Friday, December 31, 2010

Your "genious" politicains gave them our jobs, borrowed money from them...did you think they would change....this is just the beginning of "The Chinese squeeze"...! They kill thier own people, do you think they will love you..? Maybe our politicians are trying to eliminate the middle class in America by giving as many middle class jobs away to other countries...? Just a thought....It sure isn't helping us in any obvious way, is it. Besides, they passed laws so that you can HIDE where products are can put the USA label on it here, and it then is good enough to qualify.....Write your reps, tell them you don't support betraying AMERICANS like this..! Make them acknowledge your presence..!The only western company really in the rare earths production game today is Australia's Lynas Corporation (LYSDY:OTC), with a major producing mine in Australia and a modern processing facility in operation in Malaysia.There is only one Devil---not a host of evil spirits. Same here, there is only one evil, being greedy while people suffer needlessly--the American oil cartel: Union oil, Chevron, Shell, and all the other subhumans who run these despicable, greedy, unconscionable industry. Thanks Cheney, Bush, conservatives and Republicans for continuing to ruin this country.

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