Friday, December 24, 2010

Speculation is being permitted by both the Republicans and Democrats. The Finance Reform Bill passed in October, I am not sure what else is in it but restricting commodity futures trading which covers fuel prices and even electricity I believe is in the bill. Right now the lobbyist for the criminal banks like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley etc are working over time to prevent this from happening as stated by the chairman of the Commodities Futures Trade Commission himself. Congress has not funded the bill which means they are intentionly starving it. Congress has known what the bankers have been doing with oil speculation since 2006 when a Senate sub-committee investigated and reported the price surge in the same year. They chose to do nothing and ALLOWED the bankers to bring about this recession. How many homes have been lost and how many livelihoods destroyed by this greed and criminal negligence? Call your congressman now and let them know that this has to stop NOW! Search the phrase stop oil speculation and read the articles, all the info to back this up is immediately availableTHe business fundamental of GREED is back. They come up with all these reasons and lets be honest...GREED is the only driving factor on anything to do with Wall Street$3.00 a gal. gas or $10.00 a gal. gas it doesn't matter it's all the same our economy and the United States is un-stainable at eighther price the blue print for the American Life Style and our Ecomony was created on cheap easy to get to oil those days are long gone and what we have now is a country in a Great Depression not a Great Recession and all this will get a lot worse untill we finally become a third world country basicly in a nut shell America will be two tier society rich and poor the United States will become the Rich persons play ground and the poor will be their slaves look around it is already happening, the only way to possibly save this country is to revolt there needs to be blood in the streets and maybe years ago this possible but unfortuntly we have become spineless americans and this will probally never happen

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