Who is more corrupted? Muslimes or POS Obama? Remember now that biotch POS Obama said he would bring our troops home, DID HE? NO, instead he sent more troops over there and for what? Only that POS can tell you, especially since he is so transparent right?
Billions have already disappeared and NO-ONE KNOWS WHERE IT WENT!!!! Corruption or do not know what the he*l*l is going on and is in way over his head as a community organizer to handle the job? Two years ago you voted based on skin color and the empty words of hope and change, unfortunately we all are now paying the price for those who failed to read and look beyond skin color and hot air, thank you for voting for Pieces of @#$% who would rather ATTACK LEGAL AMERICAN PEOPLE THAN TO ATTACK THOSE WHO ARE OFFENDED BY OUR WAY OF LIVING AND WANTS TO KILL US! POS Obama wars are not only costing the American tapayers 100's of billion $$$, but worst costing the lives of America's most valuable assets OUR SOLDIERS (SON'S, DAUGHTER'S, FATHER'S, MOTHER'S, BROTHER'S AND SISTER'S) AMERICANS!The US government calling someone corrupt?! There's the pot calling the kettle black!!We sent our finest to guard and protect their poppy fields. Their "finest" are drug dealing war lords from 1500 years ago. Our finest leave blood on their battlefields and their finest take it to the bank. Who decided this is a good idea? Who keeps deciding it's a good idea? Is there a functional state department anywhere? Get our finest out of there. This is insane.
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