Wednesday, December 29, 2010

well.... looks like we need to invade China next, instead of iran. I agree the government has totally raped the Indian nations, and that this is paltry restitution, but why haven't these Senators "focused like a laser" on every issue and resolved it... like getting rid of the Federal Reserve who steal from all of us, and the Corporate Farmers who are stealing from the Indians, the true Americans. and Monsanto poisoning the indigenous populations with their GMO foods And the Big Investors who built Indian Casinos and give back a lousy 20% to the tribes... I say this guy is as phony as they come... don't break your arm patting yourself on the back, jerk...This was their land and we took it and if anyone disagrees with this its a disgrace. Shuffled off to reservation with little value and with many promises, every treaty with them was not only broken but they and the generations since have been forgotten, abused and screwed for too many decades.People may not realize it, but the Native Americans represent the best of the best. When they get old enough they often join the military. Given any kind of chance they most always do well. We do more for the blacks and latinos than we do for our American Indians. Tells you what kind of politicians we have.
We need to make an all out effort to help them and bring those reservatons into this century.

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