Monday, December 27, 2010

This story isn't 'news' because the public knows all politicians are hypocrites... and republicans are the worst.Yes, it is wonderful to get something for nothing. My wife may be unemployed, but the gracious tax payers are extending her 2nd year on unemployment!! Thank you so much. But taxes won't rise, heck they just extended the tax cuts yet still, our family gets more free money from the Government! Actually, we pay absolutely NO INCOME taxes! What a Country. Not only do I get every penny of my income taxes back at the end of the year...but when I file, I get EXTRA money on my refund...more money than they deducted! The first year that happened, I thought it must be a mistake. I called the IRS and they assured me I rated the "earned income credit." What a country...I don't pay a dime in income taxes, plus you all pay me a bonus! plus my wife gets unemployment....whooooaaa…Thank YOU Mr. Obama and the American taxpayer. Who said you have to work hard to make a good living? In American, hell as long as draf my but to work on time we make a decent living...I for one, love it. Now, I know I pay sales tax, gas tax, tax on my phone bill, fees for licenses and registration, and property tax on a small house (total taxes roughly 10% of my annual income); but no income tax folks. I feel like we could afford a bit, like 5% maybe, but what the heck...Yes I love this Country

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