Wednesday, December 29, 2010

In the 1950's the communists said they would take over the united states without firing a shot, looks like it might happen.The American "Middle Class" can only afford to buy "Made In China" goods because they has given too much of their Wealth to the "Very Rich". The "Very Rich" could afford to buy "Made in the USA" goods but their Stocks wouldn't pay as high Dividends. The US "Middle Class" will soon become the US "Mexican Class". The Good News (according to FAUX News) is when $1 US = 1 Peso the Chinese will start Outsourcing to the USA. Then "Boo Hoo Beck" and his Listeners will really have something to cry about.America has been OUTSOURCED to EVERYONE!! We as a Nation will fall if we don't STOP corrupt American Corporations!!!! and STOP Obama!!!The leaders in China do what is in the best interest of their country. The leaders in the US do what is in the best interest of multinational corporations.While China controls its booming economy, America struggles with gays in the military and tax cuts for the rich! Certainly looks like that diet of salt and fat and watching lugs run into themselves trying to move a ball is the road to success! No fiddling while the counrty burns here!Stupid Americans & other countries should be ashamed of themselves to give away their manufacturing jobs & even their money to China. Just to save a little money for consumers & make huge profits for the importers. You will receive the right punishment for your self-serving actions shortly.

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