Thursday, December 30, 2010

Maybe we can get China to distroy Washington DC.. I'm sure both countries would be better off for it.

How is that "change you can believe in" working for ya?USA is suffering from insecurity because tent cities are growing and stamp collectors? food stamp collectors are growing? Tea party are restless, sovereign citizens are restless..and they can't do anything except whine about China's slave wage? USA should sell her gold holdings..The amount of censorship on this thread is more proof that the US has a greater enemy in our midst than any foreign power one could imagine. And I thought the Chinese censors were bad! Who are you that would delete one of my comments then refuse to post my last one? Please move to China where such nonsense is encouraged.China is the new RULER OF THE WORLD.
forget fraud usa - a country of thives who stole land from Indians.China is so poor, Chinese tourists spend billions in London alone for shopping..China is so poor China bought Greece's debt..portugal..and US treasuries..and because of these, China is being raped internationally by the US led gangs..slave wages? China is the leading buyer of those branded cars from Europe..China is so poor, US government is blackmailing the country.

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