Thursday, December 23, 2010

Since there has been no new jobs created in the last year and our housing is in the crapper I would say given our debts we are next. NO way we are able to keep paying China as they own 1/3 of our banks as it isOK,so here is the deal. While the media spins this, and the media spins that, the elitists have been orchestrating this for decades. If you truly look at what has happened in the last 30 or so years, you will see that we have seen a growing disparity between the rich and the poor. With this recent decline the middle class has been wretched from prosperity and relegated to the despair of poverty through the housing crisis. No-one has done anything to stop it. Carter had a play even, and the GWB introduced the New World Order to the country, then Clinton engrained the housing for everyone campaign, and the housing bubble was off and running while GWB sat and twiddled his thumbs and spent exhorbitant amounts of money and told everyone to spend, spend, spend. Credit unworthiness ensued with the collapse, and now the nation and the plenty of the people are broke, and many have a negative net worth. Obama walks in and start spending ten times worse than bushie boy did, and here we are, no end in sight in the spending, leaving a huge burden on the already beleaguered middle class.

The only way out is to stop. Stop doing anything. Reduce your income to manageable levels, thereby reducing your tax burden. The will force the .gov to stop this crap. Save everything you can. You are going to need it. This country is heading towards a dictatorship, a corporofascist dictatorship. This has been happening for decades, and you all are the pawns paying for it. Well, so am I. Oh well, I hope you had a good fourth !

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