Thursday, December 23, 2010

Probably a surprise for many people here that:
1) there are Arab Christians
2) bigot Israel does not give freedom to non-jews to practice their religion

Why do Christians sound upset? You are only prevented from erecting a tree (which by the way has nothing to do with your religion)...while others have their homes invaded, women raped and children killed!I thought we support Israel because it is " the only democratic society" in the Middle East.
The truth is that they are a partial democracy and a racist society. The" Dubai Xmas tree"
makes a mockery of Jewish claims that muslims are intolerant.Hang in there people of Nazerath IIIit. America is run by name changing, Jewish string pullers and smut peddlers. But people are waking up to their lies and supermacism. In the end we will win against their hate driven plans."Roths Child power, as it was once known, has been so broadened by the entry of other banking families into governmental finance, that it must now be known not by the name of one family of Je ws, but by the name of the race. Thus it is spoken of as International Je Wish Fin an ce, and its principal figures are described as International Jewish Financiers."....Israel continues to exit because of U.S. tax payers that include Christians. The U.S Christians has a tradition of voicing concerns to protect the Jewish State.... Without the US, the Jewish State would cease to exist. Yet the U.S sits by and allows Israel to oppress the Arabs. The U.S. is complicit by omission. Keep our tax dollars to help the needy in the U.S and around the world. Israel needs to take care of it self. Lets see, without the U.S economic and military aid if the mayor would have his big mouth.First Iraq bans Christmas, now this town in Israel bans Christmas trees...what the heck is going on in this world? Ironically, Christianity is Judaism's biggest ally in these troubled times, its a shame that there are Jews and Christians alike who don't understand this.this is what bothers me....that the real racists in the jewish culture hold the less politically formed jewish people in front of them and claim 'victim' and 'anit semitism' if you ever question what they are up to or their cabal. It is OUR MONEY. Do you understand that? OURS.

I wouldn't be surprised at the tyranny of those vested in control and power in the banking and finace fileds to stage a tragedy or burn a temple or orchestrate vandalism to keep the fire going for whatever manipultaion they are trying to accomplish.

Even wonder at their participation in fanning the flames in the mideasttypical jews...they want tolerance from everyone, yet they pull crap like banning christmas trees. how about we ban jews for being "provocative" instead?

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