Monday, December 27, 2010

The reason I suspect what happened to 4 aircraft on 911...The FBI was aware of the 19 and they were under FBI observation...Ok here is my chance to speak out on terrorism. If one really thinks about the terrorists have already won the war. The towers fell and here we are 10 years later still looking for Bin Laden and his band of crazies. Thousands have died in the search for Bin Laden and we are no closer now that we were on 9/12/01. Yea Hussien is dead that's a good thing, but in the end he was nothing but hot air. The terrorists have won. There goal was to have us all living in fear of being attacked every day, and here we are. We are so afraid that we practically have given up all our rights, to make it easier for law enforcement to do their jobs. Not a better job just an easier one.

If we wanted to send a strong message to the terrorists that they are failing in their acts of cowardice we should have rebuilt the World Trade Center bigger and better than it ever was, We should do away with Homeland Security that does nothing but garner more insecurity. @#$% it give the power to our chosen military leaders and in no uncertain terms. It's called Unconditional Surrender. Carry the fight to the enemy and destroy his will to fight. Defeat and occupy until every last terrorist is either dead or realizes he's on the wrong side of the fight. Yea it will have a cost in lives and dollars, but when has freedom ever been FREE

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