al-Qaida.

Israel gets massive financial and military support from the United States only because of perfected political machinations by their lobbyists. Once their agents become elected representatives we are told what the U.S. policy should be, but we never have a meaningful debate in this country about this policy and there has never been a mandate by the American people to provide the billions sent to Israel year after year after year.Well, if this happened in a palestinian town, it would be all over the news everywhere, speaking of their intolerance. As is, anyone who says anything will be called an anti-semite. Gotta love the absurdity of our world.wait a second! I though jews were Christians what is going on here? sorry for my ignoranceThe request of the Arabs to put Christmas trees in the squares in the Arab quarter of Nazareth Illit is provocative, Nazareth Illit is a Jewish city and it will not happen -- not this year and not next year, so long as I am a mayor."

If it's a Jewish city, why did he refer to their area as "the Arab quarter"? That implies that quarter is not Jewish, and therefore he shouldn't be forcing Jewish beliefs on the people living in the non-Jewish section.

The Jewish people really do themselves no favors with how they treat the Arabs. These aren't the people who are firing the rockets, but doing this kind of thing just fuels the anti-Israel sentiments of that region.Another repost..this is happening in!

Warning ...

Americans need to know what goes on in Congress behind their backs

and who is orchestrating these sinister policies:

Are you aware that B'nai B'rith, AIPAC and other jewish orgs are pushing for

criminalization of criticism of jews..zionism..or israel...

and even AIPAC itself anti-semitic hate crimes? !!!

The definition of "anti-semitism" (as defined by the Jews who scripted the "act")
has already been codified into the language of the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act
passed in 2004. There is since then an "anti-semitism office" in our State


The "Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism" (SEAS)

advocates U.S. policy on anti-Semitism both in the U.S. and internationally.

Are there any other State Department offices to protect the interests of any other

religious group? The answer is NO.

Note too that it is currently a crime in 16 countries to deny the Holocaust in any

way that differs from the established Jewish version of it.

Also note the ..unpublicized.. AIPAC scripted letter to Obama

sponsored by Barbara Boxer (a Jewish Senator) and Johnny Isakson

(a traitorous Senator) and signed by 76 other treasonous senators (!!!)

last month calling on the President to keep differences with the Israeli government

quiet and away from public scrutiny!!!

Add to this the jewish control of our entire media and "news" organizations...

Movies..television..Cable..the major publishing..ACLU


Now America...ask who runs this country? Less than 1.5% of our population!

It sounds Orwellian..but it's 100% factual.

And google this after reading this post:

"the real motive behind the Dept. of Global Anti-semitism"

Email the White House..the State Dept. and Senators & Congressmen

Let them know you oppose this attempt to criminalize criticism.

It IS un-American !!! Don't allow freedom of speech to be muzzled.

Don't forget to email the White House and tell them you want this "act" repealed.

Don't allow jews to dictate what Americans can or cannot criticize!

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