Friday, December 31, 2010

It is only a matter of time before our fiat currency takes the dump. When the Fed decided to monetize the debt, the last nail in the coffin was hit hard.

ReplyI'll be shocked if the dollar isn't toilet paper by the end of 2011.

Hyperinflation: "How much for a buttered roll?" Reply: "That'll be $45,000."This story is proof that the fiat money system U.S. currently employs is about to fail.The middle class is going in the tank. Pretty soon it will just be the RICH and the POOR!! Wake up America. We gave our $$$ away back in 1971 when Nixon converted the dollar being back by gold to just plain paper currency. Our gold is going over seas!! We are selling off our ways of life to China and India. Their Middle Class populations are growing like crazy!!!!! Wake up America!! Get a $$$ education not a college education. WE ARE LOSING OUR DREAMS TO OVER SEAS COUNTRIES because of our GREED!!!which obama @#$% kisser wrote this fiction?the dollar is declining and will more,WE ARE BANKRUPT and BORROW 41 cents of every dollar we spend ,those figure will only get worse.THE USA IS 212 TRILLION IN DEBT!!!!!yet this author thinks its a safe bet?yeah like playing russian roulette with all chambers full.IDIOT!!!

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